I'm mostly voting for this because the original version was pulled from Steam to make way for the Remastered release...that never hit PC. It's on PlayStation! It's on smartphones! It's not on PC anymore.
I remember playing this years ago, and because I stubbornly wanted to 100% the game despite the superboss in my way, I paid for my folly facing the strongest version of the final boss since they're stronger the more sidequests you do. So, I almost won, died, and just used a trainer to no-effort it and took my shameful win just to be done with it.
A couple of years ago, I got the itch to go through the game again. While I made use of New Game Plus bonuses, I also did lots of research and put people into better classes and better Unions. I floundered the first time with a grasp of the game mechanics, but I actually understood the second time. Things actually clicked! I still ended up cheating for the final battle (just to get HP% accessories on everyone), but eh, my experience the second time catapulted it to one of my favorite games now.
Despite that, I'd still recommend hesitation/research. Sure, it's a turn-based strategy RPG, but it's closer to a mix of SaGa and Ogre Battle than something like Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics Ogre. It's obtuse as hell, classes unlock by what actions a character takes (but what actions are available depends on the class of the Union leader and random factors), but class changing is not only automatic but is one way, too. Classes aren't exotic like Black Mage or Samurai, but they mostly open up options in battle and skew a character towards acting a specific way. And you can't even directly give your allies equipment?!
If you check reviews, make sure they're not for the Xbox 360 version. The PC version fixed a lot of issues the original game had like being able to use Unions full of unique leader-type characters instead of them just being leaders, a Turbo Mode, Battle Rank (which impacts enemy strength) increases slower, etc.