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lazylazyjoe: Thanks. Enjoying the LLL 3 Let's Play.
thank you for watching. i appreciate it very much :)
evoland winds down!

with a bit of a bang: we collect the last stars we're missing, grab the final few cards, play some double twin [and eventually beat the hard/championship modes] and then waltz on over to the mana tree to beat zephyros into oblivion.

it was a blast re-playing this for you folks. i'm very glad i bought it. :)
since i'm all done playing shovel knight, i figured i'd show it off a little for those that are curious. the last time we did this, it was 2012 and i'd /just/ beaten final fantasy 1 [for the playstation] so, here, have another "not-quite-a-review-but-i-liked-it sort of video.":
it's larry. larry like you've never seen him before. in women's clothes ;)

plus, he finally gets a proper divorce and the deed for the land, too.
our next adventure begins!

it is inherit the earth.

this is just the introduction. i'll put up some gameplay later :)
inherit the earth gameplay!

much like i promised ;)

so, here we see the three modes of "scene" in inherit the earth, the 2d puzzle scenes, the isometric walking scenes and the big map scene.

we take a bit of a walk around the faire to discover what might have happened to the orb of storms and along the way, we exchange our prize for some money and get some information on our next destination.
it's indie friday!

well, really saturday where i am.

i had a bit of a crisis of gaming, i'm afraid, where i wasn't quite sure what to play for this week, but then i ran across this game and it's narrative thread was /awesome./

the game is called "no one has to die" and the idea is that you have to save people from burning in a building. as you save people, so the story of the building and who the folks you're saving are begins to unwind a little at a time until you have a complete tale.

it's very minimalist in terms of graphics, but i like the style. it's soundtrack is also pretty neat, too, considering that it's essentially a piece of html5 code.

it's quite fun.

the video is here:

and if you'd like to play along, you can at:
larry ends up solving at least one legal problem [he gets divorced] and then creates legal problem. it's complicated ;)

otherwise, we start working on getting into shape at fat city [a notorious part of larry 3]:
inherit the earth, episode two:

we start exploring the sanctuary and find an interesting clue - but not before the keeper of the sanctuary decides that she doesn't trust us.
this week, in no one has to die, we do a couple of runs, this time saving christina and troy.

each person we save gives us a little extra information on what's going on here and each bit of information leads us closer and closer to the truth:
so, here comes the infamous exercise machine from larry 3:

the faster your cpu was, the more exercises you had to do. fortunately, i'm emulating a 386, so it turns out to not be terrible.

of course, then we meet bambi. and bambi likes exercises, too. naturally.

so you end up spending some time with her and...well, hilarity ensues:
we make a plaster cast of the foot print we've found, and then pay a visit to the rats and the boar in episode 3 of inherit the earth:
google knocked my upload limit back to fifteen minutes.

here's a video explaining what to expect from my channel from this point onward:
no one has to die gets exceptionally trippy, very quickly.

in this week's episodes [yes, there's more than one] - we rescue lionel and hear what he has to say about what the fenix corporation are up to.

there's more than one episode because i'm not really used to a "strict timer" again and i didn't feel it was fair of me to cut off mid-way through the episode, so i shrugged and choopped the episode into two and uploaded both.
it took us six episodes, [which is basically sorta half the game] but larry FINALLY finds and meets patti. [the lady for which the game is named.] - larry agrees to give her some flowers and some wine and then we head on over to her place: