aufisch: Adalias Fundamentals seem to cover the Downloader only, not the classical installers. If this is not correct, I would gladly use that script.
I'm not familiar with either of those scripts, I've only heard about them. I feel similarly about unvetted software, but those two members who write those scripts definitely seem to have been around a while and trusted by many here.
Still, I'm not keen on expecting computer programmers in general to do anything for me, it usually doesn't happen. However, I think those two have been quite responsive and generally friendly to others, from what I've read in their threads for their software on this forum.
Anyway, I took a quick look at the webpage for the purchased game library. Showing a different set of installers for a game looks tricky. However, if it was done for the Downloader links, then it might be doable for the Classic Installers. It's definitely different because access to the Downloader links is just a link to another page, whereas the Galaxy and Classic Installers are not on the library page both at the same time. They get swapped deleted and inserted as each option of either Galaxy or Classic is chosen. I think that means they would have to write new code to handle that, when they have time.
Personally, I just organize my library myself, but without any programming.
I pick out from my library a game that matters to me in the moment and then add its information to an HTML file. HTML is just plain text, and I don't bother with any JavaScript or CSS for it. It's just a file with ".html" as its extension.
I keep it as a simple list with links to the installer files I downloaded and a link to the GOG game page. I've also tried adding a link to the installer online at the GOG's website, but those are flakey because they can get changed when there's an update. Though, that is an easy way to check whether there's an update without traversing the GOG website every time. (I'm not sure how reliable that is…)
No need for a webserver, I just open the basic HTML file in any browser and it just works. Instead of "http://" it will show "file:///" beginning the address, but no need to type that because that happens automatically. I keep the HTML file in the same directory as the files I downloaded, which is also the same directory as where I install the games. But it doesn't have to be that way. I do it that way because it's just really easy to paste the name of the file into an HTML link without needing the whole path on my hard drive. For example, here are a couple games that likely don't exist:
<p>Name of a Game: <a href="name-of-a-game-installer.dmg">name-of-a-game-installer.dmg</a>
<p>Another Game: <a href="another-game-installer.dmg">another-game-installer.dmg</a>
Nothing more than that is needed really.
That's plenty of HTML. HTML pages out on the World Wide Web are unnecessarily complicated and bloated.
However, I like to put everything in a list and have headers, like <h2>.
<h2>Name of a Game</h2>
<a href="name-of-a-game-installer.dmg">name-of-a-game-installer.dmg</a>
<h2>Another Game</h2>
<a href="another-game-installer.dmg">another-game-installer.dmg</a>
It's possible to open a directory by simply linking to the name of the directory instead of a file. I've noticed Firefox will list the directory contents itself, however Safari sends the request to the Finder to show the directory.
Personally, I use
emacs to edit my files so I've also been using
Emacs Web Wowser to view my own HTML files. As such, I modified its function `eww-follow-link' to allow opening installers or linked applications. In general web browsers don't usually allow that, something to do with security reasons or whatever. Anyway, instead of just opening the directory I now can begin an installation from the HTML file or even launch the games. (I don't like cluttering my computer with shortcuts, and I don't like searching everywhere.)
In this way I can just edit the basic HTML file and organize my games myself based on whatever criteria I think of, and type that right away without waiting for anyone else. I can type whatever information I want, link to other HTML files with my notes for a game, and so on. Or leave out whatever. Navigation is a lot smoother for me than using the Finder (macos) or Windows Explorer, because it's only the files I want to see and with my notes all in one place. And basic HTML is cross-platform compatible across all operating systems, backwards compatible with all web browsers, and future compatible.
I haven't done my whole library because that's already online. I just add what seems interesting, perhaps something I plan on playing sometime soon (hopefully), so I'm not overwhelmed by it all. Later, there's no need to visit the GOG website if I've already downloaded the installer. I just click to install, or click to play, or review my notes first.
Of course, making different lists ordered by genre or ordered by release date would be as simple as copy/paste from one file into a new file. It can be just the ones already decided upon, leaving out the rest for later. Or it could be as simple as just the names of the games as links, each leading to the information at the exact paragraph within the other file.
Maybe that sounds too different… It's not really any work, but it's also not all at once. So, it's likely not of interest. :-/