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arnob8911: Hmm my team is doing about as i expected, win some and lose some. Hoped to do a little better, but i know im not the best player around so did not expect to win them all :). But the most difficult match is probably happening this week, against the Saurus players of Rodzaju so i hope i will have a team left for the matches afterwards :).
But it has been really fun so far, and im a little surprised by the fact only one guy died in my team so far.

Btw why dont you like Ingar, he never did anything to hurt you :)?
Rodzaju: And now he never will....
My healthy sense of self preservation takes exception to players with tackle & block who want to take an interest in my raptors :)
How I regreted that i didnt have a single tackle+MB+Piling On berserkers in season 1. Damned B-men just couldnt stay alive long enough :(
Well judging by my team's name I'd say I'm doing better than expected. In my country, in football (soccer for some parts of the world), the last team in the league is referred to as the Red Lantern.

As the saying goes: Always expect the worse, this way you are never disappointed :)

I still made some mistakes in the games that I lost, and even if I was a total newbie at the game when the league started, I still don't like making mistakes.
mystral: Not to mention that I'm now at 6 deaths, 3 of which were blitzers, who are AV 8, really expensive and have block by default. By contrast, my 2 AV 7 players have only suffered 2 minor injuries and continue to cruise along without any care for their lives despite being blitzed lots of times.
iippo: Well, two of my vampires died during the three first matches i played (110k piece, str4, av8, REGEN..) and third has -MV. Meanwhile my puny thralls have accumulated only one niggle and one -AV. A third vamp might have died, but apo came to rescue and regen was not necessary.

= Nuffle can be cruel. see the opposite, check how much SPP Ghiros snotlings have - and they are supposed to be the weakest, easily breaking players in the whole game :)
Yeah, you were unlucky at first with your vamps, but I notice you've still managed to get to 1.2k TV, while my team is the only one that has actually decreased in value and now sits at 900 TV.
The fact that I can't even catch enough of a break to offset my losses with winnings is getting annoying, tbh.
iippo: Well, two of my vampires died during the three first matches i played (110k piece, str4, av8, REGEN..) and third has -MV. Meanwhile my puny thralls have accumulated only one niggle and one -AV. A third vamp might have died, but apo came to rescue and regen was not necessary.

= Nuffle can be cruel. see the opposite, check how much SPP Ghiros snotlings have - and they are supposed to be the weakest, easily breaking players in the whole game :)
mystral: Yeah, you were unlucky at first with your vamps, but I notice you've still managed to get to 1.2k TV, while my team is the only one that has actually decreased in value and now sits at 900 TV.
The fact that I can't even catch enough of a break to offset my losses with winnings is getting annoying, tbh.
All elves, especially blitzers are really expensive. Season 1 i spend quite long replacing dead bersekers (90k piece) - something i wouldnt do a second time around, but DE really need those blitzers as well.

However, something ive learned - ill be the stupid apo first as the first thing no matter what.. This season i could have bought apo, but i bought vamp instead and then promptly lost one in the next game.

..loners dark elves are all useless though. Just remember to always, always put loners on the LoS. The thing loners are good at is that you dont really have to be so scared at losing them - so you can play a bit more aggressive and risky than you might play with your regular players and just use them for man-marking those mighty blow and what not players.

Also atleast elf linos are very good. Average+ stats, i know its difficult with few positionals - but even linos are very flexible and can become splendid players with lvl or two as opposed to that lvl7 snotling - no offense Ghiro :D
iippo: Also atleast elf linos are very good. Average+ stats, i know its difficult with few positionals - but even linos are very flexible and can become splendid players with lvl or two as opposed to that lvl7 snotling - no offense Ghiro :D
None taken, I just pity the fool who doesn't take the lvl 7 snotling seriously ;D
iippo: Also atleast elf linos are very good. Average+ stats, i know its difficult with few positionals - but even linos are very flexible and can become splendid players with lvl or two as opposed to that lvl7 snotling - no offense Ghiro :D
WBGhiro: None taken, I just pity the fool who doesn't take the lvl 7 snotling seriously ;D
You know your average opponent would have like 2 starplayer less against you, if you retired your star snotlings?:p
iippo: You know your average opponent would have like 2 starplayer less against you, if you retired your star snotlings?:p
The snots with the most TV sit at 80 and 60 respectively, so not really. and anyways pummeling stars into players is what my ogres are made for, they're just as good at punching them out again..
Post edited August 06, 2013 by WBGhiro
iippo: You know your average opponent would have like 2 starplayer less against you, if you retired your star snotlings?:p
WBGhiro: The snots with the most TV sit at 80 and 60 respectively, so not really. and anyways pummeling stars into players is what my ogres are made for, they're just as good at punching them out again..
Actually 80 & 70 -> so they are worth 7.5 lvl1 snotlings all in all :)

...getting seriously geeky here - but those are pretty damn well earning salary-snotlings.

Taking a quick peek at my good old Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay book (1st ed.) - a bottle of spirits costs 10 silver shillings. 1 gold (crown) is worth 20 silver shillings. Pint of ale costs like quarter of silver shilling. -> even lvl1 snotty is worth 20 000 gold.

oh those were the days...
Post edited August 06, 2013 by iippo
Hamburg Hammerfists vs Nagarythe Decadence will begin in a few minuts
GoG Weekly Match Day 7, Division 2, tips

Are you ogre? Do you prefer troll in bed? Have you ever eaten the fling cuisine? We don't care, your money are good for us. Take your pick and bet.

Screams of Frogs (Lizard 2-1-3) vs Wheredemons (Necro 0-1-5)
The new group of spawn will arrive late for this match. But even outnumbered the Screaming frogs will be too fast for Wheredemons. Sorry dead demons, we smell another loss for you. 3-1 for lizards.

Nagarythe Decadence (DarkE 1-0-5) vs Hamburg Hammerfists (Dwarf 5-1-0)
This match will surely mean new slaves for the Witch King, ruler of dark elves. Who is expecting dwarven slaves will be disappointed. Dwarves from Hamburg will break many bones, score two TDs and the Witch King will get his slaves, elfs. 2-0 for HH

Big & heavy fists (Ogre 3-0-3) vs Nurgle Lymphocytes (Nurgle 4-0-2)
Muscles vs muscles vs snotlings. Who will break first? Surely some snot. Who will be broken last? Pestigor. Who will score a td? Rotter. 3-1 for Lymphocytes.

Misfits (Underworld 3-0-3) vs Natural Disaster (WoodE 2-1-3)
If any match of this round will end in tie it will be this one. Misfits lost some key players in the last match and Naturals are still toying with disaster. Lack of skill on elven linemen will be evened by a small inducement bonus. 2-2 tie is predicted.

Red Lantern (Dwarf 3-1-2) vs We are not fluffy birds (Human 4-1-1)
This division is infested by dwarves. In fact any place with more than 1 dwarf is infested by long beards. But that pesky, “sprinty” troll slayer will not be able to prevent TDs. Birds will play tactical match with quick breaks for the TD line. 2-1 for humans

Anti-Anema Alliance (Vamp 4-1-1) vs The Armored Seagulls (Human 3-2-1)
Do you lack time this weak? Than this match is the one you have to see. Ever thirsty vamps versus ambitious newcomers, who play very good so far. Seagulls are the black horse of the division 2. If Seagulls win this match, they will be very close to play-off. This give them very little edge. 3-2 for Seagulls on plates.

Twisted Elves (WoodE 0-1-5) vs Talking Dead (Necro 2-2-2)
The first RR and two injuries speak loud and clear. Victory for the deads who cannot shut-up. 2-0
Post edited August 06, 2013 by kanarek
GoG Weekly Match Day 7, Division 1 tips

What I have seen in the cooking pot, do you ask young coach? So stay a while and listen..

Custodians (Human 3-1-2) vs MooMooCows (Chaos 4-1-1)
There is only one thing better for cold than a chicken soup. Soup made from human leg bone. Grab your money and get your cart. This match will end hopes for play-off for the Custodians, but you can celebrate the chaos victory with barbeque and bone soup, ingredients will be cheap. MooMooCows by 2 TDs.

Red Spiky Team (Chaos 1-0-5) vs The Busty Bruisers (Zons 4-0-2)
That is B, that is R, that is E, that is A, that is a Touchdown!! Girls will have few bruises, but they are used to it. Maybe they will even have some little goat after nine months. But they will have the victory. Busty Bit..c..h..e..s will win 2-1.

The Anvil of Ice (Norse 3-1-2) vs DinoSaurus (Lizard 6-0-0)
Hey! Some frog is swimming in my tankard! Get it out..what? You want a tip for this match? Seriously? Yea, yea, that was last season. DinoSaurus by 3 TDs and one MNG injury.

Shadow Plague (Skaven 0-3-3) vs Rioting Punks (Chaos 0-0-6)
This match will be boring, no-one knows what to expect from Punks and Skavens have not stopped squabbling yet. Goat cheese and fried rat tails recommended. Plague will have much needed first victory by 2TDs.

Scarlet Shadows (DarkE 1-1-4) vs Greedy Grinders (ChaDwarf 4-1-1)
Nuffle do not like dark elves, that is clear. Grinders will set the tempo for this match, even without skilled bull centaur. They will win and BC will have its level. 2-0 for Grinders

Systematic Chaos (Chaos 1-4-1) vs The Time-Travel Paradox (Flings 0-0-6)
|Chaos masters of the drawn will challenge flings champions. Don't worry folks, only the totally full halflings will be harmed. My family is already preparing the breakfast, the snack, the second snack, the lunch, the snack, the second lunch, the snack, the triple dinner for the match day. Chaos will win, but Travelers will eat. 3-0

Raging Pink Lizards (Lizard 3-2-1) vs Get Hurt Kickers (ProE 3-3-0)
Probably the most spectacular match of this round. Is RazzleDazzle fast enough to outrun the long pass of the Kickers? We will know soon enough. Two tackle blitzers means two TDs for Kickers, 1 super fast skink and 2saurus with block means..who cares. 3-2 for Kickers.

P.S. Tips are without any guarantee. I have no idea what is going on in the first division. With the exception of Rod´s dominance. Enjoy guys!
Hamburg Hammerfists vs Nagarythe Decadence 0:2

Some very nice stalling the slow dwarves in the first half and bad positioning on my side lead to a 0:1 in the first half, although the elves kicked. Subsequently the passing of the elves could not be completely stopped and with a little luck the 0:2 followed. Nicely played on his side.
kanarek: GoG Weekly Match Day 7, Division 1 tips

The Anvil of Ice (Norse 3-1-2) vs DinoSaurus (Lizard 6-0-0)
Hey! Some frog is swimming in my tankard! Get it out..what? You want a tip for this match? Seriously? Yea, yea, that was last season. DinoSaurus by 3 TDs and one MNG injury.
Nice to see at least one person who does not expects my whole team to die :), only one injury would be an improvement. To bad my best player to stop his skinks is out with an injury from last match, my lineman with tackle. But at least Elof has recovered and ready to hurt a skink or two.
Now i just have to hope for the chef to steal all his rerolls and that he rolls lots of double and triple skulls (and fails to pickup the ball :) ) to have a decent shot.
Looking forward to the match, probably will lose badly but who knows if Nuffle will be with me. Then i will have a chance on winning :).
kanarek: GoG Weekly Match Day 7, Division 1 tips

Systematic Chaos (Chaos 1-4-1) vs The Time-Travel Paradox (Flings 0-0-6)
|Chaos masters of the drawn will challenge flings champions. Don't worry folks, only the totally full halflings will be harmed. My family is already preparing the breakfast, the snack, the second snack, the lunch, the snack, the second lunch, the snack, the triple dinner for the match day. Chaos will win, but Travelers will eat. 3-0

P.S. Tips are without any guarantee. I have no idea what is going on in the first division. With the exception of Rod´s dominance. Enjoy guys!
You've given us a new motto.

We may lose, but WE SHALL EAT!
Post edited August 06, 2013 by Hawk52
I suppose you're all in the middle of a season here, but if any of you guys need a code for a friend to participate on the next season just PM me.