Posted April 10, 2013
That's another thing. I had 370k of inducements for that game and was planning on taking two Star Players (Fezglitch and Skitter Stab-Stab) that should be available for the Underworld team and are also included in the official Blood Bowl CR (Competition Rules - especially for leagues)
BUT those Star Players weren't available to me, I could only choose between Morg'n'Thorg (too expensive) and Bomber Dribblesnot (do not want) which kind of screwed me because I had very limited time to choose other inducements.
*shakes fist at Cyanide*
So yeah, the inducements suck.
And having to play with that many inducements because of my team value for the foreseeable future doesn't really appeal to me. You only get the winnings AFTER you had the chance to buy a mercenary who did particularly well in the game and gathered some SPP. So when you get the winning and have gold to buy him you don't have the chance to. Yay.
And as I had two games only getting 10k I'm a LONG way off of replacing all the Skaven that "left" my team.
And my only LV2 goblin died as well. *sniff* That was kind of the moment that broke my spirit. Only three of my players left on the pitch, no way for me to win the match no matter what - and boom, another dead player.
I have to admit that I lost count of how many of my players have died this season so far.
No. The troll made it to the end of the match unharmed.
The match before he spent nearly the whole match taking a nap in the KO box and refused to get up.
BUT those Star Players weren't available to me, I could only choose between Morg'n'Thorg (too expensive) and Bomber Dribblesnot (do not want) which kind of screwed me because I had very limited time to choose other inducements.
*shakes fist at Cyanide*
So yeah, the inducements suck.
And having to play with that many inducements because of my team value for the foreseeable future doesn't really appeal to me. You only get the winnings AFTER you had the chance to buy a mercenary who did particularly well in the game and gathered some SPP. So when you get the winning and have gold to buy him you don't have the chance to. Yay.
And as I had two games only getting 10k I'm a LONG way off of replacing all the Skaven that "left" my team.
And my only LV2 goblin died as well. *sniff* That was kind of the moment that broke my spirit. Only three of my players left on the pitch, no way for me to win the match no matter what - and boom, another dead player.
I have to admit that I lost count of how many of my players have died this season so far.
No. The troll made it to the end of the match unharmed.
The match before he spent nearly the whole match taking a nap in the KO box and refused to get up.