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Read the manual. Manuals are there for a reason.
low rated
Lebesgue: Read the manual. Manuals are there for a reason.
There is no manual to read. If you think there is one, then why don't you copy and paste a page form it..I believe some clown mentioned something about page 17..I will have the person who made those videos rip that apart as well.

Even if there was a manual, I can pretty much guarantee that due to the state of what is being called the tutorial is in, it would just be nothing but the same exact half ass unexplained bullshit that's already listed in the game.

How about instead of being assholes why don't you give a single example on how to do combat. And explain everything from how to select something and know it's been selected all the way up to showing exactly every step on how to equip a weapon and know it's been equipped and then go through an attack by explaining exactly how to target and select something, and then use an attack on it.

Go over an example of how a spell is cast start with the opening of the spellbook then explain all about putting spells in it, and every step.
Post edited September 27, 2019 by tx3000
@tx3000, please bear in mind the people responding on these boards are not paid employees. They are just fans of the game and willing to help others. Being rude tothem is not a wise strategy.

@others, I checked the EE manuals and they are not as detailed as the originals
gnarbrag: @others, I checked the EE manuals and they are not as detailed as the originals
Beamdog didn't just reissue the non-EE manual? I'd have figured they'd use that as their base and just update the sections for things they changed, or maybe put together an addendum to note the changes if they weren't allowed to update the base manual.

Lebesgue: Read the manual. Manuals are there for a reason.
tx3000: There is no manual to read. If you think there is one, then why don't you copy and paste a page form it..I believe some clown mentioned something about page 17..I will have the person who made those videos rip that apart as well.
Some chucklehead already attached a screenshot showing a link that can be used to download a manual. I suggest checking post 6.

tx3000: How about instead of being assholes why don't you give a single example on how to do combat.
Why not both?

Combat 101
Step 1: Look for something with a red circle around it. The red circle means the thing doesn't like you.
Step 2: Click on your character. If you've managed to move around, then you should be able to figure out how to click your character.
Step 3: Click on the thing with the red circle.

You just told your character to attack the enemy. Good job! I've attached a gold star for you!

As for the rest, I'm afraid that material is far too advanced for you. You need at least 9 Intelligence to cast wizard spells.
tx3000: Are either of you going to actually help, or just continue being total jackasses?
Dude I'm your 342nd youtube subscriber and I#m liking your videos, show some gratitude!
low rated
Bookwyrm627: Combat 101
Step 1: Look for something with a red circle around it. The red circle means the thing doesn't like you.
Step 2: Click on your character. If you've managed to move around, then you should be able to figure out how to click your character.
Step 3: Click on the thing with the red circle.

You just told your character to attack the enemy. Good job! I've attached a gold star for you!
Just with that information alone combat still cannot be done which means your instructions are useless. There are two major flaws with your whole combat 101 outline.

1. There is no way a player would ever know that because none of that is even mentioned in the game at the time it should be,

2. Since you didn't bother to include how to open the inventory, and the go over all the steps to equip a weapon ( Which BTW is also never mentioned in the game at the time it should be) it makes your whole combat 101 impossible to do and obsolete.

Is combat even a possibility in the first room of BG II EE?

southern: Dude I'm your 342nd youtube subscriber and I#m liking your videos, show some gratitude!
Show some gratitude for what exactly?
Those aren't my videos, that isn't my channel, and that isn't me. So congratulations, you just subscribed to someone who isn't me and then gave me credit!
Post edited September 27, 2019 by tx3000
Okay, I just checked the two manuals for BG:EE. Between the two of them, they have absolutely EVERYTHING you need to know to get started in this game, plus other stuff besides. You might not like to hear "RTFM", but it's a common response for a *reason*. It's what we had to do back before guides, walkthroughs, etc. were widely available on the internet, and somehow we all got by.

TL,DR: stop complaining that the game doesn't spoon-feed you information, and make an attempt to learn it before you go onto forums to b**** about how a game that's widely considered a classic is 'impossible to play'.
low rated
Shadowsetzer: Okay, I just checked the two manuals for BG:EE. Between the two of them, they have absolutely EVERYTHING you need to know to get started in this game, plus other stuff besides. You might not like to hear "RTFM", but it's a common response for a *reason*. It's what we had to do back before guides, walkthroughs, etc. were widely available on the internet, and somehow we all got by.

TL,DR: stop complaining that the game doesn't spoon-feed you information, and make an attempt to learn it before you go onto forums to b**** about how a game that's widely considered a classic is 'impossible to play'.
Ok i looked through the manuals and they're total shit and about as useless as telling someone who doesn't know Greek, to learn it on their own without any help from anyone or getting help from anywhere and if they don't it's their fault.

Don't bother throwing out "Others can understand what it says" either. Of course the people who play the game can understand the manual, They played the game! so the manual will of course make sense to you.. That doesn't mean the manual can be understood.

You and everyone else who wants to bring up spoon feeding and look it up bullshit, can Fuck off with that. This is a game, not a college rhesus paper, I won't, look it up because I shouldn't have to. Again this is a game, not schoolwork Looking shit up outside the confines of the game is NEVER how a game is designed. Players started that bullshit. Anyone saying to anyone look something up means you're saying the devs don't have to completer their game and thus don't pay for the game. If someone pays for the game and doesn't get all the instructions, then a refund is required because the product is incomplete. this isn't early access. Anyone that buys a game is 100% entitled to all the basics from the developer themselves being explained..none of this look it up bullshit.

If you and others don't get the concept of how to play the game is the responsibility of the developer NOT THE PLAYER then your all retarded. The game cannot be played because it lacks all information on how to play it which is the developer's responsibility NO ONE ELSE'S. Stop telling people who ask for help it's their fault they don't know information the developer didn't bother providing then passing that off as it's no big deal because other people posted information. Stop defending bullshit developers that are this fucking lazy and incompetent.

I'm glad I borrowed the games. now that i know the devs didn't complete it, and others defend it the devs won't be getting my money because they don't deserve it..

So you're a retard. You do not tell people who come to a forum asking for help, where the people say if you need help ask, and then they're met with fuck off, leave the forum and go learn it yourself.

More so you don't get to complain you get talked to rudely and try to play victim after you just told the person who you are going to help to fuck off, and don't bother us.

Also don't try saying being rude won't get you help because no one is helping anyway and have yet to help. All people have done is pass the buck then says stop complaining.

People like you guys who do that should be banned from any forum because all you are there for is to instigate problems and provoke people, then try to play victim.
Post edited September 27, 2019 by tx3000
Shadowsetzer: Okay, I just checked the two manuals for BG:EE. Between the two of them, they have absolutely EVERYTHING you need to know to get started in this game, plus other stuff besides. You might not like to hear "RTFM", but it's a common response for a *reason*. It's what we had to do back before guides, walkthroughs, etc. were widely available on the internet, and somehow we all got by.

TL,DR: stop complaining that the game doesn't spoon-feed you information, and make an attempt to learn it before you go onto forums to b**** about how a game that's widely considered a classic is 'impossible to play'.
tx3000: Fuck off with the spoon feeding comment. If you and others don't get the concept of how to play the game is the responsibility of the developer NOT THE PLAYER then your all retarded.

So you're a retard. You do not tell people who come to a forum asking for help, where the people say if you need help ask, and then they're met with fuck off, leave the forum and go learn it yourself.

More so you don't get to complain you get talked to rudely and try to play victim after you just told the person who you are going to help to fuck off, and don't bother us.

Also don't try saying being rude won't get you help because no one is helping anyway and have yet to help. All people have done is pass the buck then says stop complaining.

People like you guys who do that should be banned from any forum because all you are there for is to instigate problems and provoke people, then try to play victim.
Except that the developers actually *did* explain how to play the game. If you've read the manual, played through the tutorial, and still don't understand something, then yes, people will be more than willing to help you if you ask about the specific problem you're having.

First, pressing the tab key will light up any containers on the screen, as well as display your party member's names and current vs. maximum hitpoints.

As for the problems you listed: the backpack/inventory icon is the fourth icon from the top on the left. The grid on the bottom shows all of the items you're carrying. When you left click on an item, spaces where you can 'equip' that item will light up.

Interactions with other characters (neutral or hostile) are generally all done by left-clicking on them. Neutral characters (i.e., any character that's not a party member or actively hostile) will either start a conversation or just deliver a quick soundbite if they don't have anything useful to say. If they're hostile, a left click will order whichever character(s) you have selected to attack them with whatever weapon they've got equipped. If they don't have one equipped, they'll just walk up and start punching.

For the starting room you mentioned, clicking on them will start a conversation (as noted above for neutral characters). The woman will tell you to find a key to open her cage. It's on the round table in the room on the left. (Use the tab key to highlight it if you need to.) The man in the other cage will actually break himsefl out after you talk to him.
tx3000: Just with that information alone combat still cannot be done which means your instructions are useless. There are two major flaws with your whole combat 101 outline.

1. There is no way a player would ever know that because none of that is even mentioned in the game at the time it should be,

2. Since you didn't bother to include how to open the inventory, and the go over all the steps to equip a weapon ( Which BTW is also never mentioned in the game at the time it should be) it makes your whole combat 101 impossible to do and obsolete.

Is combat even a possibility in the first room of BG II EE?
More lies from you. Any character can engage in combat like that, especially the Monk.

I didn't go over inventory because you aren't prepared for the complexity of opening the Inventory screen, clicking a weapon in your backpack, and placing it in one of the highlighted slots.

If you want to attack Imoen, then you are able to do so unless you told her to go away.

tx3000: Fuck off with the spoon feeding, and you can look thins up bullshit. NO I won't, and I don't care how many things can be looked up, I shouldn't have to and I'm not going to. Any7one that buys a game is 100% entitled to all the basics from the developer themselves being explained..none of this look it up bullshit.
The developers DID explain it. It is all there in the manual.

The details you are demanding indicate that you aren't capable of the independent thought that will be required throughout these games. Be thankful that you found an uncrossable hurdle right at the very start and go play something else. Might I suggest buying a slinky?
low rated
Shadowsetzer: For the starting room you mentioned, clicking on them will start a conversation (as noted above for neutral characters). The woman will tell you to find a key to open her cage. It's on the round table in the room on the left. (Use the tab key to highlight it if you need to.) The man in the other cage will actually break himsefl out after you talk to him.
Then that should have at been used as a single example to give a player some type of learning curve. this is an RPG not a mind reading sim.

And this is going in circles, so lets cut all the bullshit and clarify everything:

If the devs do not want to explain how to open the map or any part of it, then the devs have no business giving a player any type of in game message saying "Open the map"
If the devs do not want to explain how to use the map,then the devs have no business giving a player any type of in game message saying "Open the map"

Same goes with anything in a tutorial...Either explain it all or don't even mention it. If the developer wants a player to read the manual to know how to play then they better have some type of in game message at the beginning of a tutorial to go read the manual. If the devs don't say that, any player saying there is a manual is just a douche bag and has no argument. The devs need to tell you to read the manual, just because the game has one does not mean it's supposed to be used without the devs saying so in game with some type of on screen message.

The game is not playable because the devs have, left out all the instructions while still having statements such as "Open your inventory" in the game.

Don't tell a player to do something, leave out all the basics on how to actually follow that instruction, then expect the player to be psychic, and when they aren't start blaming the player for not guessing and messing around with things they shouldn't have to.

This leads to 2 rhetorical question:
1. How fucking retarded do the devs have to be to say open your inventory but then never explain a single thing about Even more so
2. How fucking retarded can a player be to actually try defending the developer for pulling shit like that by telling the player complaining about it not being explained fully and properly it's their fault and they should look it up and then start throwing around the comment of you want your hand held.

You kidding me, it's a game play basic, in a tutorial and that alone nullifies anyone saying look it up or read a manual. That turns into gamers going full on retard with comments like look it up, or you want your hand held as if someone who paid for shit is asking for the missing instructions that are part of what they paid for, then acting like the developer doesn't have to supply that information, all because they can look it up.

People need to get their head out of their ass.
Post edited September 27, 2019 by tx3000
Shadowsetzer: For the starting room you mentioned, clicking on them will start a conversation (as noted above for neutral characters). The woman will tell you to find a key to open her cage. It's on the round table in the room on the left. (Use the tab key to highlight it if you need to.) The man in the other cage will actually break himsefl out after you talk to him.
tx3000: Then that should have at been used as a single example to give a player some type of learning curve. this is an RPG not a mind reading sim.

And this is going in circles, so lets cut all the bullshit and clarify everything:



3. Saying to be clear about what's being asked is fucking stupid. Everything being asked about is very clear. People just didn't bother paying any attention to actual issues because they're too busy trying to use useless information to argue with the person asking for help.

If I say nothing is explained then that means anything anyone says to do that does not have all the steps listed no matter how minute it is, IS NOT BEING EXPLAINED. every single interface option requires a single basic example of it's use WITH ALL THE STEPS in order for the game to be playable. If something is not explained it renders that aspect UNUSABLE. Do not say click an icon, then never say what the icon looks like, do not say attack something, unless you go over everything involved, so not say anything about spells unless there is an actual example given on the entire procedure from start to finish on whatever was mentioned.

If you do not want to explain how to open the map or any part of it, then Do not say open the map.
If you do not explain how to use the map, then do not say use the map.

it's not that fucking hard to see where all the flaws are in this game and the total lack of explanation and inconsistencies in some of the half assed instructions. This is a fucking tutorial, which means the player is required to have their hand held for every little aspect in every game basic and be given an example of why it would be used.

Then and only then is the game playable, leaving out all the basics and having statements such as "Open your inventory" and then never going over anything with the player about the inventory or how it's functions operate, Don't tell a player to do something then expect the player to be psychic. How fucking retarded do the devs have to be to say open your inventory but then never explain a single thing about it, but even more so how fucking retarded can a player be to actually try defending the developer for pulling shit like that by telling the player complaining about it not being explained fully and properly it's their fault and they should look it up and then start throwing around the comment of you want your hand held.

You kidding me, it's a game play basic so explain how to use it.
Since we do seem to be going in circles, let me try to end it.

You seem to expect the developers to handwalk you through every aspect of gameplay for at least the first 15-20 minutes. They don't, because you shouldn't need them to. Don't know what a button does? Left or right click on it and see what happens. Not sure how to learn or use spells? Again, click on buttons until you find the spell screen, then explore that screen the same way.. This game was first released about 21 years ago. The developers expected players to at least show some initiative in learning to play. If you find the lack of hand-holding a turnoff (and that is EXACTLY what you seem to be expecting from them), then move on and find another game to play that you enjoy. Don't go on a forum to complain about how it's "impossible" to learn to play it when AT LEAST tens of thousands of people have figured it out just fine.
southern: Dude I'm your 342nd youtube subscriber and I#m liking your videos, show some gratitude!
tx3000: Show some gratitude for what exactly?
Those aren't my videos, that isn't my channel, and that isn't me. So congratulations, you just subscribed to someone who isn't me and then gave me credit!
I'm pretty sure there aren't two people like you in the world. But if it's true, then that video only has two likes. If you liked it, that means you and I are the only people who liked it (it's hilarious just not for the right reasons). So we should still be friends.

BTW the backpack icon is the one that looks like a backpack and the quill icon looks like a quill.

I learned how to play this game when I was 16 by pressing buttons and shit, never read a manual, just relax bro
tx3000: Ok i looked through the manuals and they're total shit and about as useless as telling someone who doesn't know Greek, to learn it on their own without any help from anyone or getting help from anywhere and if they don't it's their fault.
If you have the time and motivation, you can totally learn Greek by yourself. All you need is a grammar, a dictionary, and some simple texts to practice translating. I guess you'd need more to move on to speaking/ listening but I'm sure you can find speeches in greek with transcripts online somewhere, no biggie. Oh an the alphabet is basically the same as ours and doesn't even look strange after you get used to it. I have no clue why they have two z letters though.

AJP Taylor is really classic.
Post edited September 27, 2019 by southern
low rated
Shadowsetzer: You seem to expect the developers to handwalk you through every aspect of gameplay for at least the first 15-20 minutes.
Because they're supposed to, having it labeled a tutorial means that is exactly that, teach players who never played the game HOW TO PLAY IT BY SPOON FEEDING every basic so a learning curve can be established. but apparently people who have played the game seem to somehow truly believe the game is explained and things can be done without instructions, and anyone asking for instructions must be stupid.

Right now both games are impossible to play because of the current condition they're in with no basic instructions on how to even open your inventory, never mind anything as complex as how to do combat. I mean for gosh sake you're told to attack belt then belt says don't attack me here go see for yourself at 5:18 it says right on the screen CAST A SPELL ON BELT then at 5:33 Belt says WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME

You seriously are going to say shit like that is perfectly ok and explained?

It is impossible for anyone who has never played BG EE, to do any type of basic combat, equip or anything, and they can just totally forget the spell system altogether.

There is no possible way a player who has never played BG II EE to leave the first room. Why because there isn't a single shred of information on anything that helps a player even be able to start GUESSING what to do.

In the next video Starting at 29:36 and going all the way to the end of the video:

The person I had make the video is wandering around aimlessly not knowing wtf to do and is never able to get out of the room. and then quits the game because of utter lack of any actual information which is needed in order to at least guess what to do.

Furthermore the bats kill him multiple times because combat isn't even mentioned as a possible option, but even if it was, it wouldn't help because combat was never explained at all making it 100% impossible to not get killed. If there are enemies in a room that can kill you in the beginning, then either the enemies shouldn't be able to attack, or get out to attack, and or the entire combat system should be explained to the player.

How retarded are people in this thread going to keep being
Post edited September 27, 2019 by tx3000
tx3000: Right now both games are impossible to play because of the current condition they're in with no basic instructions on how to even open your inventory, never mind anything as complex as how to do combat. I mean for gosh sake you're told to attack belt then belt says don't attack me here go see for yourself at 5:18 it says right on the screen CAST A SPELL ON BELT then at 5:33 Belt says WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME
Lol just select Xan bro