Posted November 08, 2016

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Germany
Posted November 08, 2016

New User
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted November 08, 2016

Funny, but also very, very sad. But hey! For you guys it'll all be different the next around because...well, just because.
But I really do like you, so here's a free protip: get into community-building, because if you have community, you have a chance. And if you already are, double up and do more of it. ;p
Look, things that have happened before tend to be a predictor of the future, agreed. But if you think that *limits* us to only repeating what's happened before.... well then by your logic we still should be cavemen.
Indeed this is the hard work, that's been done before for us by a million other guys, to get us to this point where we are now. And thankully they didn't give up "cuz it's too hard, I'm beating my head into a brick wall". And btw, anything that is man made can be fixed (well... up to a certain point. global warming may be our first example where we've outstepped our ability to fix our fuckups), including our system here in the States. Just takes the will of some dedicated people to do it.
In his own mind, I'm sure they all did. Back here in reality, not so much :)
Post edited November 08, 2016 by Ariod

Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted November 08, 2016
Yo, I already see on my twittfeed that there are technical problems with some voting machines which reminds a question I had:
For those elections, are the votes 100% electronic or are there some towns still using good old paper?
=> If the means of voting are mixed, what's the ratio and how is this ratio divided geographically in the country?
For those elections, are the votes 100% electronic or are there some towns still using good old paper?
=> If the means of voting are mixed, what's the ratio and how is this ratio divided geographically in the country?

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted November 08, 2016
low rated

It means that every 330th person you meet will be a refugee,

Since Obama did his last push there was something like 300-1,000 entering the country a day... and those are just the ones we know about.
The truth is, they want us citizens to be a minority in our own country. Look to Germany & France, and you'll see what is coming our way if it keeps up.

For those elections, are the votes 100% electronic or are there some towns still using good old paper?
=> If the means of voting are mixed, what's the ratio and how is this ratio divided geographically in the country?
Also by law, the machines are suppose to create an image and save it of your ballot which can be used for manual counting (if they aren't being deleted).
The election is actively being rigged and the media is lying to our faces... That's certainly true. Wikileaks confirms it multiple times.
Post edited November 08, 2016 by rtcvb32

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted November 08, 2016
low rated

Funny, but also very, very sad. But hey! For you guys it'll all be different the next around because...well, just because.
But I really do like you, so here's a free protip: get into community-building, because if you have community, you have a chance. And if you already are, double up and do more of it. ;p

Look, things that have happened before tend to be a predictor of the future, agreed. But if you think that *limits* us to only repeating what's happened before.... well then by your logic we still should be cavemen.
Indeed this is the hard work, that's been done before for us by a million other guys, to get us to this point where we are now. And thankully they didn't give up "cuz it's too hard, I'm beating my head into a brick wall". And btw, anything that is man made can be fixed (well... up to a certain point. global warming may be our first example where we've outstepped our ability to fix our fuckups), including our system here in the States. Just takes the will of some dedicated people to do it.
You're welcome to borrow it, if you like. ;p
Look, I hope you're right, but getting enough people mobilized and keeping them mobilized long enough that we can rid ourselves of the monsters that are dragging us to our destruction is a long shot. It's possible, but the probability seems rather low to me. But I do draw some hope from the fact that what we know is minuscule compared to what we do not know. So, let's hope that the unknown works to *our* benefit, rather than the benefit of our adversaries.

For those elections, are the votes 100% electronic or are there some towns still using good old paper?
=> If the means of voting are mixed, what's the ratio and how is this ratio divided geographically in the country?
Post edited November 08, 2016 by richlind33

-120 Club. ♥XX
Registered: Jul 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted November 08, 2016
low rated

Since Obama did his last push there was something like 300-1,000 entering the country a day... and those are just the ones we know about.
The truth is, they want us citizens to be a minority in our own country. Look to Germany & France, and you'll see what is coming our way if it keeps up.

For those elections, are the votes 100% electronic or are there some towns still using good old paper?
=> If the means of voting are mixed, what's the ratio and how is this ratio divided geographically in the country?

Also by law, the machines are suppose to create an image and save it of your ballot which can be used for manual counting (if they aren't being deleted).

all politicians want more migrants(legal anyway) so they can potentially have more votes. especially if they're in the incumbent or most likely to win. 'cause the new migrants will feel a sense of gratitude to the leaders of the gov. who let them in. i would think that's an established fact by now. no conspiracy. exception being more xenophobic, land scarce countries like japan.
electronic votes can be rigged yes. so far i've only read about republican contractors suspected of being guilty but no convictions. i wished they used reuseable beadsfor voting, like back in the greek city states. less wasteful, harder to dupe or stuff votes.
i thought wikileaks just confirmed stuff about the super delegates? they never did tell us anything we don't already know or suspected.

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted November 08, 2016
If you guys take a million, that would be halfway decent, worth a solid handshake. You could take 1% of your population like *cough* others, but let's face it, you won't even take .001%.
rtcvb32: Since Obama did his last push there was something like 300-1,000 entering the country a day ... and those are just the ones we know about. Oh I see, Obama is smuggling refugees into the country. Suuuure. Well, in that case, only about 6600 days to go for you until you've done your part and patriotic duty. Don't go Unamerican on us now!
So Obama and Clinton don't just flood your country with refugees in total secrecy, they're also cloning them until they have 330 million. Now that's a spectacularly evil plan, I'll give you that.
Are you aware of the actual numbers...? No, of course you aren't. Well, let's say 99% of US citizens suddenly die (of, say, fluoride poisoning) and let's also assume you're taking in ALL Syrian refugees not just temporary but forever, then indeed this evil plan would work out (even without the cloning).
Within any other scenario, you'll have retire the captain of your brain ship, 'cause he's drunk at the wheel.
I do, with two eyes, every day! You don't, you're looking at a fictionalized version from abject fear mongers like Donald.

So Obama and Clinton don't just flood your country with refugees in total secrecy, they're also cloning them until they have 330 million. Now that's a spectacularly evil plan, I'll give you that.
Are you aware of the actual numbers...? No, of course you aren't. Well, let's say 99% of US citizens suddenly die (of, say, fluoride poisoning) and let's also assume you're taking in ALL Syrian refugees not just temporary but forever, then indeed this evil plan would work out (even without the cloning).
Within any other scenario, you'll have retire the captain of your brain ship, 'cause he's drunk at the wheel.
I do, with two eyes, every day! You don't, you're looking at a fictionalized version from abject fear mongers like Donald.
Post edited November 08, 2016 by Vainamoinen

-120 Club. ♥XX
Registered: Jul 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted November 08, 2016
Are you aware of the actual numbers...? No, of course you aren't. Well, let's say 99% of US citizens suddenly die (of, say, fluoride poisoning)[/i]
Hot damn that was a good one. Remember when i pissed out of an airplane, and it landed into the wellwater of Silent Hill, Ohio, turning them all into GMO zombies because I ate too much Pringles?
Are you aware of the actual numbers...? No, of course you aren't. Well, let's say 99% of US citizens suddenly die (of, say, fluoride poisoning)[/i]
Hot damn that was a good one. Remember when i pissed out of an airplane, and it landed into the wellwater of Silent Hill, Ohio, turning them all into GMO zombies because I ate too much Pringles?

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted November 08, 2016
low rated
It's on the back burner, about 11 hours in. I hacked the save to boost my speed so I don't have to grind, since drawing spells takes so long, and I've been to disc 3 but never finished the game since I could never figure out where I was suppose to go.
dick1982: all politicians want more migrants(legal anyway) so they can potentially have more votes. especially if they're in the incumbent or most likely to win. 'cause the new migrants will feel a sense of gratitude to the leaders of the gov. who let them in. i would think that's an established fact by now. no conspiracy. exception being more xenophobic, land scarce countries like japan. Indeed. While maybe 10% of the US actually votes, 100% of immigrants will vote, and if they get enough immigrants, they can always guarantee their votes and control the power. New immigrants/refugees are treated better than our veterans, getting $1,800 checks and places to live while 200 Veterans die waiting for treatment. It's a sad state of affairs. There's something like 20 Million immigrants and/or illegals already in the US. Half of them probably in the last 5-10 years. What can 100,000 do? Well if they were the only ones probably very little if spread out enough and incorporated into society properly (although bombs and explosives can mean a different story). How about 10 or 20 million? And almost all of these immigrants since the refugee program are military aged males. Even 'children' who are claimed to be 12 years old are checked via dentist and confirmed to be in their 20's.
dick1982: electronic votes can be rigged yes. so far i've only read about republican contractors suspected of being guilty but no convictions. i wished they used reuseable beadsfor voting, like back in the greek city states. less wasteful, harder to dupe or stuff votes. I have little doubt if Trump gets in, voting machines will be discontinued and we go back fully 100% paper ballots. It's really not that hard, taking a minute to fill in the paper. Removing the larger obvious fraud and going to what's far harder to fraud and fake can fix quite a few things.
dick1982: i thought wikileaks just confirmed stuff about the super delegates? they never did tell us anything we don't already know or suspected. Wikileaks leaks stuff as appropriate. Right now it's heavily pushing Podesta emails. It may very well start on the 33,000 emails, or the 650,000 emails. They've already said they are going to keep going well into the next year. Daily the drops of emails reveal more and more about the foundations and systems and who is at the top and in the Clinton organization, George Soro, and activities as recently as a few months ago. There's more than enough information that the FBI couldn't outright arrest Hillary and have her serve probably 10 life sentences. For others who are not Clinton, lying to the FBI is enough to ruin their career and is worse than what they were being investigated for. However Comey and Lynch are protecting her. Supposedly there's enough votes in position now to push the TPP in congress.
There's a lot on the line... this year is different.
Vainamoinen: I do, with two eyes, every day! You don't, you're looking at a fictionalized version from abject fear mongers like Donald. So how are the UN commercial? You know, the ones saying Hajibs are sexy?
And in Sweden...
You know, I'd almost ask you to check out the nearby areas and the refugee camps and where they are incoming, but I'm going to assume you won't.

There's a lot on the line... this year is different.
And in Sweden...
You know, I'd almost ask you to check out the nearby areas and the refugee camps and where they are incoming, but I'm going to assume you won't.
Post edited November 08, 2016 by rtcvb32

-120 Club. ♥XX
Registered: Jul 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted November 08, 2016
if you really cared about the war vets, you should also know trump's tax evasions and lowering of corporate taxes won't help at all.
george soros again? c'mon. he's not the evil darklord you're looking for. he's an investor who frequently predicts shit WRONG. the only reason he didn't go bankrupt is that he cuts his losses, and don't always invest according to his stupid predictions.
george soros again? c'mon. he's not the evil darklord you're looking for. he's an investor who frequently predicts shit WRONG. the only reason he didn't go bankrupt is that he cuts his losses, and don't always invest according to his stupid predictions.

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted November 09, 2016
I myself can unfortunately not say with certainty how sexy the court officials in the antique Muslim world were.
If for some reason you meant hijab instead of hajib: There was none in the video you linked to. *gasp*
Which isn't surprising because had that lady worn a hijab, that would be highly offensive to Muslim women.
So, how are the ol' silly prejudices and fears? Alive and well, I see.
If for some reason you meant hijab instead of hajib: There was none in the video you linked to. *gasp*
Which isn't surprising because had that lady worn a hijab, that would be highly offensive to Muslim women.
So, how are the ol' silly prejudices and fears? Alive and well, I see.
Post edited November 09, 2016 by Vainamoinen

Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted November 09, 2016
I came. I saw. I laughed. (awesome remix) XD

Old and Cranky
Registered: May 2010
From United States
Posted November 09, 2016
You answered the question. B+. But I needed you to think about the stack falling apart so you could also think about shear forces. I didn't mention them just because I like an excuse to dork out about physics (though, yeah, there's that), but also because there are several types of shear forces and one is very important in understanding the collapse of both the main towers, and building 7 as well.
richlind33: Please take a look at part 2 -- it's about 5 1/2 minutes.
Would you say that Chandler is far off the mark in determining NIST's start time for the collapse, or reasonably close?
Why do you think it's acceptable that NIST failed to acknowledge free-fall in it's draft report? Is it possible that Chandler is correct and that NIST *wanted* a collapse time of 5.4 seconds?
Re the video you posted: when the building lets go and collapses, if a significant number of structural support components remain intact on one side of the building but not on the other, does it still fall in the manner that it did?
Thank you. I did in fact watch all three parts when you posted that link; it would have been incomplete not to, and since it became obvious that Chandler was guilty of misusing information through incompleteness, that would have been an hypocrisy too great for me to bear.
I don't know if he's "reasonably close", but - and I hoped this was clear before - I have acute doubts about his honesty. The video I showed you (by a group which in fact believes the building was demo'ed) gives 23 angles for the collapse. Surely, not all 23 would have been adequate to determine rate of fall. But some were. Some clearly showed reference buildings in an unmoving frame. Why would Chandler not address those? The only obvious reason, since he reported on it nearly a decade after the fact, was that he didn't want to have to deal with explaining the visible internal collapse and what it means for the motion of the exterior walls. I don't even know if the video that Chandler used for analysis was in fact shot at 30 frames per second. It's a trivial trick to take a 24fps feed (which is in fact what video was shot at for a great long time, and still what some lower-end CCTV feeds use) and show it at 30fps. Chandler never shows (well, not that I saw. Please do show me wrong if I am) that the video was in fact taken at 30fps. So his frame count could be deliberately massaged. If he had taken 24fps and kludged it to 30fps, how many frames would the video be off by?
Within one frame of the difference between what he claims is the fall, and what the official sources claim is the fall. I can't trust Chandler because he shows himself to be actively ignoring information to push an agenda. And so I can't trust his methodology, either. Not without some better proof that the data actually match what he claims. (EDIT: Also, assuming my brief side research is correct about Chandler today, he seems to have changed his opinion about the nature of the collapse, a year or two ago. If even he won't stick up for his conclusions, why should I?)
Do I think it's acceptable that NIST didn't initially acknowledge free-fall? I do. Let me make an analogy. If for 21 hours a day you drink water and snack on carrots, it looks like you're on a healthy diet. If you then for three hours a day stuff you face with pizza and peanut butter chocolate pie, and wash it all down with chocolate milk and Red Bull, are you, in fact, following a healthy diet? No. The exterior walls of building 7 were only in free fall for a minority of the total visible collapse, but if there had been a controlled demolition as was being suggested, there should have been free fall from the beginning until near the end (when accumulating rubble became sufficiently dense to slow the collapse). Instead, free fall was only noted in the middle. For a small part. Thus, it is not acceptable to claim the building collapsed in free fall. I was hoping the stack collapse would explain that, but since it was my example, maybe that's clearer in my head.
If a stack is demo'ed sideways, instead of imploded in place, then it doesn't actually much matter what supports remain intact. The stack will still split, though the location of the break can be changed if there's an unusual amount of support on the tower. You don't see that often since, as you'd hope, they don't just roll up one day with a bunch of C4 and say, "Hey, folks, you need to find a new place to work because this place is going to fall down in like six minutes." There's a lot of cleaning and removing of unnecessary bits before the detonation goes.

Would you say that Chandler is far off the mark in determining NIST's start time for the collapse, or reasonably close?
Why do you think it's acceptable that NIST failed to acknowledge free-fall in it's draft report? Is it possible that Chandler is correct and that NIST *wanted* a collapse time of 5.4 seconds?
Re the video you posted: when the building lets go and collapses, if a significant number of structural support components remain intact on one side of the building but not on the other, does it still fall in the manner that it did?
Thank you.
I don't know if he's "reasonably close", but - and I hoped this was clear before - I have acute doubts about his honesty. The video I showed you (by a group which in fact believes the building was demo'ed) gives 23 angles for the collapse. Surely, not all 23 would have been adequate to determine rate of fall. But some were. Some clearly showed reference buildings in an unmoving frame. Why would Chandler not address those? The only obvious reason, since he reported on it nearly a decade after the fact, was that he didn't want to have to deal with explaining the visible internal collapse and what it means for the motion of the exterior walls. I don't even know if the video that Chandler used for analysis was in fact shot at 30 frames per second. It's a trivial trick to take a 24fps feed (which is in fact what video was shot at for a great long time, and still what some lower-end CCTV feeds use) and show it at 30fps. Chandler never shows (well, not that I saw. Please do show me wrong if I am) that the video was in fact taken at 30fps. So his frame count could be deliberately massaged. If he had taken 24fps and kludged it to 30fps, how many frames would the video be off by?
Within one frame of the difference between what he claims is the fall, and what the official sources claim is the fall. I can't trust Chandler because he shows himself to be actively ignoring information to push an agenda. And so I can't trust his methodology, either. Not without some better proof that the data actually match what he claims. (EDIT: Also, assuming my brief side research is correct about Chandler today, he seems to have changed his opinion about the nature of the collapse, a year or two ago. If even he won't stick up for his conclusions, why should I?)
Do I think it's acceptable that NIST didn't initially acknowledge free-fall? I do. Let me make an analogy. If for 21 hours a day you drink water and snack on carrots, it looks like you're on a healthy diet. If you then for three hours a day stuff you face with pizza and peanut butter chocolate pie, and wash it all down with chocolate milk and Red Bull, are you, in fact, following a healthy diet? No. The exterior walls of building 7 were only in free fall for a minority of the total visible collapse, but if there had been a controlled demolition as was being suggested, there should have been free fall from the beginning until near the end (when accumulating rubble became sufficiently dense to slow the collapse). Instead, free fall was only noted in the middle. For a small part. Thus, it is not acceptable to claim the building collapsed in free fall. I was hoping the stack collapse would explain that, but since it was my example, maybe that's clearer in my head.
If a stack is demo'ed sideways, instead of imploded in place, then it doesn't actually much matter what supports remain intact. The stack will still split, though the location of the break can be changed if there's an unusual amount of support on the tower. You don't see that often since, as you'd hope, they don't just roll up one day with a bunch of C4 and say, "Hey, folks, you need to find a new place to work because this place is going to fall down in like six minutes." There's a lot of cleaning and removing of unnecessary bits before the detonation goes.
Post edited November 09, 2016 by OneFiercePuppy