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Crime for some fun.

Mafia II and Mafia III are now available, DRM-Free on Each of the three Mafia games is 50% off individually or 66% off if you purchase them all together (the Family special, if you will). Offer lasts until April 05, 6pm UTC.

Mafia II tells the highly cinematic story of Vito and Joe, two Empire Bay friends in the 50s, who start out thick as thieves. Also extortionists. Sometimes assassins. All around wise guys. As their status inside the family grows, so will their troubles, requiring them to shoot, race, punch, or simply outlast everything the criminal life throws at them.

Mafia III introduces Lincoln, a hardened Vietnam veteran who thinks he's earned himself a fresh start, away from his criminal past. But life has other plans and those include betrayal, fierce gunfights, and brutal action, as he's forced to carve himself a path to the top of organized crime through the sweaty, treacherous swamplands of New Bordeaux.
Boost his firepower and expand upon his dramatic story with the DLC packs Sign of the Times, Stones Unturned, Faster, Baby!, and Family Kick Back Pack.
Or simply go for the Deluxe Edition, which includes the whole lot of them.

For a more comprehensive view of all the Mafia games and DLC, drive yourself over here.
How is the performance in Mafia III? Is it better than steam version?
this is good. maybe next we'll get AAA games worth playing :P
Great to see the whole Mafia series on GOG. :)

It's a bummer Mafia 3 took so long to arrive here. I have already finished the vanilla game a month or so ago and installing DLC at the moment via a different service.
I enjoyed it a lot more than 2nd despite its shortcomings. The different kind of narrative was quite interesting.
Lucian_Galca: Since gog is now getting some fairly newer 2K Games releases, how about ya'll vote right below for the newer XCOM games?

XCOM: Enemy Unknown - Complete Edition (Also includes Enemy Within)
XCOM: Enemy Within (Also included in above edition)
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
Areyou crazy ?

Having those games on platforms and stores with DRM is the only thing that kept me from playing them 24/7 ! Made 6 complete campaign playthroughs of WotC between september and november last year ! Make them DRM free and the hell gates open ! Even the Enemy Within / Enemy Unknown alone on GOG would be the bane of my sparetime !

If they ever were to get released on GOG, no one ever know how unreasonable i would get with those and play them forever... thus, not being able to play any other cool games that are released or that are waiting in the "emergency queue" of my long backlog

More seriously, i dont have much hope yep for XCom 2 and its expansion, because it was received way more positively than Mafia 3 (that is still nice to have here anyway) and that stills hits the sales with huge success so far. But, yeah, mister 2k, pretty please, i'd gladly have the previous installment of your reboot franchise, XCom Enemy Unknown and Enemy Within right here on gog.

I fear, though, that what would prevent that to happen is the multiplayer feature of both games (though lets be honest: many people here wouldnt give a damn about the multiplayer be cut off the game - either at launch, or definitly - as long as it is made clear on start page... Because lets face it: most people who enjoy playing those XCom games and who would be obscenely delighted to RE-buy them again here are clearly not playing those for the MP part of them !

Hell yeah, i'm huge fan of those, i played obscene amount of time already and would surely sink another 3 digit hours counts on a DRM free version as well...

Now, i know XCom 1 and 2 did have a better reception that mafia 3 (that is still nice to have here, frankly) and are still valuable assets on 2k catalog without going DRM free. But i'd be glad to rebuy them again here ! Sadly, i fear that the frankly underused multiplayer feature may be what prevents the game from getting here ! If you think that, then, please, just removeit and make it clear on store page; i'd prefer a multiplayer-less XCom 1 and 2 games here than none.
Zoidberg: Less desirable how? It's half the price on Monthly and you get deus ex and three or four more games.
MadalinStroe: Maybe it's just me then, but if a game is available DRM-Free, preferably on GOG, then the STEAM equivalent plummets in value. Again this is my opinion, and there are several others here on the forum who share this view.
i dont know what plummet means, but if it is close to "diving at rocket speed in the dark pit of unwantedness oblivion foever" then you can count me in too :)
Post edited April 01, 2018 by Djaron
aluinie: Bought 2 and 3 here DRM free is better than saving a few pounds.
i would be with you on this one

but at same time it perversely would send a BAD and WRONG message to publishers, as in "removing the DRM is a service that shall be monetized, but only long after we already milked any other customers first"

while DRM are a stupid idea and a useless thing that only hinders legit customers (did you see an DRM preventing some people to get games for free - and without this kind of tech crap as well - for very long ?)

DRM costs additional expanse to licence them (i frankly think drm selling companies are robbing and scamming their customers-publishers in fact)
This cost is added to the price that LEGIT customers are paying for the game (so basically, a legit customer pay extended price from what the game should cost, and get punished as well, for the reason that others get game for free and cleaned from this trash)
Also, DRM are sometime tricky ti implement, or they go overkill when implementing them, and that can cause bugs and/or performance issues to the game (thus adding to a game's bad press, bad reception and critics)... like, well... RIME anyone ? Come on... 300k drm trigger per hour, seriously ? And the pirated version was running 2x or 3x smoother yet claims of no impact on the perfs ?

So in fact, no, removing DRM shouldnt be a monetized added value service ! WE are in fact LEGIT customers here who are making publishers a favor ! we buy their game without them having to spend money on adding DRM (with possible bugs and perfs issues), and it costs them nothing to remove it, because they added the drm in first place, so they sure have source code and some internal "master" files of the game without those craps.
Djaron: i dont know what plummet means, but if it is close to "diving at rocket speed in the dark pit of unwantedness oblivion foever" then you can count me in too :)
Pretty much that...
Ziemowiterkens: can't hardly wait
Couldnt resist, sorry...
Djaron: i dont know what plummet means, but if it is close to "diving at rocket speed in the dark pit of unwantedness oblivion foever" then you can count me in too :)
MadalinStroe: Pretty much that...
well then, it is more related to the speed of it then...
more than the intensity of the fall, or the violence of the impact upon hitting the ground, or the location of said landing (?!) ground then

for me when a game is available DRM free somewhere (be it on gog, on humble, or anywhere else) not only does its value plummet, but it simply goes to the void (in fact, if such value could go in the negative, that's where it would be)

btw folks, the "bundle" you keep referring too is not a regular bundle, but the early unlockable part of the next humble monthly

(a service which, at start, didnt have any game known in advance at all, so it was a huge gamble at blind... at least now, you can decide to risk the 13€/15bucks on the only face value of the early unlockable that are revealed... which can be enough form some to jump in)

"But why the hell does he come peskering us with such pointless clarification, dammit ? it's just yet another bundle, right ?"

NO !
First, be very careful to choose a one time subscription plan instead of letting the thing auto renew, could be a bad surprise
Second, while you are subcribed to Humble Monthly (even for a month) you also have two advantages of sort: -10% discount on any purchase made on humble store (whoch can lessen the pain on any pricy big release) but also access to the Trove. The trove is a section of humble, for subcribers only, that have some decent DRM free games and some "experimental indies published by humble as well" (well for the second part youa re warned), but within the classic there are some that are not on gog ! like Overlord 2 (we have 1st but not 2nd... Zoom store as well have it drm free), and there are some solid titles like trine, galactic civilization 2, strike suit zero, torchlight 1 and 2, shadowrun returns...

However, the drm free builds there may not be as stable/compatible regarding modern system as the GOG version may be (for some ancient ones) so it's your call.

And, yes, they are drm free, and yes if you download them, they still work once your subscription expires.

(small ranting here, feel free to look away:
And for Torchlight 1 and 2 ! Grab them ! The damn publisher murdered the studio that made those gems, then stripped them off their franchise IP to send it whoring on the pavement pimped into a cash-grabbin mobile rpg instead, so dont fear of ripping the devs off anything on those ones now. In fact, it would be an act of resistance to get them there, while purchasing those games anywhere else will give this publisher more money like them feeding on the corpse of runic games like carrions and vultures, and getting away with the murder.)
Post edited April 01, 2018 by Djaron
Can anyone confirm whether or not GOG's version of Mafia 3 performs better than Steam's version? The Steam version was basically unplayable for me even though my computer more than met its requirements.
NoNewTaleToTell: Can anyone confirm whether or not GOG's version of Mafia 3 performs better than Steam's version? The Steam version was basically unplayable for me even though my computer more than met its requirements.
i have not tested the gog version yet.
Steam version runs way better now than after release now. Playing it in 4K with some Reshade and such and runs really smooth
loki1985: Argh. GOG, you f*cked up again. Or I did. So there is no mention of the deluxe edition of Mafia 3, neither on the front page nor the game page. So i bought the regular, and as there is no upgrade path. I want the DLC, so basically the only option is to buy the DLC for more than the actual deluxe edition would cost full price. Goddammit...
DoomSooth: There's a mention and a link for the deluxe edition at the bottom of the release announcement. It's been there for several hours.
This hint better should be on the game card, for all games which have a deluxe, complete or whatever edition.
NoNewTaleToTell: Can anyone confirm whether or not GOG's version of Mafia 3 performs better than Steam's version? The Steam version was basically unplayable for me even though my computer more than met its requirements.
TT_TT_TT_TT: i have not tested the gog version yet.
Steam version runs way better now than after release now. Playing it in 4K with some Reshade and such and runs really smooth
Interesting, when did the performance improve? I had tried it in early November of last year, shortly after a major update I think? Anyway I got a refund on it of course, so I've not kept up with it getting updates.
I don't personally care about achievements basically at all. From a business perspective though, achievements help people (those who care about that feature) get invested in GOG's ecosystem like how people got invested in Steam's.
Holy cow.

Not my cup of tea, but i'm VERY HAPPY to see an almost new game hiting already the GOG store.

To anyone whom already bought it (since i'm very curious on the matter): are there any leftover of arxan and triggers? I remember esecially mafia 3 being riddled with these one, so it would be nice to know if the gog version has no crap left into it.
Post edited April 02, 2018 by Gurlok
NoNewTaleToTell: Can anyone confirm whether or not GOG's version of Mafia 3 performs better than Steam's version? The Steam version was basically unplayable for me even though my computer more than met its requirements.
TT_TT_TT_TT: i have not tested the gog version yet.
Steam version runs way better now than after release now. Playing it in 4K with some Reshade and such and runs really smooth
Looking forward some tests. I refunded steam version, too. If gog version runs better, I'll buy it.
NoNewTaleToTell: Can anyone confirm whether or not GOG's version of Mafia 3 performs better than Steam's version? The Steam version was basically unplayable for me even though my computer more than met its requirements.
I am running an Nvidia 1050 at medium settings and getting smooth performance. It did not auto detect any graphic settings though, I even had to set the resolution. I have no complaints.