This might come as a huge surprise. Castlevania: Bloodlines was my favorite Castlevania game within Castlevania Anniversary Collection. Not because it's the solo Sega Castlevania game I'm not that bias. No because what it brought to the table. You get to play as two hunters. John Morris whose essentially the Belmont in the game. Eric Lecarde has the Alucard Spear. Personally I prefer playing as Eric more. He gets a longer reach that's helpful. Also he gets this awesome high jump as well. I'm not saying John sucks by any means. It just the typical Belmont experience when you're him. I actually liked we get to explore through the country. Eventually working our way into Dracula's castle. Yes they did try bringing two canons together. Castlevania canon with that of Dracula novel canon that strikingly works. This is among the goriest classic Castlevania games. Which can differ on that depending on region versions. Some of the visuals late into the game fantastic work. It's sorta like a particular stage in Rocket Knight Adventures also by Konami. What I love about this is unlike most classic Castlevania games. There isn't an timer meaning I can take longer to get through the stages. The artwork is truly amazing. The audio as a whole beautifully done. This game is between overlooked simply by other Castlevania games or not a lot of people knows of it's existence. I hope Castlevania Anniversary Collection and Sega Genesis Mini 1 fixed that problem. Some of my favorite versions for the bosses. Mostly The Creature actually is my favorite version of the character. The last stage you gotta bring it to beat the game. It's a shame this was the only solo Sega Castlevania game. Yes I know about Sega Saturn port of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Not quite the same thing here. Some even argue this is way better than that port.