Posted February 08, 2014

I don't think I played very well, actually. I allowed his cage to outmaneuver me even though my players are quicker, and made a stupid move when I ran out of time. In the beginning of the second half, I mistakenly thought I would be kicking instead of receiving, and ran out of time while re-organizing my line-up. Then I built a risky half-cage while not realizing that the opponent had a player with Frenzy on the pitch. But in the end I got lucky.

i had like 14( or more ) double redskulls, 6 times it was the first bash so i had to reroll.
2 GFI failed of 2, some wild animals, alot of pushes instead of something good.
on the other side 1 of 10 gfi failed, not a single double red, even on the loner the reroll worked and the one dice blocks didnt fail a single time ;) every turn he needed to dodge out of my tz ( i got some tackle player ) with 6 or more ppl and guess what? it failed 1 time?
"lucky" isnt a matching word for this game ...