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Hi All.

Lately I have been talking to my gaming friends and we were interested in playing more multiplayer games together.
However, it's proving to be harder than I expected to find good multiplayer games that we can all agree on. So I thought i'd ask on the forums for recommendations. Thought that this might also help anyone else out there who may be searching for similar ideas.

Some of the games which I/ We have already played:

Payday 1 & 2 | Torchlight II | Dungeon Defenders 1 | Titan Quest | Starbound | Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed
Hero Siege | How to Survive | Mercenary Kings | Little Racers STREET | Castle Crashers | Wanderlust: Rebirth
Divinity: Original Sin | Guild Wars 2 | Garry's Mod | Don't Starve Together | Counter Strike | Awesomenauts
Chronicle: RuneScape Legends | Trine 2 & 3 | Risk Of Rain | Killing Floor 1+2 | Tabletop Simulator | Team Fortress 2 | Terraria |
Viscera Cleanup Detail | various Worms games | Magicka 1+2 | Left 4 dead 1+2 | Die2nite | Mush | WarFrame | WarThunder | Resident Evil: Outbreak

I don't usually enjoy MOBAs or racing games, though I do occasionally like some racing games.
As for MMOs personally I used to love playing Runescape and Maplestory, but I couldn't get into WoW and haven't been able to find any other MMOs that are different enough from WoW to keep my interest.

Any suggestions would be appreciated! :)
Post edited June 21, 2016 by cool4345
I believe Crimzon Clover lets you play with 2 players locally (that is, 2 players on the same computer).
For something different, perhaps OpenTTD. Might get a bit heated as you fight over subsidies and lucrative supply chains, but can't be anything other than phenomenally fun.

For games with awesome single player campaigns for when you're not killing each other in their glorious deathmatches, there's and [url=]Jedi Outcast

I only briefly tried it, but it was clear that there was incredible potential for some great multiplayer coop. Raven Shield allows for coop, at least it did when I played it, and allows you to take on missions as a team. Peering around corners and relaying recon info while role playing as actual special forces agents was wicked fun!
I thought of another one.

Tyrian has single-computer 2-player in the same fashion as Crimzon Clover. (Note: Even though these two games are in the same genre, they are quite different.)
Secrets of Grindea -> Considering that you played Wanderlust: Rebirth this is similar, but i would recommend to put it on a wishlist until it's finished, the game looks promising but the updates are really REALLY slow.

How to Survive 2 -> Apparently the second one is better than the first but it's also in early acess, haven't played it (but it has been in sale for something like 3€).

Broforce -> Don't know how's the pc performance (terrible on the ps4) but the game was really fun to play with a friend from what i've played, still waiting for an update...

Project Zomboid -> Unfortunately i don't have much experience about this one, i've played it more than a year ago but i didn't went back because my coop friend stop playing on the pc. Now that i think of it, they're taking a while to finish the game...

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy -> Bought it but i haven't played it, the concept looks neat, something like a Deus Ex coop game.

Contagion -> It has been on bundles so if it appears again, eh, why not, the mp is basically dead but you can play it as coop. Problem was that they didn't put effort into the coop mode, can't really remember but i think it's only 5 maps for that mode, that's why i recommend it getting from a bundle (dirty cheap). Also, beware, it's unfriendly when it comes to creating your own server and inviting friends, ports problems and such.

Damned -> Another one that you should consider getting it cheap, one is a ghost/monster and the others need to figure it out how to escape, it was fun for a while but it felt "cheap", a bigger budget would help (not to say that there are other similar games that appears to be better, Dead By Daylight or Dead Realm).
Thanks for the replies so far! :)

Crimzon Clover and Tyrian look interesting so I might check them out, but I was looking specifically for online multiplayer as it's difficult for me to get people sorted for local multiplayer.

I've seen Overwatch and I was interested in it, I just don't really want to play Blizzard games personally since my account was hacked and I have no way to get it back.

I have actually played OpenTTD but I played it alone and found it difficult to get into, and I think that my friends weren't that interested in it either.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 looks interesting, might have to check it out. Same with Star Wars Jedi Knight II. Though i've never been a big star wars fan so i'm not sure if i'll like that. Not sure about Rune, i'll have to look into it further.

I've been looking at Secrets of Grindea for a while! It's looking promising but i'd like to wait until it's out of early access before playing it, but like you said it could be a long time before that happens, IF it happens.

I did try How to survive 1 but didn't really like it too much. I'll keep the second one in mind for when it comes out of early access though.
I've also seen Broforce, I forgot about it for a while but I might have to check it out now you've reminded me about it. I also actually do have Project Zomboid but i've only played it briefly, I was hoping to wait until it's out of early access but it sounds like that will be some time away yet. I forgot it had multiplayer though!
I haven't heard of E.Y.E, i'll have to check it out.
I actually already own and i've played Contagion, I think it's exactly like you said though. I played it with friends at launch and it was a bit of fun but it wasn't anything amazing and i think it had some missed potential. Still a fairly decent game though if it's on sale.
I have seen Damned already but I wasn't too interested in it personally.

Some other games i've also seen but either aren't out or I haven't got around to playing yet:

Worms WMD
Dead Island 2
Walking dead (Overkill game)
Grim Dawn
Homefront Revolution
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Stardew Valley (it will have multiplayer but it isn't in yet AFAIK)
Fight The Dragon
Dino Run DX
Post edited June 22, 2016 by cool4345
cool4345: Team Fortress 2
I am supposed to teach some friend to play TF2 so that we'd play in tandem. Is there any way to keep friends in the same team in TF2 on public servers? Most servers where I go seem to very actively even the teams (moving people from team to team), sometimes scrambling the teams completely, and they even block you from changing team if the teams are already even or the other team has more players.

I assumed there'd be some easy way for friends to play on the same side, but googling for it, apparently there isn't?
Did you consider Terraria? It works quite well as a multiplayer game.
Nox! It's got one of the best multiplayers (and several MP modes) and it's free on Origin right now. If you liked Torchlight, this is even better.

Sacrifice is a really good RTS, as are Giants Citizen Kabuto (which are actually a mix of RTS/FPS).

Spelunky has a fun LAN mode if you're not playing only online, and the free version has a workaround to play the LAN mode online.

Aliens vs Predators is a classic FPS shooter.

Rayman games (the new ones) have wonderful multiplayer for up to four people! It was actually streamed on GOG Twitch with Konrad and Ada and it was so much hilarious. Definitely recommended, if you want to have some fun, creative platforming.

Borderlands 2 can be fun if you like FPS games. For up to four players.

And lastly, Dragon Age: Inquisition has a multiplayer mode, so that one can be very enjoyable, and more importantly: it's free. You only pay for the singleplayer version fo the game, the MP is free to play. Make sure you download all the free DLC for it! :) You don't have to pay anything (no paid DLC for the MP), you can however buy chests (to gear yourself up faster) and potions, but you gain both while playing, so it's akin to buying stuff in F2P games, however as it's a coop you don't need them at all. Check the reddit page on the DA multiplayer if you need any advice or tips.
Post edited June 22, 2016 by Green_Hilltop
Highly recommend playing Sanctum 2 with others.
I'm more interested in finding friends to play with, everybody is too busy these days.
cool4345: Hi All.

Lately I have been talking to my gaming friends and we were interested in playing more multiplayer games together.
However, it's proving to be harder than I expected to find good multiplayer games that we can all agree on. So I thought i'd ask on the forums for recommendations. Thought that this might also help anyone else out there who may be searching for similar ideas.

Some of the games which I/ We have already played:

Payday 1 & 2 | Torchlight II | Dungeon Defenders 1 | Titan Quest | Starbound | Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed
Hero Siege | How to Survive | Mercenary Kings | Little Racers STREET | Castle Crashers | Wanderlust: Rebirth
Divinity: Original Sin | Guild Wars 2 | Garry's Mod | Don't Starve Together | Counter Strike | Awesomenauts
Chronicle: RuneScape Legends | Trine 2 & 3 | Risk Of Rain | Killing Floor 1+2 | Tabletop Simulator | Team Fortress 2 | Terraria |
Viscera Cleanup Detail | various Worms games | Magicka 1+2 | Left 4 dead 1+2 | Die2nite | Mush | WarFrame | WarThunder | Resident Evil: Outbreak

I don't usually enjoy MOBAs or racing games, though I do occasionally like some racing games.
As for MMOs personally I used to love playing Runescape and Maplestory, but I couldn't get into WoW and haven't been able to find any other MMOs that are different enough from WoW to keep my interest.

Any suggestions would be appreciated! :)
Since you and your friends seem to enjoy ARPGs, I'd suggest maybe checking out Din's Curse and/or Drox Operative. They're not as polished as some titles of the sort, but they've got a lot of replay value thanks to nearly everything being procedurally generated. Also, Din's Curse (and probably Drox, too) has no hard upper limit on the number of players per game!
Gilozard: Did you consider Terraria? It works quite well as a multiplayer game.
He already mentioned having played that.

Green_Hilltop: And lastly, Dragon Age: Inquisition has a multiplayer mode, so that one can be very enjoyable, and more importantly: it's free. You only pay for the singleplayer version fo the game, the MP is free to play. Make sure you download all the free DLC for it! :) You don't have to pay anything (no paid DLC for the MP), you can however buy chests (to gear yourself up faster) and potions, but you gain both while playing, so it's akin to buying stuff in F2P games, however as it's a coop you don't need them at all. Check the reddit page on the DA multiplayer if you need any advice or tips.
How is that a notable feature? Admittedly, I've never played online multiplayer, and haven't played any new AAA games in probably a decade or more, but are there really that many games where you have to buy/subscribe to the multiplayer portion even if you've already bought the single-player game?
Post edited June 23, 2016 by HunchBluntley
Green_Hilltop: And lastly, Dragon Age: Inquisition has a multiplayer mode, so that one can be very enjoyable, and more importantly: it's free. You only pay for the singleplayer version fo the game, the MP is free to play. Make sure you download all the free DLC for it! :) You don't have to pay anything (no paid DLC for the MP), you can however buy chests (to gear yourself up faster) and potions, but you gain both while playing, so it's akin to buying stuff in F2P games, however as it's a coop you don't need them at all. Check the reddit page on the DA multiplayer if you need any advice or tips.
HunchBluntley: How is that a notable feature? Admittedly, I've never played online multiplayer, and haven't played any new AAA games in probably a decade or more, but are there really that many games where you have to buy/subscribe to the multiplayer portion even if you've already bought the single-player game?
When I read what he's saying the way I read it is that he's saying you can play that game multiplayer without having to buy anything, so it's worth looking at as it is free if everyone ends up enjoying playing it, but it does not come with the single-player part of the game so you have to pay for that if you want it. I didn't get the impression he was saying it was notable as much as he was pointing out the fact it is free and that might be appealing for a group of gamers looking to find a new game without wasting money. That was my impression anyway, I could be wrong.
HunchBluntley: How is that a notable feature? Admittedly, I've never played online multiplayer, and haven't played any new AAA games in probably a decade or more, but are there really that many games where you have to buy/subscribe to the multiplayer portion even if you've already bought the single-player game?
skeletonbow: When I read what he's saying the way I read it is that he's saying you can play that game multiplayer without having to buy anything, so it's worth looking at as it is free if everyone ends up enjoying playing it, but it does not come with the single-player part of the game so you have to pay for that if you want it. I didn't get the impression he was saying it was notable as much as he was pointing out the fact it is free and that might be appealing for a group of gamers looking to find a new game without wasting money. That was my impression anyway, I could be wrong.
If that were the case, I would agree with you that that's a cool way to do things. However, I'm pretty sure that DAI's multiplayer is included with (and only available with) purchase of the game. But then, I also may be wrong. :)