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quest for glory 2 sees us battling and winning against the fire elemental. we also manage to get ourselves a magic lamp :)
this week in the dig!

the game starts becoming an interesting, thought provoking sci fi game!

and also, everyone's least favourite puzzle! [skeletons! - i bet i've made more than one person scream in fear :P]
The Dig, cool =)
hearthstone week three is upon us!

and in week three, we take on some more bosses, including what i think might be my favourite boss fight for this adventure: general drakkisath. that power he has is awesome :)

of course, there are class challenges, too, priest and druid this go-round:

blackrock spire:

priest and druid challenges:
lots of stat bumps in this particular episode of quest for glory ii.

and the air elemental! yay!

next week, earth elemental :)
we go exploring through the planetarium part of the planet that we're stuck on in the dig, this week. it's soo pretty.

also, all the ridiculous stuff boston has to go through to make a trap is absurd :P
jonridan: The Dig, cool =)
thank you so much for watching :)
we get into more hearthstone, this week, tackling both the class challenges [as always] and the actual new floor of the "dungeon" itself.

the class challenges prove to be somewhat interesting [i like the rogue one, in particular] - and the bosses for this week are mostly reasonable [except for chromaggus, who has a somewhat annoying deck concept ;)]

blackwing lair:
class challenges:
quest for glory 2 story bomb time!

first of all, we learn a bit more about the paladin from rakeesh - how a paladin's powers work and what a paladin is capable of. and we learn that because we have to go and fight the earth elemental.

secondly, that tree in the desert? we learn a /whole/ lot about how that came to be and what you - as the hero - can do about it.
more the dig!

mostly, in this episode, i set a bunch of stuff up for later. plus, there's one very important conversation.
it's our final week in hearthstone!

so what do we do? why, we kill of nefarian, of course!

plus the paladin challenge.

hidden laboratory:
paladin class challenge:
and i miss you, like the deserts miss the rain.

that's pretty much what happens this week in quest for glory 2. we go traipsing through the desert.
this week in the dig, we do some spelunking further down into the planet we're trapped on. we also hook another light bridge up to the system. finally, we find a pyramid.

which leads to an ENORMOUS CLIFFHANGER. what's inside the pyramid? we'll find out next week :)
our next adventure is the /amazing/ [but somewhat disturbing and low-key] limbo.

in this episode, i introduce you to the world of limbo, take you through the controls and we start exploring.

limbo has a /fantastic/ feeling of darkness and quiet oppression, which is in stark contrast to "the dig" [which is sort of why i'm playing it. :)] - i hope everyone enjoys:
quest for glory's first major act is complete!

we finish off all the elementals in shapeir. i also show you the "reason" for playing a fighter as well as the "reason" for playing a mage. in my humble opinion, the mage idea of "wit" wins, hands down. it's just so well-connected to that class.

shapeir for fighters [all the story is here, since we're "playing a fighter"]:

shapeir for wizards [this is /just/ wit]: