Posted October 15, 2019

We live in a society
Registered: May 2019
From United States

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 15, 2019
I am guessing that's the case, as Joe didn't say we could speak and I just assumed it after others said masons spoke to each other during the game when I PMd blotunga.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted October 16, 2019
Sorry, I'm at a conference at the moment and I don't have much time. So I won't be able to contribute much today or tomorrow.

Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted October 16, 2019
GameRager and blotunga, are you sure both of you fully read your PMs? Every single letter in it?

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted October 16, 2019
No, it's a silly written in a voting way.
RedFireGaming: No, just a joke.
So, all mason's can do in this game is know the other mason's alignment?
GameRager: I am guessing that's the case, as Joe didn't say we could speak and I just assumed it after others said masons spoke to each other during the game when I PMd blotunga. Errr... you shouldn't be PMing other players about the game, even if it's a technical question. Always PM the mod.
PookaMustard: GameRager and blotunga, are you sure both of you fully read your PMs? Every single letter in it? I share your uncertainty. Given that we probably have time (i.e. we got two scum in two Days), I'd actually be up for lynching one to confirm the other.
It just occurred to me that there is a way that Joe might have included 4 scum. What if they were mafia lovers? That might weaken them enough to keep it balanced and I wouldn't put it past Joe to do something like that.
If them being masons is in fact a falseclaim it would explain Blotunga's reluctance to give details as well as GR's "misclaim" that he had no PR and why he was taking Blotunga's lead.
I'm still sore about the time I was right on the money about the untreatable duo of gogtrial and Joe, failed to act on it and got horribly murdered by them.

So, all mason's can do in this game is know the other mason's alignment?

It just occurred to me that there is a way that Joe might have included 4 scum. What if they were mafia lovers? That might weaken them enough to keep it balanced and I wouldn't put it past Joe to do something like that.
If them being masons is in fact a falseclaim it would explain Blotunga's reluctance to give details as well as GR's "misclaim" that he had no PR and why he was taking Blotunga's lead.
I'm still sore about the time I was right on the money about the untreatable duo of gogtrial and Joe, failed to act on it and got horribly murdered by them.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 16, 2019
Nope, we are not lovers. My reluctance was due to the fact that I could've convinced scum I have a better PR than I have right now. Scum most likely would've killed me, even though GR was confirmed. Now he can pick any of us.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted October 16, 2019
Wow, totally not the response I was expecting from you! I think maybe I'll wait for some opinions from the people whose alignment I'm not currently questioning.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 16, 2019

vote SirPrimalform

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Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted October 16, 2019

Being a Joe game, there's likely to be some sort of twist hidden somewhere, so perhaps you're right. My preferred lynch would be LOLchan though, purely for lurking. Pooka would have been another candidate, were it not for his one liner a short while ago.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted October 16, 2019

So it might be necessary to lynch one of the two as a sort of policy-lynch. If one flips as exactly what he claimed, the other is hard-confirmed. If one flips as neutral or anti-town, the other is automatically the next target. If one flips and the other dies as well and both flip scum, we're happy because we will have won.
But I'm not sure whether a policy lynch is the best strategy for today. If the claim is true, we end up wasting a Day. We might also work on the assumption that the claims are true for today. Then we would have (in my view) four relatively sure Townies. The two 'Masons' plus you SPF plus me, of course. That would mean the remaining scum would have to be one of {nmillar, Pooka, RedFire, LOLchan}
LOLchan gave off some scummy vibes and would have been my top pick if trent had flipped Town for the way (s)he merrily hopped on the trent train without much own input. A typical follow-up move. However, trent flipped scum and LOLchan was the second person on that train, following you, SPF. I don't think scum would have merrily bussed so early. So by timing LOLchan gets some soft Town-points.
nmillar also pinged my scumdar several times. But also was, as pointed out by themselves, the first one to notice that GR was cleared by blotungas soft-claim, no matter what alignment blotunga has. Of course that fact can also be noticed by scum and could be shared to appear towny.
I'll have to go over RedFire and Pooka when I have a bit more time. More on that later.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 16, 2019
Btw. Going back ot the votes and behavior I think Redfire stuck out the most.
unvote spf
vote redfiregaming
If i don't get NKed I'm more than happy to be lynched tomorrow.
unvote spf
vote redfiregaming
If i don't get NKed I'm more than happy to be lynched tomorrow.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted October 16, 2019

vote SirPrimalform
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted October 16, 2019
Funnily enough I am actually with you there. Post 451 was definitely eyebrow-worthy, if only for the sheer speed at which RFG slammed a vote on nmillar after I posted my thoughts. It did come across very much as "any lynch will do".