I got so tired of all the stupid click bait, ad filled, and just plain stupid mobile games my son would play on my phone. When innappropriate ads came up, I decided enough was enough and he was going to play a premium game as long as he was hogging my phone.
He loves Beyond All Reason and Supreme Commander 2. I typed in the Google Play store "Total Annihilation", and Rusted Warfare came up. It is beyond a great RTS game for mobile. It is well worth the $5. My son has spent hours enjoying this game. While I prefer playing TA, BAR, and Supreme Commander on the computer, I enjoy playing this game on the phone occasionally too. But this game on the phone has given my son and I something else to bond over.
I literally just discovered minutes ago that this game is available on Steam. I would absolutely love to have this treasure on GOG.com. Spread the word folks! Limited graphics and 2D does not mean you can't have an outstanding RTS game. This is an amazing game.