This is truly one of the stellar gems of the Xbox 360. The gameplay is all too familiar to anyone that is a fan of the old-school Final Fantasy games. The developers are known as Mistwalker Studios, Who also created the Blue Dragon series As well as other mobile JRPG's. What's most interesting though? It was founded by Hironobu Sakaguchi. The creator of the Final Fantasy series. Many old-school Final Fantasy fans Say that this is the last great Final Fantasy game, despite not even being a part of the series. With Nobou Uematsu Composing the music for this amazing game, You could name this one Final Fantasy And it would fit right at home.
Combat is standard turn based With an interesting twist, There is a ring system Where upon Selecting an attack, A literal ring will appear on the screen, prompting the player to stop the ring just in time to land on a specific target on the screen Allowing the player to do more damage than normal. These rings are also how you Improve certain stats and gain certain status effects for your weapons. In addition, you have accessories that you can clip onto your party That will teach them certain abilities that you improve by gaining what's called ability points, or AP.
Now for the best part, You play as immortals in this game that have lived for thousands of years and now have to uncover the dark secret of your past in order to save the world that you live in. Certain members of your party are not immortals, And only have a static number of abilities that they can learn however the members of your parties that are immortals Learn all of their abilities from your non-immortal companions. Thus allowing an amazing amount of customization.
The opening is single-handedly the greatest opening to any video game I've ever seen in my life. I refuse to spoil it. Please go check it out for yourself if you can. Lastly many stories play out in text form called 1000 years of Dreams And has some of the best storytelling of all time.