I don't play TRPGs myself, but I do enjoy discussing them.
I think my ideal system, to be honest, would probably be something like a TRPG counterpart to the way SaGa games work. I actually thought about how the mechanics might work, but basically, on each action there'd be a roll to determine whether you spark a new tech, and after (or perhaps during) each encounter, you would roll to see if any of the stats you used increase. I haven't actually tried these ideas to see how well they work in practice, but one thing I like about this is that it makes character growth an integral and constant part of the game, rather than something that only happens occasionally. (For example, in D&D, if we don't use any epic level rules and there are no level decreases, character growth happens at most 19 times, and the action stops for a while for this to happen; with this idea I have, character growth would happen frequenlty and be brief.)
Incidentally, one thing I don't like about D&D 3.x is the number of mechanics that depend on precise positioning. Attacks of Opportunity are one example; I don't like the idea that a character can get an extra attack just because of the opponent's actions, plus you need to keep detailed track of this. Simply removing them is not an option because of other mechanics that depend on it (Combat Reflexes, for example, which in turn is a prerequisite for other feats).
Another thing I don't like about D&D in general is how the system is so focused on accuracy modifiers; I would prefer a system where misses are rare and stats and armor mainly affect the actual damage dealt.
(By the way, is there any TRPG system that has continuous character growth rather than discrete levels?)
CMOT70: 1. AD&D- first edition, though second edition is okay too. Don't like 3rd edition and beyond as much.
Out of curiosity, why?
(Also, from my understanding, 4th edition is very different from all other editions of the game to the point where it might as well be its own game; lumping it with the other editions just doesn't feel right for this reason.)