Darvond: Here's a summation of events thus far for those of you lunatics who only appear when the wood spirits tell you to or when you notice the moon is blue:
1: Several seasons ago, a fellow by the name of Linko is hired as both a community manager and public relations fellow. He is hailed by most for finally bringing order to what was once a savage forum and organizing it into something which resembles order if you happen to find the forum on a good Tuesday. Almost immediately after hiring, he decides to tweet out a picture pissing on games journalism. This proves to be a mistake. The tweet is retracted and everyone is cheesed. Most dismiss it as a minor screwup. Users attempt to warn him.
2. With the GOG site redesign practically imminent, Linko strikes again. I've already forgotten the details, but needless to say another tweet was retracted, by this time it wasn't dismissed so easily.
3. The site is redesigned, with little warning or testing. The details will be worked out
when they can get the position filled. 4. A short bit after the redesign, and while everyone is still cranky over it, Linko misappropriates a popular hashtag with
terribly poor timing much to everyone's chagrin. While unconfirmed outright, it is presumed that Linko was terminated after this incident.
5. A week later, after the dust was starting to settle, some idiot makes a video, opening the whole box again just after we got the duct tape. Fistfight at 11.
Dear Darvond wrote a rather hilarious summation of a partial GOG timeline, that kind of occurred recently! :D