The two weeks I spent playing Concord was genuinely the most fun I had playing a multiplayer game ever. It was to the point that I was able to get through my work shifts a lot easier because I would think "I can play Concord when I get home." Not a day has gone by where I don't think about the amount of good times I had playing as characters like Daw, Lennox, Teo, It-Z, Emari, Star Child, 1-Off and Jabali. Unlike seemingly the rest of the internet, I actually loved the characters, both in how they played and as actual characters in the story Firewalk was trying to tell.
I don't know if Concord will ever really be able to come back through GOG, knowing what Sony is like, but I'll be damned if I'm not taking a chance to try and bring back this extremely underappreciated gem.