iippo: Thats actually the same guide that is pasted on Plasmoids playbooks + some other random BB forum i cant remember.. Anyways, pretty sensible. As far as KD can be sensible anyways. One extra problem the KD have is that it isnt quite so simple to choose the starting roster for them. Everything is damned expensive and you really need all the rerolls, S-access players, The BatMan etc to have any reasonable chance of getting things done in the first place.
..in that sense the Khemri "HULK SMASH" approach would be rather relaxing Zen indeed.
mefet: Khemri are worse in the long run in ball handling, take that into acount. I think khorne are better than most people think, you just have to think that you're going to have a turnover nearly every turn. But that frenzy linemen can also cause a lot more injuries than the average linemen.
I think both teams can be fun, although I don't think they are really competitive. Perhaps khorne properly played and developed...but those 4 str 5 players...
High lvl khorne vs high lvl khemri, well i suppose aggressively played khorne might be more effective. Bit faster, more agi, can atleast attempt pass - also with 1 or 2 lvl ups the linos (pit fighters) become actually rather nice:
Frenzy + block = always nice. Frenzy + block + dauntless / tackle = veeery nice.
...but if KD are on the ones getting blocked or stuck inside dwarf-gangbang - well, good luck with that. Khemris ST5 TG's might have some chance of making breathing space - but KD dont have things that nicely. The BatMan if super nice with claws...but he is just one player in the end. You cant really base your teams success on one player, (unless its some ag6+blodge+fend+... monster ofcourse ;)
Anyways, i have have to think about it later. Ive really liked the vamps ag4, but cant get that without going the elven route. or skaven. But skaven have ST2 players. urgh. My inner basher despises ST2 despite it could be overcome with high MV assists and/or dauntless.