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Thank you for your generosity!

I'm in

and I would like to get:
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Obsidian Edition

for the bday good wishes I'll wait for the exact day, otherwise is bad luck :)
Ah, my backlog has been killing me softly for a while now so I'm just going to say this;

Thank you for your generous giveaway, and happy upcoming birthday! Not in, btw. :D
Thanks for the generous giveaway, and I'm in for:
[url][Disco Elysium[/url]
and the Artbooklet

Congrats on your upcoming birthday, hopefully you'll be able to celebrate freely how you choose to, what with the worldwide situation as it is.

I don't really get happy very often, but the last time I remember getting a big grin across my face was playing a-ha's Take on Me in Beat Hazard.
Happy birthday in advance. I'm in for Armored Brigade + its DLCs.
Big Thank You!

Not in, but good luck everyone!

Congratulations on leveling up, pigulici!
By the time this contest ends, there's gonna be a ton of people signing up. I wonder how many people this will have by then?
I'm in

The last thing that made me happy was giving my mother a flower for mother's day. She didn't expect a gift because usually I don't really make surprise I just ask her what she want as a gift and make it, this year I decided to make her a surprise and it really was a surprise.

Happy upcoming birthday and thank you.
Post edited May 14, 2020 by LiefLayer
Not in.
Thanks for the generosity!
Are you trying to compete with the Doc or something? Happy birthday!!

I'm in for Duskers.

Something that made me happy is the fact that even though everything is going to hell here in Brazil all my family and friends back in Argentina (where hell is constant haha) are super supportive and I may even have a job for when I return there (after this whole pandemic ends and airports start functioning again so I can take my cat).
Happy upcoming "level up"! (:

I'm in for:

The thing that always makes me happy is this track:
CRW - I Feel Love (R.A.F. By Picotto Remix)

It helps me get rid of bad mood for many years.

Thanks for your generosity and good luck to all participants!
I'm in for Disco Elysium, thanks!
I'm in.

I probably those few who wait for this more than Cyberpunk :P

Last thing made me happy is reading a book Enders Shadow by Orson Scott while listening to music.

Nice giveaway thanks.
Post edited May 14, 2020 by ASHLIIN
Happy Birthday and thanks for giveaway
I'm in for Prince of Persia The Sands of Time, Prince of Persia Warrior Within, Prince of Persia Two Thrones, Prince of Persia 2008.
Post edited May 16, 2020 by Madferit_UA
I'm in for Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number.

Great giveaway! Thanks!
Wow, how generous of you, pigulici.
All the best for your birthday!

I'm in for Desperados III Digital Deluxe Edition
