Lifell00: I'm using the backup installers to update and I can't even update.
Game patch log
Error modifying S:\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config\inputUserMappings.xml
I "fixed" their nonsense and now I need to redownload the whole game.
always make backups of files that are getting modified, either by you or using 3rd party software/mods, especially with GOG games.
a lot of their patches will not continue when finding modified files and it will sometimes break the game because there hasn't been an "undo" variable figured into the patch.
i'm sure you can easily get someone to upload a copy of the original 1.04 file here
or on Reddit, CS.RIN.RU, TORRMINATORR, etc.
GObonzo: if you guys seriously can't edit a couple simple lines of text in a couple files or even install a perfectly working mod, than maybe you should just stick to consoles for your gaming needs. you are going to run into issues similar to this in many games and many more to come...
GogRobus: Edit and mod? What freaking else... Yes I can do it but I won't. Till now I came across two games that I couldn't rebind, this and ELEX... and I refunded them both... If a game is released and you cant edit keybinds I don't buy it... FOV and rebinds should be standards... But many developers can't even do that right, don't settle for this crap.
you're really teaching them a lesson, minus one possible purchase out of millions.
you are only one suffering by missing out on great games due to being too lazy(or unintelligent) to figure how to do some simple edits.