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high rated
As my game library starts to approach a ridiculous level I feel that the game library (the individual one with the purchased games) needs some improvement.

1) Better sorting; I would love to sort by genre (because sometimes I feel like doing an adventure game, another day it has to be an RTS..), and by release-date (the same, sometimes I feel like playing a classic and sometimes I just can't bear the stone age graphics).

2) Let me chose which installers I want to see by default when downloading a game! This annoys me so much it drives up my blood pressure regularly. I prefer the classic installers and refuse to use the "insert name of GOG Steam clone"-installer. The only reason I nowadays prefer to buy my games on GOG instead on Steam is the fact that I don't have to use an additional installer! I also don't use the GOG downloader, so unfortunately I can't use Adalias' script either.
Recently GOG has started to set to default to non-classic for certain (apparently totally random) games. I can't tell you how many times I had to restart my download just because I didn't notice the small (g) (which even isn't always there) at the end of the file!!! grrrrr.
So yeah, please can you make a setting, which allows me to choose the default installers?
Post edited January 04, 2018 by aufisch
Good luck with that. GOG won‘t change that ever, even though they said before, they wanted to make an option to set the default installer, but since they are only interested in selling games and making more money for the share holders, these changes don‘t make money. So. Not going to happen.
john_hatcher: default installer
Actually we have that option with one of the website enhancement scripts.. Just talked about it in fact but I can't find where we did right off. Still looking.

Adalia Fundamentals -

I still have yet to get Galaxy to download with a game. Not sure why other folks are seeing it but maybe taking a second to see what you;re downloading may be in order.

But anyway site suggestions should do here:
john_hatcher: default installer
drmike: Actually we have that option with one of the website enhancement scripts.. Just talked about it in fact but I can't find where we did right off. Still looking.

Adalia Fundamentals -

I still have yet to get Galaxy to download with a game. Not sure why other folks are seeing it but maybe taking a second to see what you;re downloading may be in order.

But anyway site suggestions should do here:
Can I just open in my browser and select a default option? No! So it is not available and I‘m not going to install some black box script/addon which does god-knows-what. Then I could just install that drm client Galaxy. No difference to me.

Sorry, if this comes over as pissed. Could be that I‘m pissed by GOGs complete ignorance and their lie after lie. In my opinion they are only releasing more and more games, but don‘t care for any of the existing problems.
Post edited January 04, 2018 by john_hatcher
john_hatcher: Can I just open in my browser and select a default option? No! So it is not available and I‘m not going to install some black box script/addon which does god-knows-what. Then I could just install that drm client Galaxy. No difference to me.
Galaxy isn't DRM, and sure. Bash a community-approved script because you're paranoid. Check the script out if you like, the source is available on github. Or would you understand what you're looking at to know if something is bad in it? Many of us have combed through the user scripts (Adaliabooks' and Barefoot Monkey's both) and don't see anything there. But please give it a go. Otherwise, don't bash things you know nothing about.
john_hatcher: Can I just open in my browser and select a default option? No! So it is not available and I‘m not going to install some black box script/addon which does god-knows-what. Then I could just install that drm client Galaxy. No difference to me.
I'm glad you're able to view the website without issue. I unfortunately I am unable to due to vision issues and have to use a css fix to do so.

You make due. I get to do that with nearly every website I have to visit.
Adalias Fundamentals seem to cover the Downloader only, not the classical installers. If this is not correct, I would gladly use that script.

Thanks for pointing me to the wishlist. I will re-post my suggestions there. If enough people/customers complain about it they might have to start some of these issues seriously.
aufisch: As my game library starts to approach a ridiculous level I feel that the game library (the individual one with the purchased games) needs some improvement.

1) Better sorting; I would love to sort by genre (because sometimes I feel like doing an adventure game, another day it has to be an RTS..), and by release-date (the same, sometimes I feel like playing a classic and sometimes I just can't bear the stone age graphics).
If you really want to make work for yourself, you can tag all your games by their Genre. You'd have to add the genre tags to each game yourself though, but once doe, you could sort them that way. As noted, it would be a lot of work for you if your library is big.
aufisch: 2) Let me chose which installers I want to see by default when downloading a game! This annoys me so much it drives up my blood pressure regularly. I prefer the classic installers and refuse to use the "insert name of GOG Steam clone"-installer. The only reason I nowadays prefer to buy my games on GOG instead on Steam is the fact that I don't have to use an additional installer! I also don't use the GOG downloader, so unfortunately I can't use Adalias' script either.
Suppsoedly GOG is going to provide this option, but as months have passed since they told us this, I'm starting to wonder if it's going to happen at all.
aufisch: Recently GOG has started to set to default to non-classic for certain (apparently totally random) games. I can't tell you how much I had to restart my download just because I didn't notice the small (g) (which even isn't always there) at the end of the file!!! grrrrr.
They're doing this for games that have Galaxy features supported (Cloud Saves, 'cheevos, etc.) Unfortunately for people that want the classic installers as their default DL, this is happening to more and more games.
aufisch: Adalias Fundamentals seem to cover the Downloader only, not the classical installers. If this is not correct, I would gladly use that script.

Thanks for pointing me to the wishlist. I will re-post my suggestions there. If enough people/customers complain about it they might have to start some of these issues seriously.
Actually, I think it affects the website, so you can choose to have the 'classic installers' as your default.
Post edited January 04, 2018 by GR00T
GR00T: If you really want to make work for yourself, you can tag all your games by their Genre. You'd have to add the genre tags to each game yourself though, but once doe, you could sort them that way. As noted, it would be a lot of work for you if your library is big.
I noticed that tagging thing, but with 600+ games that would take me a day. I figured since those tags already exist (at least the genre one, probably not the release date) such as thing should be easy enough to implement.
GR00T: Suppsoedly GOG is going to provide this option, but as months have passed since they told us this, I'm starting to wonder if it's going to happen at all.
In that case I wait and hope (and I voted in the wish-list for this feature).
GR00T: Actually, I think it affects the website, so you can choose to have the 'classic installers' as your default.
Thanks for the info, I will try the script out and see what it does.
I want to chime in that:

I FuCKING HATE ADD-ONS, SCRIPTS, EXCESSIVE BROWSER SHIT, ETC. ETC. ETC. (much to the same sentiment as john_hatcher here - I feel you!!! I'm with you!)



I've been on GOG forums for about 5 years now. I've gotten to trust and know certain users. There came a point where I was told of adaliafundamentals and what it could do for enhancing GOG (I'd always seen the thread but completely ignored it because I defaulted "eh, some add-on script, not going to happen") - and was told it was non-intrusive, and completely non-resource draining or shady, and I was able to TRUST that at least enough to a point where I decided I'd at least GIVE IT A TRY.

I gave it a try. AND OMFG IT'S SO GREAT TO HAVE!!!!

DO NOT WORRY, it will not do "god knows what" to your functionality, system, browser, anything - it's fucking small nonintrusive the most-awesome great, and I highly recommend anyone who wants to:

1.) sort their library better
2.) have a functional and effective and good forum-search
3.) add priority tags to their wishlist items (high, medium, low, backup, watching)

to GET ADALIAFUNDAMENTALS and at least try it, and I think you'll be very pleased and won't go back to using GOG without it (I updated to the new firefox and it broke AF temporarily and I was without it and IT WAS TERRIBLE!)
Can anyone help me with the installation of adalias script? I had no problems installing "Barefoot Essentials" with Greasemonkey, but adalias' script doesn't trigger an installation prompt at all.

I am using Firefox 57.0.3 64bit.

I tried disabling Kaspersky, but this didn't change anything either. Everytime I open adaliasfundamentals.user.js it just opens in firefox as RAW data but nothing else happens.
Post edited January 04, 2018 by aufisch
john_hatcher: Sorry, if this comes over as pissed. Could be that I‘m pissed by GOGs complete ignorance and their lie after lie. In my opinion they are only releasing more and more games, but don‘t care for any of the existing problems.
Haven't you heard - they're downsizing. Less support response and less active "blues" around here.
Ok, found the problem. I had to get rid of my trusty greasemonkey and install tampermonkey instead.

I have however found out that these fundamentals provide indeed the GOG-Downloader links, not the classic installer links. Pity.

I will ask on adalias thread on how to modify the script.
john_hatcher: Can I just open in my browser and select a default option? No! So it is not available and I‘m not going to install some black box script/addon which does god-knows-what. Then I could just install that drm client Galaxy. No difference to me.
paladin181: *sigh*
Galaxy isn't DRM, and sure. Bash a community-approved script because you're paranoid. Check the script out if you like, the source is available on github. Or would you understand what you're looking at to know if something is bad in it? Many of us have combed through the user scripts (Adaliabooks' and Barefoot Monkey's both) and don't see anything there. But please give it a go. Otherwise, don't bash things you know nothing about.
1. Galaxy is DRM, because without it I can't play Gwent or online multiplayer for many games for example. Or can you show me how to do that without Galaxy DRM client?
2. You don't use Linux as your OS, because I always here these guys say "but it is open source so it can't be bad". You personally checked every of the about 6000 lines? Do I by chance need more than this script, maybe an additional addon for Vivaldi? If so, you also checked that? And opposed to you, I don't look down on people who use adalia fundamentals, as if I'm better than others.
drmike: I'm glad you're able to view the website without issue. I unfortunately I am unable to due to vision issues and have to use a css fix to do so.

You make due. I get to do that with nearly every website I have to visit.
As said above, if it helps you, use it. I'm happy for you, but I will not use it, because it's GOG job to do that (they even said that).

drealmer7: (...)
DO NOT WORRY, it will not do "god knows what" to your functionality, system, browser, anything - it's fucking small nonintrusive the most-awesome great, and I highly recommend anyone who wants to:

1.) sort their library better
2.) have a functional and effective and good forum-search
3.) add priority tags to their wishlist items (high, medium, low, backup, watching)

to GET ADALIAFUNDAMENTALS and at least try it, and I think you'll be very pleased and won't go back to using GOG without it (I updated to the new firefox and it broke AF temporarily and I was without it and IT WAS TERRIBLE!)
Thanks for you explanation, but as said before, this is GOGs job! I simple will not use this script, because, as you said, I hate addons. I currently only use one addon (uMatrix) in Vivaldi and another one I enable when I need it. Until I don't see a good reason why I have to have more, I won't activate more. Sorry.
aufisch: Ok, found the problem. I had to get rid of my trusty greasemonkey and install tampermonkey instead.

I have however found out that these fundamentals provide indeed the GOG-Downloader links, not the classic installer links. Pity.

I will ask on adalias thread on how to modify the script.
Simply not true and no modification needed. Just go to "Library" and tick the checkbox "Default to classic download links without Galaxy included in game..." - untick the "Show downloader links instead of ordinary links on game card" as well.

If you should have any additional questions about AF feel free to contact me. I am using it for years and I cannot imagine GOG without it anymore.

@john_hatcher: I know where you are standing with GOG so I won't comment on this (we also already talked this out in private) but on a slightly different subject: what is so bad about add-ons in general? They are the only reason that I switched to firefox years ago. Not every add-on has to be bad.
Post edited January 04, 2018 by MarkoH01