Duke Nukem Forever is a game that built a lot of hype over the years and when it came out, it completely let down many fans including myself. Overtime, I grew more appreciation for this game with the amount of variety it offered including platforming, puzzle solving, interaction with many objects, and being able to explore around the Duke Burger tower the size of an action figure. Duke Nukem Forever may not win everyone over, but it is a love letter to those that deeply care for this character and franchise if looked at the right way. This is a piece of video game history that deserves to be preserved. If Gearbox still isn’t interested in making Duke 5 and fulfill the broken promise that was made years ago in giving this franchise a better future with fresh new titles, they, along with Take-Two should at least consider keeping Duke’s legacy alive by bringing DNF and other Duke games over to GOG, because Duke Nukem was and always will be the hero that is forever. He should be remembered as a one-man army saving earth from many invasions and not some random unfunny meme influencer somewhere on the internet.