Battle Forge was one of a kind game made with Strategy gameplay and Deck building in mind that some will think of it as basically Magic the Gathering RTS, however, it had much more depth thanks to it's RTS side which allowed for very unique and fun mechanics such as Unit Sizes actually affecting how each unit would deal with one another, (e.g smaller units getting trampled by bigger ones). The Spells and Unit Abilities could quite literally change the outcome of a battle and it was magnificent to see, specially for the tech of that time!
Walls crumbling under the Stampede of a Juggernaut, the impact of Construct Main Cannon hitting a XL Unit and the visual spectacle of the many spells at your disposal are just a few examples of how amazing and addicting Battleforge trully was...and still is!
EA being EA shutdown Battleforge back in 2013 due to, most likely, financial reasons, however, the game has been recently revived back in 2020 thanks to passionate fans and rebranded as Skylords Reborn! It not only has a small dedicated playerbase but also recieved several updates in recent years with new cards already avaible and making new fresh and intereting Decks!
The game however lacks in visibility and thats where GoG's Dreamlist comes to mind, bringing Battleforge/Skylords Reborn to the Store as a free to play game (as it already is!) on a similar way as they did with Fallout 4: London will could surely help bring newer players to not only play the game but also help expedite it's development progress!
We still got a long way ahead of us for Battle Forge to reach a more noticeable place in the ranks of the Dreamlist but I hope one day it will be there or at the very least helps give it more reconition that trully deserves!