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I'm in...

Cyberpunk 2077 please on the very off-chance that RNJesus favours me
Not in, but Happy Birthday !
I'm not in, but thank you very much for the giveaway!

Happy birthday, pigulici :)
A part of me always resists entering giveaways, but since this lockdown and all of the chaos around it, I've loosened a lot of my rules...

I trust you would never offer something so gracious were it to put you in a difficult spot... and that you adequately self-indulge on your birthday! Anyway...

Happy Birthday! And may your next trip around the sun be inspiring, fruitful, and well (for you and yours).

I'm in... for a complete edition I'd probably never purchase for myself...

Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Imperial Edition Bundle

And what am I thankful for... or what good has happened?

Well, the best thing has been listening to music with my wife. We've pretty much given up with tv and rarely watch movies, but we spend hours and hours listening to music. Sure, it's a little thing, but it's meant the world to me. What have we been listening to?
Happy Birthday pigulici.
I'm in for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2.
Thanks for the opportunity! May you age well and remain healthy as always.

I'm in for Kenshi.
Main quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" has been successfully completed! Achievement unlocked! You have LEVELED UP!

Loading stats...

Rep +1
Wisdom +3
Charisma +5
Mana +2
Generosity +7

Optional side quest updating...

"I'm in for Cyberpunk 2077" Help NPC find the path to this preorder bliss.

New main quest unlocking...

Continue your journey to the next level up! Remember that side quests remain optional and that all NPCs will gratefully assist you on your journey regardless. ;)
Happy Birthday, pigulici! Best wishes, good health and a lot more of nice years ahead! Thank you for your generosity, I am in just for your smile! :)
Well, it's been a while since I entered one of these, so I'm in! I'll enter for RimWorld + Royalty DLC.

Thank you for this chance and I wish you a happy (upcoming) birthday! :)
Happy Birthday!

The weather here has gotten so nice and I love the spring (Northern hemisphere). The new green shoots and flowers make my day. I tried to attach a picture, but it looks like the file size is too big :-(

I'm not in :-)
Post edited May 18, 2020 by Celton88
Happy birthday!

I'm in for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition
Happy Birthday, Pigulici !  :-)

Thank you for this generous giveaway !  I'd like to be in for Mafia III Deluxe Edition.

Knowing that my family and friends are healthy makes me happy !
Happy birthday Pigulici and thank you for the gift chance!

I'm in for Grim Dawn with its 6 DLCs
¡Feliz cumpleaños, Pigulici! (:
Not in, but thank you for the very generous giveaway!
Happy B-day Pigulici!

I'm in for The Walking Dead series minus the first one.

And thanks for the giveaway!
Post edited May 18, 2020 by JJJSev