Breja: Not to be an asshole but... you've been here since 2012. How do you not know GOG games are DRM free and require no internet connection to play? Have you not bought anything here in 4 years?
How can a stupid comment like that not portray you as anything but……
I had a network outage a few days ago and I couldn’t access the game, “The Witcher 3” I looked in the directory to see if I could find an anything.exe, (there was a “CrashReporter.exe”,” GalaxyClient Helper.exe”,” GalaxyClient.exe”,” GalaxyClientService.exe”, and “unins000.exe”). I thought maybe it might be in the “Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt” directory, but there wasn’t so I thought I might have installed it incorrectly and checked the download directory and guess what Genius, there wasn’t anything in there that remotely looked like all the other programs I have installed in the past. I even looking for a huge file that’s at least 60 gig and there was nothing.
So please forgive my naiveté as I didn’t find any way to either play or install it without network access. By the way this is the first time I have bought a game that I didn’t have actual disks in hand.
I appreciate all other replies that actually used their grey matter to help.
Just out of curiosity, your reply; Did it make you feel smarter, better, or just plain dumb, considering you didn’t have to work your grey matter to ridicule me?