Posted August 29, 2018

And I'm telling it in good faith, instead of using "ideological club" to smash someone you don't agree (and trying to depreciate someone by giving him discreditable label), refer to his/her argument and try to show why it's invalid.
I did say the user was welcome to have their opinion. I also accept that my opinion (that racist opinions are fucked up) is subjective. However given that I hold such a stance on racist opinions, it would be illogical to try to debate these things, or try to reason someone out of it, as I am of the opinion that these views are fucked up. It would be like trying to debate a madman, they hold "fucked up" opinions, and I don't think they can be reasoned with.
I say again to be clear - I understand that the view that "racism is a bad thing" is subjective and others can hold other opinions. I cannot, and will not, try to argue them any more. They can and do state their opinion, and I can and will state mine:
Racism is a bad thing. If you hold racist views, you hold poorly reasoned, poorly researched, callous, possibly even cruel views. I believe those views are "fucked up".