Posted February 19, 2021
Zrevnur: There are already anti-captcha addons (with actual humans on the other side solving them for <0.01$ IIRC) but I would expect there to be AI based free browser addons in the future to do away with captchas. The 'make sure the other side is human' scheme is doomed to fail without having access to severe invasion of privacy. I dont think there is even a point. Why dont they simply allow bots and build around that. They are a company intent on making money. I dont see anything wrong with making money off bots.
You can pay a human to solve it but you can't make a human solve it in a fraction of a second so reCAPTCHAS still do what they are design to do which is to impose limits. CAPTHAS are here to stay even if they are effective only a fraction of the time. That is why I said I don't mind it as long as it is done right. GOG didn't do it right or I would not be asked before and after #5 and since I rather like GOG I hope they get it fixed soon (which they won't).