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cheongzewei: sdfdasfjskl;fjlsdk;bjklsfblskgjls;krjfwrhgj;jgsr

match draw 1:!
not angry bout match

Iippo had quite bad luck.

Diving tackle saved me from a loss

Riot assured that i wouldn't get a TD.

It's sad, but not angering.

What made it angering

prize winnings: 20k me, 70k Iippo


at least i got 1 centaur now... ugh..
Well, talking about 70k winnings, i fired and rebuyed a thrall before match...and one thrall died during the match which i had to buy again so cant say i am exactly Uncle Scrooge.

One vamp got 1AV, which apo saved and i didnt have to risk regen. Another vamp got badly hurt but regenerated it. I think i caused one blitz CAS hobo with ball carrier and and managed to TD that turn as well - about the only really lucky turn in the match.

Pro felt useless. Lots of failed BLs, which surprisingly resulted only in stuns. Block dice didnt really do anything, but Cheong used me to mop the floor with his block dice. I was actually rather lucky that i didnt get more badly hurt - my dodge vamps and the tackle dwarfs, nor the diving tackle hobo which i forgot about all the time arent really compatible (from my POV anyways).

Hypno didnt really want to work either. There were some chance's but just like in the last match, Nuffle wanted to let me down on every crucial moment, failed passes, failed catches, ball scattering mid dwarf cage - the usual head ache :)

Cheong played very Chaos dwarfy game, lucky i didnt have to face the bull centaurs. But the big black mino starplayer wasnt too fun either.

Also i am becoming more and more aware how bloat my team is. I think my TV is something like 1890 - but i am having far-far more trouble playing against fresh teams, thatn what i had when i played against experienced teams with fresh vamps last season. And i havent got clue how to trim the team.

Probably the non-pro route and less vamps would make more sense on TV value - but it would also be "thrall team" and very fragile when even one vamp got hurt in any way.

Might be ill try no-pro route some day, but next season ill be playing some team that does not have bloodlust - need vacation from that :)
TL; DR: 2 - 0 for the Brawlers!

I was a bit wary when I started this game. Last season, Pro Elves ended up being the team that beat me the worst.

It certainly didn't help my reservations when the first kick off event was a pitch invasion. But, I channeled my inner dwarf and slowly pushed my way down the field for a touchdown on turn 8.

Moggrym started having some terrible luck in the second half, (red skull rerolled into a red skull for example) leaving him open for me to push my pestigors into position for a quick second touchdown. After that, there were some Crit 1's being thrown around and the game ended with us both chasing a ball around, but not being able to do anything with it.

I have 2 level ups (Nurgle Warrior and Pestigor [went with block and extra arm]) and enough money for another Pestigor or two rotters, but I'm not sure which route to take with them just yet. for the replay, and if youtube permits, I'll be uploading the game overnight.
Post edited November 24, 2013 by rcthedigitalhero
E_A: Honestly, it was a rather bad move IMHO. Your main goal was to prevent Hawk from scoring. Making that foul required moving half of your team out of position. While Hawk didn't really take advantage of it, you moved something like four players out of a position where they could get at the ball carrier if he moved downfield to possibly get rid of a player that wasn't important at that point.

A foul requires that you have payers to spare and that the player fouled is more expensive TV-wise than the player used to foul. Both were questionable here.

Basically what you want is a deep-staggered defense (two players, one after another) over most of the movement path. If he breaks out with his faster players to avoid the slowdown he becomes an easier target since the mummies will remain behind.
thanks for the advice, i should try that that staggered defense more. The reasoning for moving so many players near the ghoul was to make sure he had less people to carry the ball with and hopefully make sure his numbers advantage get less. Also i thought it was wise to move the players free so that they are closer to the ball carrier next turn (think i mainly used the players on the left side of the field while he was on the right side with the ball). And lastly becuase im affraid to get blocked with the amazons :), dont want to lose to many players. Oh and we had a free bribe, so making it a small chance to lose the player fouling.
But ive seen the staggered defense being a real pain and i definately should use it more.
Deep and Bloody is about to face Nagarythe Decadence.

L o L 1.070.000 petty cash XD
Post edited November 24, 2013 by chaos_panda
We just ended an epic match .. 8 Ko´s , 4 Heavy injuries 4 Touchdowns .. the Fans got crazy ... and with a happy ending for the green guys as well ..:D
jol1yroger: We just ended an epic match .. 8 Ko´s , 4 Heavy injuries 4 Touchdowns .. the Fans got crazy ... and with a happy ending for the green guys as well ..:D
Yes, and my Minos was almost useful this match...except for the part where he was KO'd for about 4 turns.

Very smash heavy game with the Orc showing a surprising amount of nimbleness as far as picking up the ball goes :)

Replay is here:
Post edited November 24, 2013 by JudasIscariot
Match ended 0:3 for E_A. ^^
Sewer Snappers vs Natural Disaster is scheduled to start in about 4 hours (7pm GMT+1). :)
Post edited November 25, 2013 by WBGhiro
WBGhiro: .
I had to think of you when I saw this kickstarter:
WBGhiro: .
Piranjade: I had to think of you when I saw this kickstarter:
I don't really dig the ogres, but those snotlings are a clear upgrade =D
hi guys, twitch channel up and running a bit earlier. I am going to check Distater team and play some FTL until Psyringe come online. So feel free to stop by. And game is suppose to start at 19:00 CET (in about 20mins).
This was, without doubt, the worst match that my team ever played. The result:

- I lost the match 2-3
- My oldest catcher, who had two extra skills, died (my mistake, I forgot to change the apo result)
- One of my wardancers died. She was level 4, together with the catcher that's 54 skill points lost to the team.
- My other wardancer received a -AG injury. Agility is the one attribute that a wardancer can't live without. That's another 38 skill points that will be a lot less effective in the future.
- One of my linemen suffered another casualty
- After the match, my TV has decreased by 500 points
- In the second half, the chef stole all my re-rolls (except the one from my leader)
- If I remember correctly, then none of my players ever succeeded with a get-up roll despite 5 touchdowns and lots of opportunities. At the end I had 4 players on the pitch.
- I had several blitzes in a row where I just couldn't get a better result than push, failed a couple of dodges, and failed a crucial GFI that would have given me a 3-2 lead

Basically, I risked a lot in that match, and I come out ... not even just with empty hands, but with a destroyed team, for no gain whatsoever.

I made a couple of mistakes in that match and I can't say that Michal's victory was undeserved. He played very good, and after all, he started with a significantly lower TV than me. But such a brutal defeat was undeserved for my team. But well, that's Blood Bowl. We will come back. But it will need time.

Thought of the day: "I was worried of my players getting injured by the Chaos Punks, but before we even got to play them, my three most important players were permanently incapacited ... by Skaven."

Replay is here.
Post edited November 25, 2013 by Psyringe
Psyringe: -snip-
The League moves on to Match Day 6!