Sometimes a draw can feel like a win just because the game was so intense. My match against Psyringe's Wood Elves was such a case.
Admittedly I made some blunders, in one case I forgot to stand up the troll, in another I didn't manage to switch off Hail Mary Pass which made the ball go out of bounds with a throw-in that favoured the Wood Elves.
I KOed and injured more of my players with Going-For-Its and dodges than Psyringe's players did with blocks.
Oh, and then there was the moment when the wizard's fireball smashed into my cage, knocking down all of the cage's pillars but leaving the ball carrier untouched. It looked inadvertently funny.
And in the whole the match was a lot of fun. :-) Some crazy Goblin action, leaping War Dancers, Elves stuck in Tentacles, double skulls, a stupid troll, desperate moves - the match had it all. Well, except for flying Goblins. ;-)
This was the kind of match that made me realise once again why I love Blood Bowl so much!