Hello Martinelly!
I know the game is neither co-op nor pvp, but "
Lumo" is a very pleasant, funny and good-looking 3D platform game with a (nowadays) rather unique perspective. It plays well both with keyboard and with controller and provides three alternative setups for the mapping of the directional movement controls.
You could play it together with your daughter in "turns" in the game's "adventure mode". This way you have unlimited lives and unlimited time to finish the game, focussing on exploring and experimenting in each room, and you could agree with her to switch turns of play either on each or every second or third death and respawn (at the entrance of the corresponding room).
The game is in general quite harmless, fitting for all ages. Although it features a lot of references to past games of a similar style (especially, "Knight Lore", "Alien 8", "Head over Heels", "Solstice (NES)", etc. from the 80's and 90's) and to some movies, no knowledge of those is necessary to enjoy the game "Lumo".
One remark though: the game features some fully 3D animated spiders that can trigger a person's arrachnophobia.
By the way, the game is not to expensive and goes quite frequently on sale, if you are able to wait a little.
Instead of the available reviews here on GOG.com, I recommend to take a look at some youtube gameplay videos to decide whether the game would suit your needs and interest--there was even a nice playthrough and commentary done by the developer himself.
Kind regards,