When I first got a PS2, I was 6 years old. My dad used to surprise me and my younger brother with new games every couple of months. Me and my dad had just finished playing the original Army Men series (designed for kids) and I remember the day he turned up with this and Rwcket and clank 2. He didn’t read that it was 16+ at the time and to the shock of my mother, the other the top animations of soldiers being killed surprised them both.
Me and my dad would spend numerous weekend playing the story together and then the multiplayer. Recently, I tried to get my dad back into gaming (I’m 28 now) and the first thing he asked was “Is Sarges War still a thing?” And I had to explain to him that you can’t play it ANYWHERE unless you’ve got a PS2 or an emulator. I’d just love to show my dad this game one more time before we both get too old for gaming.