Posted April 03, 2017
low rated

You must be well fucked.
Perhaps the etymology of the word, "pharmakon" may help - if only you presented as someone with the capacity to comprehend such.
No doctor (counterfeiter/perverter) = perfect health. Folk think I'm early thirties.
I NEVER get so much of a headache or feel lethargic or anything.
I got the shits FOUR YEARS AGO at Christmas because someone bought shitty supermarket budget salmon and used it uncooked in place of decent smoked salmon.
My healthy body promptly blasted it out my arse like a Masonic pig water-cannon and I was okay by the evening.
No dentist for 33 years of my 47 + no toothpaste (and obviously no "fluoride" rat poison brain destroyer) = perfect oral health
Optometry is also a total fraud.
You know your masters don't lie, right?
They deceive, through mastery of language.
Hence: "DeepWater Horizon: Based on a TRUE STORY of Real Heroes"
Now, let me decrypt for you:-
Is any story NOT true?
EVERY story, by nature, is true of itself, even if pure fabrication.
"I ate a whole elephant last night" is a (true) story that is pure fabrication.
Therefore, let me the edit the unnecessary for benefit of your dried walnut half:-
"DeepWater Horizon: Based on a Story of Real Heroes"
Oh, SHIT! "a story"?
Now, the "real heroes" part can also be explained through your masters' loyalty systems.
Anyone involved in the set-up is a "hero" for their Swiss Catholic Nazi cause.
So, why not contact the producers and ask them why the title didn't state "...based on a true EVENT"?...
Because that would be a lie and - as stated - they do not.
Did you also hear about the "War on TERRA"?
You probably thought you heard "terror".
Come on, admit it.
DO NOT attempt to fight me - EVER!
...and don't think I don't know about Monaco being implicated either - if that is where you truly are.
Post edited April 03, 2017 by tinyE