initialpresence: I understand your fear and I understand your anger towards someone expressing opinions such as I am. Every day, we are bombarded with propaganda in the mainstream media telling us "nationalism leads to the gas chamber", "whites should be ashamed of their history" and so on. And yes it is true many platforms would ban me for daring to bring up the realities we all face today, what does that say about the world we live? If you want to know who your oppressor is just look for who can rarely, if ever be criticised, look for what can not be questioned or debated. I won't reply to all the misapprehensions expressed by the post I am replying to. People more eloquent than myself are doing that every day.
I'm not going to post links right now because last time I did, the thread I was posting on was shut down. I shall however encourage people to do their own research and again mention Red Ice - I am in no way affiliated with them and I don't know the people personally. They are far more courageous than myself and millions of others who share their sentiments and much of their content is no more than common sense. I suggest you take a look at their website redice dot tv or their Youtube channel - search "Red Ice". The couple who run it, Lana Locktef and Henrick Palmgren along with a few other people produce high quality content on a shoestring budget and are simply trying to get an important message out there, they cover a huge range of topics and have reached their current world view, like myself, only after years of questioning and observation. Like so many of us, they have been red-pilled by life. You will not find anything nasty like swastikas or other such nonsense emblazoned across their site. Just common sense debate and questioning of the status quo. It will also make you realise you are not alone, far from it.
As far as this thread serving as a platform for myself, I have a limited time I spend on this site. I was inspired to start this thread because other threads were getting shut down for getting derailed but it seems to happen when things take a turn to the political. Let it serve as a platform for all who wish to engage in civil political debate here on the Gog forums, whatever their beliefs and opinions and allow the rest of the forum to get on with discussing gaming and other matters. Again, whatever your opinions are, I would encourage everyone to stay civil and don't let others provoke you.
If you are looking for a more detailed, perhaps more intellectual approach I suggest you search "Greg Johnson, counter-currents, white nationalist manifesto" I know. It sounds scary. But it's not. Believe me.

wpegg: snip.
Peddle your bullshit sites snip
Once again, I understand the fear and anger so many people experience. We are all subjected to the mainstream media's hostility towards us and literally from birth are told we are bad people - remember the fear and panic you felt when you first saw "Is your baby racist?" on the cover of a magazine, which one was it? It is overwhelming for most people and rather than living in fear of retaliation for speaking truth from those who have hi-jacked the control system, they tell themselves that everything is OK and fearfully say what they believe is the correct thing. I wish I could dispel that terrible feeling from those who still suffer from it. I know how it feels to admit one was wrong. It takes a lot of courage to look in the mirror and say "I was tricked" "What a fool I've been" "I was wrong". But ultimately it is easier than living a lie. I encourage all reading this to move forward to that day.
My "bullsh**" sites? Unfortunately they're not my sites. But as for those sites being "bullsh**". Red Ice is run by people with many years experience in media and entertainment. Both Henrick Palmgren and Lana Locktef are presentable, intelligent and articulate people who could easily have had lucrative careers in the mainstream media. Dr. Greg Johnson Ph.D, the editor-in-chief of counter-currents dot com gave up the possibility of tenure as a professor at an east coast tertiary institution to begin his long thankless work. Scottish Youtuber Colin Robertson, known to most as "Millennial Woes" was actually forced to flee his homeland of Scotland after he was doxxed by British journalists because of so called "hate speech" - see his Youtube channel for the truth. Dr. Kevin Macdonald Ph.D was shunned by his colleagues at CSU, Long Beach when he published "Culture of Critique" - I believe Amazon have not banned it ... yet, so it may be easiest to get a copy while you still can.
They and others have not chosen an easy path. They do what they believe is right because they are people of profound integrity. They work on tiny budgets and rely on donations from readers, listeners and viewers. Many of them have been de-platformed from social media and payment systems, had their websites hacked or shut down and their computers and other devices hacked and stolen. Even "keyboard warriors" such as myself face online bullying, abuse and constant, tedious banning across forums and social media. All these people could have easily ignored the threat globalists pose to all of us, but they do what they do, myself included, not from hate, but out of love.
And not just love of their own loved ones and kin, but for all peoples. The spectre of globalism threatens us all, except for a small group who stand to benefit. One need only look to what is being done to the Islamic world to realise this is not just an attack on white people.
tinyE: Wait a minute, if we do decide to abolish multiculturalism, who get's America?
The Native Americans had it first; seems only fair they get dibs.
Pack up your shit IP; you're going back to Europe.
You may be right. Perhaps they should get dibs. I'm certainly not opposed to compensating them if that's what they wish. I have a tremendous empathy for Native Americans and first peoples throughout the world. In North, Central and South America, around the islands of the Pacific and in Australia and New Zealand and elsewhere they find themselves an often small minority in their own lands. Part of the reason so many people are flocking to fast growing and increasingly popular movements such as ethno-nationalism, identitarianism and so on is not out of racial hatred but because they do not wish to become minorities in their own nations. May I suggest you watch Lauren Southern's documentary about South Africa - "Farmlands", you will find it on her Youtube channel. BTW, have you seen what is happening in Europe lately? Which is, of course, a direct result of the terrible abuse being inflicted on the Islamic peoples of the Middle East by the globalists.