Breja: [Edited for the relevant conversation. You shouln't try and put words from others just to add to your argument]
Yeah, it must be something wrong with me that I consider being told that I'm "polluting" the thread insulting. You guys are being so nice and respectful, and here I am, saying the worst of things like... like that you can express your opinion and I can express mine and we should just both respect that.
I'm a monster.
You poor little thing. All the world is conspiring against you, when you only wanted to set those developers straight so they finally learn a little bit about art. It was just mean and so insulting telling you your polluting these release threads by repeating the same complains again and again.
Like, you know: "I was just thinking that I need something pixelated and entirely devoid of colour to make my eyes bleed." is so polite and measured.
Breja: Actually no, I wasn't doing it with that intent. My only intent was to express my opinion, because I felt like expressing my opinion. However, your reasoning about how it would wrong for me to act with that intent, but right for you, is so ridiculously wrong I just couldn't not take the opportunity to explain how wrong it is.
Well, I wouln't undertand your commitment to the cause otherwise. And your telling that "any game released you don't like is a game released you might like less" is also spot on.
Breja: The result is the same. Whether we provide feedback on what we want or don't want doesn't matter, and both are equaly as valid. Of course, claiming that your opinions and mine are equaly as valuable is probably somehow a terrible thing and makes me even more of an asshole :P
The result? I thought you didn't have any intent on your innocent complains.
And not, is not the same. Insulting someone and praising someone are not the same things, even though at the end you're elevating someone over the other.
Breja: I don't give a crap about being insulted, I'm just trying to make you see that you are being a hypocrite, and while you're trying to villify me and insult me, I try to remain civil and respectful.
You just say the nicest things to me. I would even blush if only I hadn't read you enough to know you spread you love all over the place.
Breja: I post it again and again, because the sheer number of these games is in fact the very point of my complaint.
No, the point of your complaint is how pixel art hurts your eyes and people should do "real" art you like.
But this is a circular discussion (aren't they all?) that won't go anywhere.
You will keep going posting your, in fact, insulting complains in release threads so everyone reads how you hate pixel art in varied and increasingly hurtful manners. And as I do find bad manners and rude, I will call you on it from time to time. Obviously, you will take offense and we'll do this again in the future.
Good times.
PS: I don't mind people not liking whatever. You or anyone could do a thread complaining about pixel art. The thing is, it would get ignored a lot more, and you wouldn't get your point across as well as using release threads. I get it. We must all know you hate pixel art.