(as of this writing those two first person screenshots are NOT from this game)
A real hidden gem of its time, Gladius is a cherished experience for me. Has a real KOTOR 1 tone to its story full of character and dramatic moments through one of two chosen routes that eventually converge. Either the son of a war hero from Imperia (fantasy rome) or the daughter descended from the King of the warrior nation of Nordagh (fantasy germanic tribes).
Beyond its actual plot, it has a kind of emergent story telling similar to XCOM with its recruitable gladiators, ranging from more traditional warriors like secutors, archers, and axe wielding barbarians, to witches, assorted animals, a few unique fantasy creatures, and the undead.
Serwacy the secutor sounds like every other male secutor, but through their successes, failures, and a few voice lines, units tended to take a life of their own for me (and although the armor gear slot doesnt change the visual, you can customize hair, skin, and armor colors, and helmets, weapons, and shields do affect the model). There's such a visual and functional variety in the classes, as well as in the stages. Fighting takes place in a wide range of arenas from standard colosseums rings, palace courtyards, and an animal pen or two (gotta start somewhere), to inside a volcano, atop a snowy mountain, or among the bones of a dragon god.
not to oversell it though, the graphics are decent for the time, textures are good, baked lighting does the job, but particle effects are pretty lacking. still, the games full of color and character, not to mention the soundtrack courtesy of lucasarts' in-house orchestra.
naturally all of this is colored by my nostalgia. it got lots of 8's and 9's back then, never rated below a 7 if I remember right. worst I can say about it in my bias from recent playthroughs is the early pace is a bit slow. all of it together though creates a fantastic turn based rpg, and one I believe deserves as much attention as it can get.