drmike: I just finally bought Kerbal and I suck at it. Watching Youtube videos is pretty much the only way I can understand how to do things in the game.
Sometimes it's better to watch the Youtube videos. I tried doing some of the tutorial mission in B-17 The Mighty Eighth, followed the manual but was still screwing things up. The video about taking off and feathering engines had more info than the manual explained.
nightcraw1er.488: Yes, long ago, mapping, note taking. Very rarely now, just follow the big glowy yellow arrow to the next dumb as sh*t dialogue which its best to skip.
Not only is the dialog dumb as sh*t, the whole idea of quest markers can make some quests nonsensical.
"Hi, I don't know you but I need you to find my book called "How to improve your life by eating cabbage and farting in crowded places". I don't remember where I put it but I think I last had it in the Binge and Vomit Inn on the third floor, last room on the right, under the left side of the bed. Can you go get it for me?"
You go there an it's exactly where the quest giver said it was. You go back to the quest giver and wonder why there's no dialog option along the lines of "The book was exactly where you said it was!! Why didn't you just save time and get the book yourself instead of standing around with your thumb up your arse, bothering random strangers to fetch you a lost book that you already know the location of?"