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HunchBluntley: If that were the case, I would agree with you that that's a cool way to do things. However, I'm pretty sure that DAI's multiplayer is included with (and only available with) purchase of the game. But then, I also may be wrong. :)
I dunno personally, was just interpretation of what he said above however I decided to have a look around and was unable to find the game on Steam. I found it on Origin but was unable to find any free multiplayer although I did find a for-pay multiplayer called "Multiplayer 1025 Platinum" for $9.99. Origin is hard to navigate though so it's possible there might be something there, or it could be elsewhere too I suppose, hard to say without a link. :)


Aha, Google helped me find it:

Post edited June 23, 2016 by skeletonbow
HunchBluntley: If that were the case, I would agree with you that that's a cool way to do things. However, I'm pretty sure that DAI's multiplayer is included with (and only available with) purchase of the game. But then, I also may be wrong. :)
skeletonbow: I dunno personally, was just interpretation of what he said above however I decided to have a look around and was unable to find the game on Steam. I found it on Origin but was unable to find any free multiplayer although I did find a for-pay multiplayer called "Multiplayer 1025 Platinum" for $9.99. Origin is hard to navigate though so it's possible there might be something there, or it could be elsewhere too I suppose, hard to say without a link. :)


Aha, Google helped me find it:

Well, hell, I don't need Google to help me find a 404 page! ;D
HunchBluntley: Well, hell, I don't need Google to help me find a 404 page! ;D
Thought you'd get a chuckle out of that. :)
skeletonbow: When I read what they're saying the way I read it is that they're saying you can play that game multiplayer without having to buy anything, so it's worth looking at as it is free if everyone ends up enjoying playing it, but it does not come with the single-player part of the game so you have to pay for that if you want it. I didn't get the impression they were saying it was notable as much as they were pointing out the fact it is free and that might be appealing for a group of gamers looking to find a new game without wasting money. That was my impression anyway, I could be wrong.
HunchBluntley: If that were the case, I would agree with you that that's a cool way to do things. However, I'm pretty sure that DAI's multiplayer is included with (and only available with) purchase of the game. But then, I also may be wrong. :)
You're perfectly right, Skeletonbow, I meant exactly that! ;) Which means you were wrong, HunchBluntley, because things have changed.

Up until now the DA:I multiplayer was free and you could download it from Origin, it also included a 6-hour single player trial alongside the free MP. However it's been removed from their catalog this month, as Google cache shows it was still up and working on June 6th, so my wager is they removed it with beginning of the Origin summer sale or around that.

The DA:I multiplayer is free and you can play it if you download the DA:I trial, which is the full game but with a 6 hour free single player trial and the free MP. But because of the recent changes on the Origin store, the free MP no longer has an individual page on the website and is only viewable on the Dragon Age client store (which you have to dowload anyway to be able to play teh game). Otherwise I'd link to it, just a month ago or so it was still online.

The DA:I Trial that included the 6-hour SP and free MP was on Origin for over a year, and only about two weeks ago it changed, so from now on Hutchley can say it isn't free anymore. :D You can still play the game (and all of EA's game catalog) for 4.99 a month though, so five dollars/Euro for a month to try out the MP and SP sounds good to me. (Oh, and I took some liberties when quoting your two posts and corrected some stuff. :D)

It's a pity, I hear the multiplayer was great! I should've grabbed it while I could, as someone told me they can still access the Trial despite the EA live support telling me you shouldn't be able to. I guess it's probably them trying to make me feel better about it, haha!
Post edited June 26, 2016 by Green_Hilltop
I highly recommend Guns of Icarus Online. Few other games rely as much on teamwork, communication and leadership. It is truly a one-of-a-kind multiplayer experience and much more so if played with a group of friends.
cool4345: @Vitek
I've seen Overwatch and I was interested in it, I just don't really want to play Blizzard games personally since my account was hacked and I have no way to get it back.
If you're interested in that kind of gameplay try Paladins. It's a poor man's Overwatch which is actually quite decent.

I also recommend SMITE. It is classified as a 3rd person MOBA but only one of the game modes fits the strict sense of the word. Other game modes like Arena are casual, fast paced and a ton of fun. In other words: "The MOBA for people who don't like MOBAs" (quoted from the top review on Steam).

EDIT: If you do end up trying SMITE, join the gogbears clan I created. :)
Post edited June 28, 2016 by Pardinuz
Green_Hilltop: [snip]
I stand corrected, then. :)
Also: "Hutchley"? ;)
Green_Hilltop: [snip]
HunchBluntley: I stand corrected, then. :)
Also: "Hutchley"? ;)
That's why I corrected it shortly after posting it, when I remembered I probably wrote your name wrong. I hoped I would edit it before you managed to see it, but apparently not. :D HunchBluntley. That's probably how it happened? :D
Post edited June 26, 2016 by Green_Hilltop
cool4345: Hi All.

Lately I have been talking to my gaming friends and we were interested in playing more multiplayer games together.
However, it's proving to be harder than I expected to find good multiplayer games that we can all agree on. So I thought i'd ask on the forums for recommendations. Thought that this might also help anyone else out there who may be searching for similar ideas.

Some of the games which I/ We have already played:

Payday 1 & 2 | Torchlight II | Dungeon Defenders 1 | Titan Quest | Starbound | Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed
Hero Siege | How to Survive | Mercenary Kings | Little Racers STREET | Castle Crashers | Wanderlust: Rebirth
Divinity: Original Sin | Guild Wars 2 | Garry's Mod | Don't Starve Together | Counter Strike | Awesomenauts
Chronicle: RuneScape Legends | Trine 2 & 3 | Risk Of Rain | Killing Floor 1+2 | Tabletop Simulator | Team Fortress 2 | Terraria |
Viscera Cleanup Detail | various Worms games | Magicka 1+2 | Left 4 dead 1+2 | Die2nite | Mush | WarFrame | WarThunder | Resident Evil: Outbreak

I don't usually enjoy MOBAs or racing games, though I do occasionally like some racing games.
As for MMOs personally I used to love playing Runescape and Maplestory, but I couldn't get into WoW and haven't been able to find any other MMOs that are different enough from WoW to keep my interest.

Any suggestions would be appreciated! :)
years ago when i was subscribed to a gaming magazine i got a game on the CDs - Soldat. it's made by polish people i think. you can play against bots or other players. it's a 2D shooter with good physics engine, you have all sorts of weapons, grenades and you can also fly with jetpack. on some maps the gravity is adjusted so you can fly more, reduce fall damage etc. i played on internet and it was fun - it had both deathmatch and capture the fag. but i didn't touch that game for long time and don't know more
Enter the Gungeon

Nuclear Throne now has mod that enables online co op :D

Duck Game

Samurai Gunn


Lethal League



Gang Beasts (early access)

Crawl (early access)

These are the ones in the top of my head for a quick fun
Unreal Tournament games.
Warcraft III.
Team Fortress 2.
Age of Empires II.