Posted March 28, 2018

Pale & Bitter
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted March 28, 2018
I've heard they can't touch 2. Or KoTOR. Crossing fingers that it is true.

Do not resuscitate
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

language geek
Registered: Jul 2014
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From Christmas Island
Posted March 29, 2018

As for KotOR or its sequel, Beamdog would have to get Disney, who own the rights to everything Star Wars related, to agree, which seems pretty unlikely considering they apparently want to concentrate on their new canon.
Post edited March 29, 2018 by mystral

Do not resuscitate
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted March 29, 2018
I was under the impression that Beamdog wanted to own/"enhance" old BioWare games. In that context, BioWare has everything to do with it. Once they decide what they want, they can negotiate with the associated parties for the rights, regardless of who those parties are these days.
If you say so. IP ownership is complex, and I doubt WoTC has all the rights to those games that you seem to claim. In fact, I doubt they have any more than veto rights. Atari (or whoever bought the rights from Atari) and BioWare have much more right to the code. Did CDPR pay WoTC for using a modified Aurora engine in the Witcher? If they did, WoTC has far better lawyers than I ever imagined.
If you say so. IP ownership is complex, and I doubt WoTC has all the rights to those games that you seem to claim. In fact, I doubt they have any more than veto rights. Atari (or whoever bought the rights from Atari) and BioWare have much more right to the code. Did CDPR pay WoTC for using a modified Aurora engine in the Witcher? If they did, WoTC has far better lawyers than I ever imagined.

Pale & Bitter
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted March 29, 2018

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From New Zealand
Posted March 29, 2018

WoTC was also ridiculously cavalier with wording their legal agreements in the past, hence the PoR(2) fiasco and both Interplay and Atari having 'exclusive' licenses at the same time.
In this case, the rights to all D&D RPGs are owned by Wizards of the Coast, since they own the D&D license. They're the only ones who can decide what D&D games Beamdog can remake, including NWN 2.
PST and IWD are different situations, Interplay lost all rights to them to Atari in a settlement then Atari lost them to WoTC so neither has any say any more.
Post edited March 29, 2018 by Phasmid

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted March 29, 2018
As to what else they may update, I think I remember them saying that the source code to IWD2 is lost making it impossible to update. I wonder if that could be the case for other games as well.

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted March 29, 2018

Take it with a grain of salt as I can't remember where I heard this. Probably just some random poster who may or may not have known what he/she was talking about... but something I certainly hope is true. The less BeamDog touches the less turns to shit.

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted March 29, 2018
I really don't understand why people get so angry when A) the originals are included, and B) the originals were on here for years with huge sales many times. It really feels like people are diving into a mud puddle so they can complain about their clothes being dirty.

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted March 29, 2018
Call it principle if you like... but these games used to be the highest rated titles on this website... deservedly so. When bundles up with the terrible rereleases their status and reputation was tarnished.

Major Blockhead
Registered: Apr 2010
From Germany
Posted March 29, 2018

I'm not angry myself, I still have a working copy of the Diamond Edition. But I think "people only interested in the originals can still get them if they shell out twice the amount as before" and "you've had your chance, buddy" are weird and weak defenses for removing customers' choices.
Post edited March 29, 2018 by Leroux

Registered: Sep 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted March 29, 2018

1. Price increase that's disproportionate to added "enhancements". Eg, a $10 16 year old game will sell for -80% off in a sale or become $2 in reality. Meanwhile, "new" re-released games will be given price tags of $20 and given only -10% discount at most due to being a "brand new" '2018' game... Want the soundtrack? That's 1 of 6 day-one DLC's that can be had for an extra +$20 for the "premium" edition = $40 total. For the same soundtrack that's already included with the $2 version plus a few old DLC modules that were of far lower quality vs what's on NWVault. So now we've gone from $2 to $20-40 = a laughable +900-1900% price increase for a 16 year old game of the same age as Divine Divinity, Arx Fatalis or Gothic 2...
2. NWN doesn't need anywhere near the "enhancing" of Baldur's Gate (no Tutu or widescreen patches are needed since the game has had native 1080p widescreen support from the start). Half the bug-fixes were again already done for free (unofficial patches +1.70). Biggest added content as far as modding modules is concerned is the CEP (Community Expansion Pack) and PRC (Players Resource Consortium) - again both free. The recent nvidia compatibility problems were already fixed by nvidia in driver v390.77. If the game were a huge remaster in a different engine, there may be a point but literally the only things added are UI scaling, ugly shaders and some minor bug fixes (typically the same stuff done for free in 15-20 year old games). Steam Workshop integration? 99.999% of the modding content is on dedicated site NWVault. If some modules become Steam Workshop only, then that's basically adding DRM / platform lock-in to the game's (formerly open) modding community.
Reading through the Steam reviews, what they've "enhanced" hasn't even been done properly and just looks bad. Eg, they haven't re-rendered the UI stuff or portraits, merely zoomed it in so now looks super blurry and even uglier at 1080p than the original non zoomed. The color filters look odd rather than "better", the DoF effect makes textures look blurrier and generally worse than the original, ambient occlusion is causing lag (20fps on an i5 + GTX 1060), and the music and textures are a copy-paste.
Also, the replies to the negative reviews consist of the same three spammed "responses by the dev" which basically admit the "EE" game is unfinished. One person correctly observed "so it's an early access game without the Early Access tag" whilst there are rumors that some of the "enhanced content" could end up on Steam Workshop and not included with the game. If that's true then expect NWN:EE to end up in the "Games that treat GOG customers like second class citizens" list since the GOG version almost certainly won't have Steam Workshop integration.
In short, NWN:EE is a cheap & nasty unfinished cash grab that has so few useful new changes (realistically some minor bug fixes and badly done UI scaling), it honestly should have been released as patch v1.80 (same way Blizzard issued patch v1.14a-d for Diablo 2 that's exactly the same 16 years old as NWN1).
Post edited March 29, 2018 by AB2012

Do not resuscitate
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted March 29, 2018

On the other hand, I guess I see the point: I got mine, and I don't know why I bother complaining, since it won't affect me directly. Other than the fact that mods are no longer compatible with the old version, so I won't be able to get new mods any more (not that I have in years, anyway). Servers are also incompatible, but I never cared for multiplayer, (especially pvp) anyway Shutting down the BioWare file servers (EA's fault, not Beamdog's) hurt me a lot more., but again, I downloaded what I needed before that happened, so I got mine.