Posted November 10, 2016

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Other

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted November 10, 2016
The UN has very little control over any country. The countries that cooperate are the ones that do it for the status quo.

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted November 10, 2016
low rated
Headline News
Extended Pt 18 - My whole life there's been something around me. Everyone who's rose against me ends up dead. Bush Sr/Jr responsible for 71% of our debt. Trump is spiritual, Circle of Karma, the candidate of sanity, rape of Haiti, Biden. 1776 video/speech, Chem trails, Cat sanctuary under attack, flag burnings, riots pending. 'This is a moment we have to seize'. Regan failed because he didn't finish the job quickly. 'America is at the center of the globalist empire'. Hillary's SJW, Wikileaks and DNC class action lawsuit, Transnational ruling class, Trump wins if '<i>alternate universe</i>' of Drudge is right. George Soros, spending 2.5Million to try and get 2 sheriffs out, young idiots, Mexico and communists flags, Oakland, Austin Texas, dressing as Hitler and wanted to be a dictator, ADL, race war. US second nation in the fight against globalism (<i>Russia and Brexit</i>). Starts raining and the Austin protest disperses. Guilt by association, black panther party, [url=]Awesomely difficult task. The US map with who voted for who! he would have won in 2012 with this crowd!, Ford planning to move to Mexico, Putin congratulates Trump via telegram then has champagne. Clinton and Janet Reno pushed to burn the children in Waco. Hungarian Prime minister, Philipines president (last month called Obama 'Son of a whore'), Isreal president, Questions at UN over Trump victory, Wall Street questions future of Federal Reserve, Legalizing Marijuana winning 28 states now legal, War on drugs is a UN globalist agenda, Simpson: Government prohibition should be for violent actions that harm your neighbor—not of the possession, cultivation, and responsible use of plants, Election measures voted on, The wrong information is why there's a division in the country, get everyone on the same page. Senator Sessions, Obama forcing TPP before Trump gets in. 3 Legs of globalism: Trade Agreements, Open Borders, Climate Treaty. 'The toothpaste is out of the tube'. RFID chip the furniture (*snicker*), Best attorney General for Clintons/others, 40 years first time voter,
Extended Pt 19 - This could be so much worse. Educate the young public, LGBT community, Wikileaks 5 weeks to come of leaks/emails far more devastating than released so far by Podesta's stack alone. Obama said Trump would never be president, In hotel Trump ironed his own shirt and shined his own shoes before rally/debates. Liberal Tears compilation. Victim class status, a lot of minority votes, WW3 - Russia ready/eager to restore relations with USA. Celebs running to Canada, all racist? Cannabis reform. Cannabis oil to treat epilepsy. Country is divided and we need healing. Dr. Group interview, living healthy is hard today, 'The majority of homes, schools and businesses are toxic', Common Hazardous Chemicals, addictions and coping mechanisms, VA soldiers and stress/, root causes [url=]with Cigarettes, food with Sugar, , [url=]cellphone/social media, etc. Fasting/Cleansing. Gut health, nutritional deficiencies. Cleansing/repair. Health = self confidence. Addictions take over your body. is a chronic inflammatory agent and is an opioid. Biggs and in the crowds. WW3 Averted, Saudi Arabia gave 70% approval to Hillary, Pay-for-play, poll watching, lives saved for Hillary not getting in office, Obama supposedly was good for whistle-blowers on the site for a while, Cannabis & misinformation. [url=]Bowne's report on Trump protests.
Extended Pt 20 - Tomorrow to deal/show stupidity/ignorance. The brainwashing is obvious, 'Justifying their temper tantrum', They will be pushing the racism, Trump win sparks walkouts and angry protests across California and devastation?!? The educated voted for Trump. Woman protests sexual assault before sexually assaulting Biggs. 'This is our Brexit' and raise of social media as news. 10,000 protest in NY. Differences between the two crowds. What to do: Ignore the protests and groups and they will fade. Concentrate on the actual problems and getting those solved. Wait for Obama to get out before going after Hillary (don't need a preemptive pardon). 'Foot in the door, time to get to work'. 'I was assaulted by lunacy', 'They have no facts to back anything up, crying over things that don't exist', The death of higher education. Plan to buy diapers and hand them out. Megyn Kelly one of the only somewhat decent reporters. 'vindicated over and over again', Drain the swamp & book of secrets, Facebook/twitter censorship, new social media site, backlash against censoring?, comment sections are gone in mainstream media sites (which hold far more information/feedback), Electoral college, CalExit/Mexifornia, telling conversation 'he hopes the economy tanks', misconceptions and border control, the immigration process.
Extended Pt 18 - My whole life there's been something around me. Everyone who's rose against me ends up dead. Bush Sr/Jr responsible for 71% of our debt. Trump is spiritual, Circle of Karma, the candidate of sanity, rape of Haiti, Biden. 1776 video/speech, Chem trails, Cat sanctuary under attack, flag burnings, riots pending. 'This is a moment we have to seize'. Regan failed because he didn't finish the job quickly. 'America is at the center of the globalist empire'. Hillary's SJW, Wikileaks and DNC class action lawsuit, Transnational ruling class, Trump wins if '<i>alternate universe</i>' of Drudge is right. George Soros, spending 2.5Million to try and get 2 sheriffs out, young idiots, Mexico and communists flags, Oakland, Austin Texas, dressing as Hitler and wanted to be a dictator, ADL, race war. US second nation in the fight against globalism (<i>Russia and Brexit</i>). Starts raining and the Austin protest disperses. Guilt by association, black panther party, [url=]Awesomely difficult task. The US map with who voted for who! he would have won in 2012 with this crowd!, Ford planning to move to Mexico, Putin congratulates Trump via telegram then has champagne. Clinton and Janet Reno pushed to burn the children in Waco. Hungarian Prime minister, Philipines president (last month called Obama 'Son of a whore'), Isreal president, Questions at UN over Trump victory, Wall Street questions future of Federal Reserve, Legalizing Marijuana winning 28 states now legal, War on drugs is a UN globalist agenda, Simpson: Government prohibition should be for violent actions that harm your neighbor—not of the possession, cultivation, and responsible use of plants, Election measures voted on, The wrong information is why there's a division in the country, get everyone on the same page. Senator Sessions, Obama forcing TPP before Trump gets in. 3 Legs of globalism: Trade Agreements, Open Borders, Climate Treaty. 'The toothpaste is out of the tube'. RFID chip the furniture (*snicker*), Best attorney General for Clintons/others, 40 years first time voter,
Extended Pt 19 - This could be so much worse. Educate the young public, LGBT community, Wikileaks 5 weeks to come of leaks/emails far more devastating than released so far by Podesta's stack alone. Obama said Trump would never be president, In hotel Trump ironed his own shirt and shined his own shoes before rally/debates. Liberal Tears compilation. Victim class status, a lot of minority votes, WW3 - Russia ready/eager to restore relations with USA. Celebs running to Canada, all racist? Cannabis reform. Cannabis oil to treat epilepsy. Country is divided and we need healing. Dr. Group interview, living healthy is hard today, 'The majority of homes, schools and businesses are toxic', Common Hazardous Chemicals, addictions and coping mechanisms, VA soldiers and stress/, root causes [url=]with Cigarettes, food with Sugar, , [url=]cellphone/social media, etc. Fasting/Cleansing. Gut health, nutritional deficiencies. Cleansing/repair. Health = self confidence. Addictions take over your body. is a chronic inflammatory agent and is an opioid. Biggs and in the crowds. WW3 Averted, Saudi Arabia gave 70% approval to Hillary, Pay-for-play, poll watching, lives saved for Hillary not getting in office, Obama supposedly was good for whistle-blowers on the site for a while, Cannabis & misinformation. [url=]Bowne's report on Trump protests.
Extended Pt 20 - Tomorrow to deal/show stupidity/ignorance. The brainwashing is obvious, 'Justifying their temper tantrum', They will be pushing the racism, Trump win sparks walkouts and angry protests across California and devastation?!? The educated voted for Trump. Woman protests sexual assault before sexually assaulting Biggs. 'This is our Brexit' and raise of social media as news. 10,000 protest in NY. Differences between the two crowds. What to do: Ignore the protests and groups and they will fade. Concentrate on the actual problems and getting those solved. Wait for Obama to get out before going after Hillary (don't need a preemptive pardon). 'Foot in the door, time to get to work'. 'I was assaulted by lunacy', 'They have no facts to back anything up, crying over things that don't exist', The death of higher education. Plan to buy diapers and hand them out. Megyn Kelly one of the only somewhat decent reporters. 'vindicated over and over again', Drain the swamp & book of secrets, Facebook/twitter censorship, new social media site, backlash against censoring?, comment sections are gone in mainstream media sites (which hold far more information/feedback), Electoral college, CalExit/Mexifornia, telling conversation 'he hopes the economy tanks', misconceptions and border control, the immigration process.

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted November 10, 2016
I'm hearing reports from online friends in the US about some things that happened yesterday. The friend of one of them was groped on the street "to see if it has tits", in front of her daughter. The trans friend of another 'only' got her tires cut and car keyed.
This is the "great" America you voted for, and you don't even have the common decency to let the abject conspiracy nonsense thread die after pretty much everyone lost this election.
This is the "great" America you voted for, and you don't even have the common decency to let the abject conspiracy nonsense thread die after pretty much everyone lost this election.
Post edited November 10, 2016 by Vainamoinen

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted November 10, 2016
low rated

This is the "great" America you voted for, and you don't even have the common decency to let the abject conspiracy nonsense thread die after pretty much everyone lost this election.

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted November 11, 2016
low rated
Today: 10 Nov 2016 - 71 days to office
First hour - WW4 - Economic physiological warfare. The 1949 plan and everything is regurgitated. Permanent renter class, The renaissance vs the counterfeits, Compartmentalizing and controlling, SJWs attacking Trump Tower, '<i>They stole some states from Trump</i>' so probably a larger landslide then we saw. (<i>with record numbers of black/Hispanics voting for Trump</i>) [url=]Trump did better than Romney, Globalism is the return to having kings (corporate kings) and what they want. Stock Market is going up!, not going down. The illusion of large and in-charge is gone, the current media is going to be hated forever. Wallstreet floor yelling 'lock her up'. Trump would have won in 2012. From Drudge - NWO is in trouble, Female Skrillex's. Trump pushing bill for $40k income to have 0 taxes. Brainwashed racewar encounters, self prisons, white man attacked (Trump voter?). Creating division to destroy Martin Luther King's vision. They will try to implode the economy before January's Inauguration. Controlled media, George Soros influence, spent $7Billion on television airtime and overthrew Ukraine. Organized army of zombies to sink the country (just like Venezuela), CNN/CNBC sworn enemies.
Second hour - If the US allied with Russia, China could be reformed and benefit as a whole, Ross Perot and the giant sucking sound Balancing the budget and reforming the government (1992, this is really good stuff!). DNC & Globalism crashing, Afraid of states rights movements, programming and social engineering, '<i>people have to die...</i>', "I told you", "If you start a civil war, it won't go as you want". Race based politics history, Every sanctuary city went blue! (and those are mostly it), Sanctuary cities a UN program. Juxtaposition with Hispanics, the Hispanics will be 70% of the population within 30 years, permanent underclass and exploiting, Hilltards, The globalists can only throw money to try and control the masses. Fake vs real racism. This is a scientific/military attack. 'God loves children, drunks, and the USA'. Promoting freedom. Whitehouse doesn't rule out Hillary Pardon, Bev Harris says 7 states stolen.
Third Hour - 'Your hopes are just as valid as your fears', 'How good things could be without Soros or Rockefeller', 'they already tried to plunge the stock market (-700 points)' But it's doing well, NATO, Obama may pardon Hillary. Putin Congratulates Trump and is ready to resume relations. Fears of BLM sectors activating, [url=http://htp://]Jon Rappoport[/url]: Solutions, 'I saw at least 8 listings for urban farms in inner cities', in no time free market and profit for the inner cities, and those with investment will protecting it. Expanding on natural healthcare and self-care. AI seduction. 'They want to promote civil unrest, it wouldn't surprise me a national student strike in America', 'a demonization of whites and the country as a whole', Mainstream Media reported 97.5% loss. In the swamp, investments from special interests pissed, citizen grand/mock juries against Clintons, Elitists shut down Alberta oil in Canada, Wikileaks linking Canadian Prime Minister to Podesta, No real people/citizens want a civil war or death for cops. Complete insanity is their agenda.
Fourth Hour - goblins, 'he won't be able to progress/win by playing by the rules', Daily Briefings, All events live on C-Span? Trump meeting at white house. Trump Assassination? Division in globalism, power structure, demolition, draining the swamp and indictments, 'get out of the way or go to prison', prosecutions need to go forward. 'If we get just 10 kingpins out all their minions will flip and switch sides', FDA example, Mock trial, IRS, CDC, Liberate people. Arrested development,
Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
First hour - WW4 - Economic physiological warfare. The 1949 plan and everything is regurgitated. Permanent renter class, The renaissance vs the counterfeits, Compartmentalizing and controlling, SJWs attacking Trump Tower, '<i>They stole some states from Trump</i>' so probably a larger landslide then we saw. (<i>with record numbers of black/Hispanics voting for Trump</i>) [url=]Trump did better than Romney, Globalism is the return to having kings (corporate kings) and what they want. Stock Market is going up!, not going down. The illusion of large and in-charge is gone, the current media is going to be hated forever. Wallstreet floor yelling 'lock her up'. Trump would have won in 2012. From Drudge - NWO is in trouble, Female Skrillex's. Trump pushing bill for $40k income to have 0 taxes. Brainwashed racewar encounters, self prisons, white man attacked (Trump voter?). Creating division to destroy Martin Luther King's vision. They will try to implode the economy before January's Inauguration. Controlled media, George Soros influence, spent $7Billion on television airtime and overthrew Ukraine. Organized army of zombies to sink the country (just like Venezuela), CNN/CNBC sworn enemies.
Second hour - If the US allied with Russia, China could be reformed and benefit as a whole, Ross Perot and the giant sucking sound Balancing the budget and reforming the government (1992, this is really good stuff!). DNC & Globalism crashing, Afraid of states rights movements, programming and social engineering, '<i>people have to die...</i>', "I told you", "If you start a civil war, it won't go as you want". Race based politics history, Every sanctuary city went blue! (and those are mostly it), Sanctuary cities a UN program. Juxtaposition with Hispanics, the Hispanics will be 70% of the population within 30 years, permanent underclass and exploiting, Hilltards, The globalists can only throw money to try and control the masses. Fake vs real racism. This is a scientific/military attack. 'God loves children, drunks, and the USA'. Promoting freedom. Whitehouse doesn't rule out Hillary Pardon, Bev Harris says 7 states stolen.
Third Hour - 'Your hopes are just as valid as your fears', 'How good things could be without Soros or Rockefeller', 'they already tried to plunge the stock market (-700 points)' But it's doing well, NATO, Obama may pardon Hillary. Putin Congratulates Trump and is ready to resume relations. Fears of BLM sectors activating, [url=http://htp://]Jon Rappoport[/url]: Solutions, 'I saw at least 8 listings for urban farms in inner cities', in no time free market and profit for the inner cities, and those with investment will protecting it. Expanding on natural healthcare and self-care. AI seduction. 'They want to promote civil unrest, it wouldn't surprise me a national student strike in America', 'a demonization of whites and the country as a whole', Mainstream Media reported 97.5% loss. In the swamp, investments from special interests pissed, citizen grand/mock juries against Clintons, Elitists shut down Alberta oil in Canada, Wikileaks linking Canadian Prime Minister to Podesta, No real people/citizens want a civil war or death for cops. Complete insanity is their agenda.
Fourth Hour - goblins, 'he won't be able to progress/win by playing by the rules', Daily Briefings, All events live on C-Span? Trump meeting at white house. Trump Assassination? Division in globalism, power structure, demolition, draining the swamp and indictments, 'get out of the way or go to prison', prosecutions need to go forward. 'If we get just 10 kingpins out all their minions will flip and switch sides', FDA example, Mock trial, IRS, CDC, Liberate people. Arrested development,
Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted November 11, 2016
low rated
Are we going to have a daily countdown, like a daily bulletin?
Awesome sauce. BTW, I shouldn't even be talking to you.
I remember when I first posted in this thread and you made a derogatory remark about my rep.
Awesome sauce. BTW, I shouldn't even be talking to you.
I remember when I first posted in this thread and you made a derogatory remark about my rep.

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted November 11, 2016
low rated
Please help stop the terrible epidemic and say NO to crack!

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted November 11, 2016
low rated
Today: 10 Nov 2016 - 71 days to office
Part 1
Daily Headlines
Nightly News - Trump visits the white house, Cops clash with 6,000 crowd in Oakland, going violent and Cher protesting? Anti-Trump rioters vandalize monuments, '<i>people have to die...</i>', Civil unrest & Depopulation, White Trump supporter attacked, Van Jones calls this a 'Whitelash', Anti-trump fliers, busing, facebook groups 'Not my president'. Comparing 9/11 and 11/9 and 'devastation'. Hollywood studios in a daze, (<i>Hope they don't capsize...</i>), Electoral colleges could override vote? Sanders thinking of 2020 election. [url=]FBI director Comey has complicated path. CNN/NBC is stupid predicting race-war, paid agitators, Lester Holt; Many Leaders/countries ready to renegotiate trade deals NAFTA and NATO. Man and machine merging, required microchipping, robotic future, white people ruined America (Nevermind 75%+ voted for him) and nevermind he is efficient, comedians breaking out in tears that Clinton didn't win, yes Clinton who enabled rapists including Bill, TYT, Bowne report, Edward Snowden livestream event 4th amendment, the fabric, communication and privacy protected by default, Protests getting worse, Projection.
Part 1
Daily Headlines
Nightly News - Trump visits the white house, Cops clash with 6,000 crowd in Oakland, going violent and Cher protesting? Anti-Trump rioters vandalize monuments, '<i>people have to die...</i>', Civil unrest & Depopulation, White Trump supporter attacked, Van Jones calls this a 'Whitelash', Anti-trump fliers, busing, facebook groups 'Not my president'. Comparing 9/11 and 11/9 and 'devastation'. Hollywood studios in a daze, (<i>Hope they don't capsize...</i>), Electoral colleges could override vote? Sanders thinking of 2020 election. [url=]FBI director Comey has complicated path. CNN/NBC is stupid predicting race-war, paid agitators, Lester Holt; Many Leaders/countries ready to renegotiate trade deals NAFTA and NATO. Man and machine merging, required microchipping, robotic future, white people ruined America (Nevermind 75%+ voted for him) and nevermind he is efficient, comedians breaking out in tears that Clinton didn't win, yes Clinton who enabled rapists including Bill, TYT, Bowne report, Edward Snowden livestream event 4th amendment, the fabric, communication and privacy protected by default, Protests getting worse, Projection.
Post edited November 11, 2016 by rtcvb32

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted November 11, 2016
I, Jane Doe, the Plaintiff in this matter proceeding under a pseudonym, state as follows:
1. I am a competent adult over 18 years of age able to testify as to personal knowledge. The facts in this declaration are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, and I am competent to testify to them if called upon to do so.
2. I was subject to extreme sexual and physical abuse by the Defendants, including forcible rape, that took place at several parties of Defendant Epstein during the summer of 1994 in New York City at a residence used by Defendant Epstein. During this period, I was 13 years old.
3. More particularly, I traveled by bus to New York City in June 1994 in the hope of starting a modeling career. I went to several modeling agencies but was told that I needed to put together a modeling portfolio before I would be considered. I then went to the Port Authority in New York City to start to make my way back home. There I met a woman who introduced herself to me as Tiffany. She told me about the parties and said that, if I would join her at the parties, I would be introduced to people who could get me into the modeling profession. Tiffany also told me I would be paid for attending.
4. The parties were held at a New York City residence that was being used by Defendant Jeffrey Epstein. Each of the parties had other minor females and a number of guests of Mr. Epstein, including Defendant Donald Trump at four of the parties I attended. I understood that both Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew I was 13 years old.
5. Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me, and then proceeded to forcibly rape me. During the course of this savage sexual attack, I loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but he did not. Defendant Trump responded to my pleas by violently striking me in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted,
6. Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump's sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed.
7. Defendant Epstein had sexual contact with me at two of the parties that summer. On the second occasion involving Defendant Epstein, Defendant Epstein forced himself upon me and proceeded to rape me anally and vaginally despite my loud pleas to stop. Defendant Epstein then attempted to strike me about the head with his closed fists while he angrily screamed at me that he, Defendant Epstein, should have been the one who took my virginity, not Defendant Trump, before I finally managed to break away from Defendant Epstein.
8. Immediately following this rape, just like Defendant Trump, Defendant Epstein threatened me not to ever reveal any of the details of Defendant Epstein’s sexual and physical abuse of me or else my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed.
9. Both Defendants had let me know that each was a very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability and means to carry out their threats. Indeed, Defendant Trump stated that I shouldn’t ever say anything if I didn’t want to disappear like Maria, a 12-year-old female that was forced to be involved in the third incident with Defendant Trump and that I had not seen since that third incident, and that he was capable of having my whole family killed.
10. The duress imposed on me by Defendants not to ever reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse caused to me by Defendants has not terminated and the fear it has instilled in me has not subsided. Unfortunately, making matters worse for me, I was subjected to daily painful reminders of the horrific acts of Defendant Trump via mass media coverage of him starting last summer that, over a short period of time, became continuous and unavoidable.
11. The duress had prevented me from starting litigation before this year. However, as soon as I surfaced, I received threats. More specifically, shortly after my first complaint was filed in California on April 26, 2016, I started receiving threatening phone calls on a cell phone I then owned. The calls were never for more than 20 seconds or so before they hung up and they were always from a blocked or unavailable phone number according to my caller ID feature. Since I changed phone numbers, the threatening calls have completely stopped.
12. This litigation involves matters that are highly sensitive and of a personal nature, and I believe that identification of me would pose a risk of retaliatory physical harm to me and to others.
13. I have no reason to believe that the Defendants’ threats have ever been lifted or will ever be lifted and so I request that the Court issues an order protecting me and my family from harm and harassment by the Defendants.
I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
1. I am a competent adult over 18 years of age able to testify as to personal knowledge. The facts in this declaration are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, and I am competent to testify to them if called upon to do so.
2. I was subject to extreme sexual and physical abuse by the Defendants, including forcible rape, that took place at several parties of Defendant Epstein during the summer of 1994 in New York City at a residence used by Defendant Epstein. During this period, I was 13 years old.
3. More particularly, I traveled by bus to New York City in June 1994 in the hope of starting a modeling career. I went to several modeling agencies but was told that I needed to put together a modeling portfolio before I would be considered. I then went to the Port Authority in New York City to start to make my way back home. There I met a woman who introduced herself to me as Tiffany. She told me about the parties and said that, if I would join her at the parties, I would be introduced to people who could get me into the modeling profession. Tiffany also told me I would be paid for attending.
4. The parties were held at a New York City residence that was being used by Defendant Jeffrey Epstein. Each of the parties had other minor females and a number of guests of Mr. Epstein, including Defendant Donald Trump at four of the parties I attended. I understood that both Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew I was 13 years old.
5. Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me, and then proceeded to forcibly rape me. During the course of this savage sexual attack, I loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but he did not. Defendant Trump responded to my pleas by violently striking me in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted,
6. Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump's sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed.
7. Defendant Epstein had sexual contact with me at two of the parties that summer. On the second occasion involving Defendant Epstein, Defendant Epstein forced himself upon me and proceeded to rape me anally and vaginally despite my loud pleas to stop. Defendant Epstein then attempted to strike me about the head with his closed fists while he angrily screamed at me that he, Defendant Epstein, should have been the one who took my virginity, not Defendant Trump, before I finally managed to break away from Defendant Epstein.
8. Immediately following this rape, just like Defendant Trump, Defendant Epstein threatened me not to ever reveal any of the details of Defendant Epstein’s sexual and physical abuse of me or else my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed.
9. Both Defendants had let me know that each was a very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability and means to carry out their threats. Indeed, Defendant Trump stated that I shouldn’t ever say anything if I didn’t want to disappear like Maria, a 12-year-old female that was forced to be involved in the third incident with Defendant Trump and that I had not seen since that third incident, and that he was capable of having my whole family killed.
10. The duress imposed on me by Defendants not to ever reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse caused to me by Defendants has not terminated and the fear it has instilled in me has not subsided. Unfortunately, making matters worse for me, I was subjected to daily painful reminders of the horrific acts of Defendant Trump via mass media coverage of him starting last summer that, over a short period of time, became continuous and unavoidable.
11. The duress had prevented me from starting litigation before this year. However, as soon as I surfaced, I received threats. More specifically, shortly after my first complaint was filed in California on April 26, 2016, I started receiving threatening phone calls on a cell phone I then owned. The calls were never for more than 20 seconds or so before they hung up and they were always from a blocked or unavailable phone number according to my caller ID feature. Since I changed phone numbers, the threatening calls have completely stopped.
12. This litigation involves matters that are highly sensitive and of a personal nature, and I believe that identification of me would pose a risk of retaliatory physical harm to me and to others.
13. I have no reason to believe that the Defendants’ threats have ever been lifted or will ever be lifted and so I request that the Court issues an order protecting me and my family from harm and harassment by the Defendants.
I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Post edited November 11, 2016 by Vainamoinen

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted November 12, 2016
low rated
Today: 11 Nov 2016 - 70 days to office
First hour - Collection of 'Trump can't win' by the news/media/other. Maximum danger. Satanism, bottom of the barrel, Elite plan to kill Trump, Katy Perry pushing <i>Revolution</i>, Hillary supporters preached Unity and peace but are the opposite it seems, 90 Million viewers in last 7 days (just videos), Goblins nest, '<i>Unacceptible</i>' says Wolf Blitzer, Epic times, attack on whites, return of common sense. Stone: Remove Paul Ryan, and the old guard, 'Trump is grateful to Infowars and it's audience', 'Trump won despite his campaign, Trump's talent as a communicator and anti-Elitist', Political individuals trying not to get Trump to prosecute Clintons. 'You must break these people (with due process)', 'can't take his foot off their throat', 680,000 emails, 'open and shut evidence of: treason, corruption, sexual exploitation, and worse', a pardon is an admission of crime. They will attack us on our liberty and promises, ignoring press core, self promotion, the maximum threat, Secret Service, crackdown on community banks, crash economy and blame trump, innovative financing options without tax dollars, 'flip a few switches, block the globalists we're going to win'.
Second hour - '<i>Breaches</i>' in press protocol, New media, Infowars App Prime, Flashback: Trump interview, Iran/Iraq war, oil, ISIS, China and rare earth minerals, Crippled America. Whitelash and it's white Americans Fault, Trump acceptance speech and history Roger Stone suggesting Trump run for president since 1988. 'I knew a year and a half ago when i endorsed Donald Trump, that he would win', Nigel Farage and infowars, 'it's spreading', 'they will try to implode the economy',
Third Hour - The delicate snowflakes, anti-democratic protest. America rewards hard work. Anti-Trump hate crime wave media is covering up. Highschool girls attacked for voting Trump and another voted in mock election, White Trump voter robbed and attacked, Monument vandalized, Assassinate trump threats, Clinton claimed Trump is the cause of bullying in schools, projection, regressive alt-left and hateful intolerants. Riots across America from Soros and, busing in rioters. Rioters attacking eachother, Electoral college and petitions to override democratic election. They claim Trump will destroy America -- as they go out and destroy America. Brexit and them trying to cancel out UK vote. The popular vote? 'This is not organic', 'Ultimate plan for those that don't agree with them, is to put them into concentration camps', Michel Moore's TODO list openly telling people to obey Geroge Soros (via, Harry Reid's statement '<i>tide of hate</i>', Projection 'they do what they accuse you of doing'. Media Hoaxing grievance media segments (CNN's own cameraman interviewed??). Demonstration planned for massive unrest for Trump's Inauguration, 'Their utopia is worse than you can possibly imagine', control freaks and permanently offended at everything, Ron Paul says '<i>Trump needs to resist neo-cons and shadow government elite</i>', False flags, Matt Maloney (<i>grubhub</i>) anti-trump intolerance and . [url=]BBC asked for interview sparked twitter storm, Child rape by Migrants and '<i>cultural enrichment</i>'.
Fourth Hour - Bowne's Anti-Trump Protests, Why Trump won the decisive election: The Internet, coupled with Arrogance and Delusion. 100 Million viewers, 'they hope you go back to sleep', Barring societal collapse they won't be able to stay in power, and even that. If you look at the political class 'they come from trash'... Good people don't brag, rediscovering Americana, people waking up all over the world, 'We have to drain the swamp and justice must be done', The Jewel and crown. Petitionof treason urging Electoral college to elect Hillary. The Swamp, Secure borders, currency, cut taxes, get back online, Paradoxical system, since 1974 since we have seen any justice in this system, 'There is so much to reverse', 'I want to make not only our nation, but the world great again', 'Go with what made you great', giant liberty movement, Muslim lies about hate crime, Obama aims to salvage legacy, Pope silent, Huma weeping, Cher to leave planet??, John Kerry visits Antarctica to check for global warming (Hint, it's cold) previous Global Warming expedition halted (July).
Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
First hour - Collection of 'Trump can't win' by the news/media/other. Maximum danger. Satanism, bottom of the barrel, Elite plan to kill Trump, Katy Perry pushing <i>Revolution</i>, Hillary supporters preached Unity and peace but are the opposite it seems, 90 Million viewers in last 7 days (just videos), Goblins nest, '<i>Unacceptible</i>' says Wolf Blitzer, Epic times, attack on whites, return of common sense. Stone: Remove Paul Ryan, and the old guard, 'Trump is grateful to Infowars and it's audience', 'Trump won despite his campaign, Trump's talent as a communicator and anti-Elitist', Political individuals trying not to get Trump to prosecute Clintons. 'You must break these people (with due process)', 'can't take his foot off their throat', 680,000 emails, 'open and shut evidence of: treason, corruption, sexual exploitation, and worse', a pardon is an admission of crime. They will attack us on our liberty and promises, ignoring press core, self promotion, the maximum threat, Secret Service, crackdown on community banks, crash economy and blame trump, innovative financing options without tax dollars, 'flip a few switches, block the globalists we're going to win'.
Second hour - '<i>Breaches</i>' in press protocol, New media, Infowars App Prime, Flashback: Trump interview, Iran/Iraq war, oil, ISIS, China and rare earth minerals, Crippled America. Whitelash and it's white Americans Fault, Trump acceptance speech and history Roger Stone suggesting Trump run for president since 1988. 'I knew a year and a half ago when i endorsed Donald Trump, that he would win', Nigel Farage and infowars, 'it's spreading', 'they will try to implode the economy',
Third Hour - The delicate snowflakes, anti-democratic protest. America rewards hard work. Anti-Trump hate crime wave media is covering up. Highschool girls attacked for voting Trump and another voted in mock election, White Trump voter robbed and attacked, Monument vandalized, Assassinate trump threats, Clinton claimed Trump is the cause of bullying in schools, projection, regressive alt-left and hateful intolerants. Riots across America from Soros and, busing in rioters. Rioters attacking eachother, Electoral college and petitions to override democratic election. They claim Trump will destroy America -- as they go out and destroy America. Brexit and them trying to cancel out UK vote. The popular vote? 'This is not organic', 'Ultimate plan for those that don't agree with them, is to put them into concentration camps', Michel Moore's TODO list openly telling people to obey Geroge Soros (via, Harry Reid's statement '<i>tide of hate</i>', Projection 'they do what they accuse you of doing'. Media Hoaxing grievance media segments (CNN's own cameraman interviewed??). Demonstration planned for massive unrest for Trump's Inauguration, 'Their utopia is worse than you can possibly imagine', control freaks and permanently offended at everything, Ron Paul says '<i>Trump needs to resist neo-cons and shadow government elite</i>', False flags, Matt Maloney (<i>grubhub</i>) anti-trump intolerance and . [url=]BBC asked for interview sparked twitter storm, Child rape by Migrants and '<i>cultural enrichment</i>'.
Fourth Hour - Bowne's Anti-Trump Protests, Why Trump won the decisive election: The Internet, coupled with Arrogance and Delusion. 100 Million viewers, 'they hope you go back to sleep', Barring societal collapse they won't be able to stay in power, and even that. If you look at the political class 'they come from trash'... Good people don't brag, rediscovering Americana, people waking up all over the world, 'We have to drain the swamp and justice must be done', The Jewel and crown. Petitionof treason urging Electoral college to elect Hillary. The Swamp, Secure borders, currency, cut taxes, get back online, Paradoxical system, since 1974 since we have seen any justice in this system, 'There is so much to reverse', 'I want to make not only our nation, but the world great again', 'Go with what made you great', giant liberty movement, Muslim lies about hate crime, Obama aims to salvage legacy, Pope silent, Huma weeping, Cher to leave planet??, John Kerry visits Antarctica to check for global warming (Hint, it's cold) previous Global Warming expedition halted (July).
Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted November 12, 2016
low rated
Trump is a rather perfect example of how the American elite consists of nothing more than lily-livered, loud-mouthed losers with delusions of grandeur and chronic oral flatulence.

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted November 12, 2016
low rated
Today: 11 Nov 2016 - 70 days to office
Part 1
Daily Headlines
Nightly News - THE <span class="bold">TPP <span class="podkreslenie">IS DEAD</span></span> another victory; Trump can negotiate a better deal. List of <i>considered</i> Senior jobs, Ron Paul warns '<i>neo-cons and shadow government elite will try to infiltrate</i>', False flags and wars can be forced on the president. Muslim Democrat silences CNN with explanation why she voted for Trump, Iranian military leader calls Trump a 'joke', Trump calling out paid professional protestors, educate those genuinely afraid of deportation on the facts. Assassination calls/tweets, Amnisty lists and if they will get deported? Media Staging fake protestors. Media pushing Racism narrative (race war), Clinton and potential pardon and her many crimes. Protests, brainwashed masses (<i>with arrested development</i>), always the same pattern when asked questions. Will Humanity Survive? Merging with computers/AI. We need a debate of our species. We've taken the beach, but we need to finish the job. To make America great again, it needs to be free again. Remove the corporate operatives. Weekly Wrap-up: Some protestors gone mad, some afraid of being deported, others shipped/bused in from and Soros for the riots. Blaming facebook (who were actively censoring), Clinton Campaign blaming media for being negatively biased against her? (<i>Geez...</i>), A student Muslim lies saying attacked by pair of Trump supporters, Lena Dunham rescinds claim to leave country if Trump wins list of. Ron Paul concerned and 4,000 slots.
Part 1
Daily Headlines
Nightly News - THE <span class="bold">TPP <span class="podkreslenie">IS DEAD</span></span> another victory; Trump can negotiate a better deal. List of <i>considered</i> Senior jobs, Ron Paul warns '<i>neo-cons and shadow government elite will try to infiltrate</i>', False flags and wars can be forced on the president. Muslim Democrat silences CNN with explanation why she voted for Trump, Iranian military leader calls Trump a 'joke', Trump calling out paid professional protestors, educate those genuinely afraid of deportation on the facts. Assassination calls/tweets, Amnisty lists and if they will get deported? Media Staging fake protestors. Media pushing Racism narrative (race war), Clinton and potential pardon and her many crimes. Protests, brainwashed masses (<i>with arrested development</i>), always the same pattern when asked questions. Will Humanity Survive? Merging with computers/AI. We need a debate of our species. We've taken the beach, but we need to finish the job. To make America great again, it needs to be free again. Remove the corporate operatives. Weekly Wrap-up: Some protestors gone mad, some afraid of being deported, others shipped/bused in from and Soros for the riots. Blaming facebook (who were actively censoring), Clinton Campaign blaming media for being negatively biased against her? (<i>Geez...</i>), A student Muslim lies saying attacked by pair of Trump supporters, Lena Dunham rescinds claim to leave country if Trump wins list of. Ron Paul concerned and 4,000 slots.

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted November 12, 2016
low rated
How big of a goat-fucking scum-guzzler is Donald Trump? This big....
You've Been Trumped -- Donald Trump reveals his vile, disgusting nature to the good people of Scotland
You've Been Trumped -- Donald Trump reveals his vile, disgusting nature to the good people of Scotland