MaceyNeil: New website sucks.
It's the windows 8, now 10 of digital gaming storefronts.
We don't care that Gwent the gambling lootbox game made you a lot of money your derivative work is shite and a front facing fascia advert is also shite.
Learn from peoples experience with Youtube, adverts during content pisses people off causing them to migrate to less advert riddled places.
I could be more eloquent and concise; but so could your website,
Fix it or simply put you'll receive less money; it's your business, unless you don't care about it that is.
FYI, Gwent is a really generous F2P-game. Just take a look at this:
On top of that, one could argue that it´s even more generous then games that have every gameplay-related stuff unlocked right from the start, but keeps selling cosmetic stuff. Why that?
Well, in gwent you can buy cosmetic stuff with an extra currency as well as with the main currency. Therefor, being generous in gameplay-related-stuff translates to being generous in the cosmetics part as well!