Posted June 13, 2016

I had a network outage a few days ago and I couldn’t access the game, “The Witcher 3” I looked in the directory to see if I could find an anything.exe, (there was a “CrashReporter.exe”,” GalaxyClient Helper.exe”,” GalaxyClient.exe”,” GalaxyClientService.exe”, and “unins000.exe”). I thought maybe it might be in the “Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt” directory, but there wasn’t so I thought I might have installed it incorrectly and checked the download directory and guess what Genius, there wasn’t anything in there that remotely looked like all the other programs I have installed in the past. I even looking for a huge file that’s at least 60 gig and there was nothing.
So please forgive my naiveté as I didn’t find any way to either play or install it without network access. By the way this is the first time I have bought a game that I didn’t have actual disks in hand.
I appreciate all other replies that actually used their grey matter to help.
Just out of curiosity, your reply; Did it make you feel smarter, better, or just plain dumb, considering you didn’t have to work your grey matter to ridicule me?
I was just surprised- imagine sitting in a italian restaurant and seeing a guy who you know has been coming there for 4 years ask the waiter if, by chance, they have any pasta? You'd be surprised too.
I really didn't mean to insult you- I was just legitimately curious how you could think GOG's games are "always online" after having been here since long before Galaxy, Now I know, and that's perfectly fine, and I'm sorry you felt insulted by my post.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by Breja