I'm not a fan of command line installing/configuring. Sure, if I were a network administrator or something along those lines, it could be a lot more efficient... But I'm not.
- I didn't say that everything on Linux needs command line.
- I also didn't say that 'bad' GUIs don't exist.
And I didn't say that Linux is bad. Did I cover all my bases? Sensitive topics these are. Trolling the topic starter is, as usual.
4-vektor: My sides. Try to use something more professional like Voicemeeter on Windows and get everything fucked up with every Windows update for no reason. You had sample rates and channels set up for every input and output device? Well, have fun having to set them up for every single device again. One after the other. Why? Because... Windows. You had all drivers running smoothly, virtual cables worked like a charm? Enjoy uninstalling the drivers that Windows messed up, reboot, reinstall the same drivers, reboot, then cross your fingers that it’s gonna work like before. If not, rinse and repeat until it works.
It’s been a long known problem, and Microsoft just doesn’t care. Major Microsoft updates are notorious for messing up drivers and settings for no reason whatsoever. Same goes with energy settings, for example. It’s fun having to set up fine tuned core parking settings etc. for every single profile again, so that Throttlestop works again as intended. Why? Because for no reason the energy profiles got overwritten in the registry with the latest update.
When using audio interfaces for music production... MacOS often provides a better experience than Windows. Because it's better suited for it? (CoreAudio) Perhaps, but not necessarily: see RME.