Honestly. I don't know why this is here. But this is one of my most favorite Nintendo JRPG'S and games of all time (right next to wind waker).
Earthbound at its core is such a fun, quirky and game, yet it helped inspire dozens of similar games to follow suit (Undertale is an obvious comparison, but don't let the comparisons fool you). But to me, what make's Earthbound so fun is its relatability. Usually RPG's are set within the confines of a fantasy world with dragons, spells, monsters and the sort, however, Earthbound chooses to ground you in a suburban neighborhood. It captures that aspect of childhood that sparks curiosity.
If you haven't yet, please play Earthbound, it's considered to be one of Nintendo's neglected children, yet despite that, it has a special place in many people's hearts, mine included.