paladin181: Oh yeah. The dev team behind Pathfinder really made me feel confident in them with the story behind its creation.
I like Kingmaker but I was turned off by the time limits. Even though they're not terribly restrictive I'm not a fan of the Sword of Damocles hanging over my head.
kai2: Yeah, that's a mechanic in open worlds (or pseudo open worlds) that I don't understand.
Reminds me of Romancing SaGa, where certain events would happen, sometimes closing off sidequests, based off how many battles you fought. (Note: That's an oversimplification; the strength of the enemies you fight also matters.) At least there you would never be unable to complete the game, as the endgame quests never expire (though you do need to fight enough battles to get the event rank high before even starting them), but it is still annoying and discourages fighting battles in a game where combat is fun.
From what I hear, Avernum 3 has events that happen at a certain in-game time; if you take too long, eventually a certain place comes under attack, and unless you save it in time, you will get a game over. Also, the world's condition worsens if you don't do certain main quests in time (though they never become impossible).
If one really wants to use such a mechanic, I think basing off completed quests would be a better approach, and making it so that running out of time to complete the game is not a possibility. (In Romancing SaGa, you can run out of time to complete certain sidequests, but you can't run out of time to beat the main game.)