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Crime for some fun.

Mafia II and Mafia III are now available, DRM-Free on Each of the three Mafia games is 50% off individually or 66% off if you purchase them all together (the Family special, if you will). Offer lasts until April 05, 6pm UTC.

Mafia II tells the highly cinematic story of Vito and Joe, two Empire Bay friends in the 50s, who start out thick as thieves. Also extortionists. Sometimes assassins. All around wise guys. As their status inside the family grows, so will their troubles, requiring them to shoot, race, punch, or simply outlast everything the criminal life throws at them.

Mafia III introduces Lincoln, a hardened Vietnam veteran who thinks he's earned himself a fresh start, away from his criminal past. But life has other plans and those include betrayal, fierce gunfights, and brutal action, as he's forced to carve himself a path to the top of organized crime through the sweaty, treacherous swamplands of New Bordeaux.
Boost his firepower and expand upon his dramatic story with the DLC packs Sign of the Times, Stones Unturned, Faster, Baby!, and Family Kick Back Pack.
Or simply go for the Deluxe Edition, which includes the whole lot of them.

For a more comprehensive view of all the Mafia games and DLC, drive yourself over here.
Woooow! Fantastic releases GOG, job well done!
Although I already have Mafia 1 in a box and Mafia 2 and 3 on STEAM I have wishlisted them, will buy in the future to have them DRM-Free.

Thank you.
Coool, Mafia 3 and all DLCs...
Zoidberg: Less desirable how? It's half the price on Monthly and you get deus ex and three or four more games.
MadalinStroe: Maybe it's just me then, but if a game is available DRM-Free, preferably on GOG, then the STEAM equivalent plummets in value. Again this is my opinion, and there are several others here on the forum who share this view.
Our Lord and Savior, GOG Almighty, is taking over the world. Nobody else gets even 1 cent from me. All my gaming money goes to GOG only. No Humble Bundle, no Fanatical, no Steam, no headaches, no indigestion, no diarrhea. Thank GOG for that!
Nice edition but a shame to hear the cool soundtrack has been butchered. Also the price is a bit steep for me, but whatever. I already have it on Steam anyways.
HG1995: For Australia to complete Mafia games it's shows 50% off but is the 66% when added to cart.
It's not only for Australia. When you add all the Mafia games to your cart, you get the full 66 percent discount regardless of your country.
Fantastic day, thank you so much GOG and 2K!
badon: Our Lord and Savior, GOG Almighty, is taking over the world. Nobody else gets even 1 cent from me. All my gaming money goes to GOG only. No Humble Bundle, no Fanatical, no Steam, no headaches, no indigestion, no diarrhea. Thank GOG for that!
Fairfox: it is good for you an' competition (thus you x2) not to limit yo'self, tho


anyhooar not mah thang buuut i kn o these are reasonable lee 'o yay!' titles for peeps, soooo i guesses taht is a coo.

aside from music changes if any, which is baaa-aaa-aaad
pew-pew gangster mayhem!
There is no GOG but GOG, and All-of-us are GOG's prophets. Seriously, nobody even comes close to GOG. Humble Bundle is the only one that tries, and I won't even bother to look at what they're selling anymore. They exploited the DRM to take one of my games away from me. Never in a million years will I bend over for that kind of BS. You know things have gone too far when they expect you to just accept it without complaint, because that's how DRM works. NO. Not me. Not once, not ever.

I got out of gaming about the time when Steam started to gain traction (and one of my other games disappeared), and the ONLY reason I'm back is because of GOG. If there were no GOG, I would not be here, and neither would my money. When people "re--buy" a game on GOG - BECAUSE IT'S ON GOG - Then you know GOG is doing something right. Steam can force people to re-buy games, but people freely choose to re-buy on GOG. That's how good GOG is.

GOG is like a nuclear powered aircraft carrier battle group. Steam is like a 10 year old kid on a skateboard.
badon: Our Lord and Savior, GOG Almighty, is taking over the world. Nobody else gets even 1 cent from me. All my gaming money goes to GOG only. No Humble Bundle, no Fanatical, no Steam, no headaches, no indigestion, no diarrhea. Thank GOG for that!
Fairfox: it is good for you an' competition (thus you x2) not to limit yo'self, tho


anyhooar not mah thang buuut i kn o these are reasonable lee 'o yay!' titles for peeps, soooo i guesses taht is a coo.

aside from music changes if any, which is baaa-aaa-aaad
pew-pew gangster mayhem!
can someone invent a translation matrix for Firefox, I've no idea what they're saying
Instabought, keep 'em coming 2K!
Just finished GTA, this is perfect. I think I'll skip #3 for now and just grab 1 and 2.

I'll need help from some of you during the Race in #1 because it's been several years since I played it.

And M3 = 50Gb!!!!
Post edited March 30, 2018 by tinyE
Quick ? about dlc for Mafia 3. is it best to buy with base game. or ok to buy later?
Lucian_Galca: Legit did not expect Mafia 3 to show up here this soon. Would love to have that one most of all, but I doubt my GTX 670 could run it smoothly.
My GTX 760 ran it smoothly on fairly high settings.
Oh and I think Mafia 2 is HIGHLY superior, but that's just me.

MountainCloudBoy: Can anybody tell me how how Mafia III is faring in terms of stability? I really liked the game, despite its flaws, but I remember the Steam version to be awfully buggy and prone to crashes.
Just finished the steam version and had no problems with bugs or crashes. There was a flat car once and I had to restart one race because the car wouldn't drive, but that's about it.
Post edited March 30, 2018 by Knochenkratzer
For the first time I feel like my 60Mbit internet isn't fast enough... 50G is coming down so slowly
low rated
sucky sucky my pee pee.. yum yum..
Post edited March 30, 2018 by GOGer