Posted December 03, 2017

Almost human
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom

Do not resuscitate
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted December 03, 2017
Others have replied adequately to this part of your post, so I'll just comment on this:
What part of "Neither of these affects me in the least" didn't you understand? You missed my whole point: whatever lessons Beamdog learned, they weren't ones I wanted them to learn, so stop saying, "they learned their lessons, so give them a break.".
PS. Learn to quote properly. Quoting an entire long post just to respond to the last paragraph is wasteful, confusing and inconsiderate. I guess I should applaud you for at least not top-posting.
What part of "Neither of these affects me in the least" didn't you understand? You missed my whole point: whatever lessons Beamdog learned, they weren't ones I wanted them to learn, so stop saying, "they learned their lessons, so give them a break.".
PS. Learn to quote properly. Quoting an entire long post just to respond to the last paragraph is wasteful, confusing and inconsiderate. I guess I should applaud you for at least not top-posting.

Adventuring Through Games
New User
Registered: Oct 2009
From South Africa
Posted December 04, 2017

PS. Learn to quote properly. Quoting an entire long post just to respond to the last paragraph is wasteful, confusing and inconsiderate. I guess I should applaud you for at least not top-posting.

Adventuring Through Games
New User
Registered: Oct 2009
From South Africa
Posted December 04, 2017
Alright, my bad. There is no evidence that they have apologized for anything recently. That was an assumption on my part. They should have apologized for their "positive review begging".

Almost human
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted December 04, 2017

Registered: Sep 2008
From Christmas Island
Posted December 05, 2017

It's perfectly obvious that complaints to WotC would only fall on deaf ears. I'm honestly not even sure how Beamdog convinced them to do remakes of older titles, considering how little interest they've shown in doing anything in the video games market.

Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted December 05, 2017

Beamdog: "Yo, you have Magic the Gathering games on Steam, but no D&D ones? WTF, bro?"
Wizards of the Coast: "Meh."
BD: "People keep talking up these classics. Steam users don't give a crap if there are other available options. They just like their stuff in one place. All we have to do is say we 'enhanced' it and people will pay hand over fist, dude. Just give us a shot."
WotC: "Okay, we don't care anyway."
BD: "We'll also charge for what used to be free extras. People like paying $10 extra for soundtracks."
WotC: "Sounds like a plan."
BD: "Yeah, we'll also need to get rid of those pesky old releases on GOG so the people on Steam don't get butthurt about getting an inferior version. But we'll let them bundle the oldies with our new surefire hits. Out of the kindness of our hearts."
WotC: "How slightly less sleazy of you. Make it so!"

Infinity & Aurora Engine Commentator
Registered: Dec 2014
From United States
Posted December 11, 2017
My interview with Beamdog CEO, Trent Oster:
Also, about 700 modules for NWN listed in alphabetical order, with core modules highlighted and some commentary:
Also, about 700 modules for NWN listed in alphabetical order, with core modules highlighted and some commentary:

New User
Registered: Jun 2017
From Brazil
Posted December 28, 2017
Will support mods?

Registered: Oct 2016
From Croatia
Posted December 28, 2017
low rated

This entire remake is pointless. If Beamdog had the skills you claim, and the desire to actually serve the players, rather than their own wallets, they would make a new game. Even this travesty of an update would be more acceptable if they included an actual content expansion of the scale of SoU or HotU (but, given SoD was a "new game", I'm not sure they're capable, and I'm sure they would sell it as a separate product). Obsidian made PIllars of Eternity as an homage to the IE games, rather than trying to claim ownership of BG and make unnecessary lore and engine changes. inXile made TIdes of Numenera rather than trying to claim ownership of Planescape: Torment and making unnecessary lore and engine changes. Both of those companies had more people involved with the original products than Beamdog appears to, and they did the right thing. Were their new games good? Who cares? More games is better than hanging on to the old stuff forever, especially if hanging on means making gratuitous incompatible changes.
To be fair, from the credits and intro of NWN's manual:
Trent T. Oster
Producer—Neverwinter Nights
BioWare Corp.
It's always hard to tell how much executives actually contributed to the product, though, and they're always listed in the credits. Note that Cameron Tofer is nowhere in the credits.
Ah, another "they've learned their lessons" believer. They have learned how not to anger some of the people over their decisions. No more SJW writing? Better QA? Neither of these affects me in the least. No, they do not deserve the benefit of the doubt. When Stig79 called them for what they were going to do, people like you jumped in and said "give them a chance!" Then they made their announcements and FAQs, and showed that they were still pulling the same old crap. Apparently that still isn't enough to convince you that they don't deserve a chance.

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted December 29, 2017

So while the Plat version won't be on Steam for licensing reasons, the GOG version will probably include a copy of Diamond. 90% chance or higher of that. Especially since it's been free anyway, no company has anything to lose from it.
Good question. Do the new/current EE games support mods? I've been wondering about that.

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

New User
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted March 28, 2018

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted March 28, 2018

For me, GOG meant Baldur's Gate, Ice wind dale, Planescape Torment and Neverwinter Nights. It was Fallout (1-2), Gothic, Arcanum. Those were the reasons I joined GOG and now have 570 games in my library.
Now that Beamdog corrupted those first 3 games and forth on the way, it no longer feels like the GOG I joined. GOG NO LONGER HAS THOSE GAMES.
I am done. If the original NWN is off the shelf like the previous titles, I am done.

chrono commando
Registered: Jan 2012
From Australia
Posted March 28, 2018
So this just released on Steam, when does it come here?