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What will you do with a drunken whaler early in the morning?

Nantucket is now available, DRM-free on and it's 10% off until January 25, 5PM UTC.
Whales are majestic beasts. Damn-near mythical, by some accounts. But Moby Dick - well, he's another story entirely. As you assume the role of a daring whaler, customizing your crew, charting a course, and trying to score big against the forces of nature or the hazards of seafaring, the pale demon will be waiting for you. Will you conquer the curse that consumed Cpt. Ahab? Or will you drown in it?
pmcollectorboy: Well to be fair, Black Flag is the best anything that has nothing to do with assassination.
It's also the best thing to do with TV.
Remember when punk was more about carrying an attitude and less about carrying a tune? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Seriously, butthurt because of a game in which you hunt whales? Let's go for current most popular ones on GoG, shall we? - killing animals and humans to get more points to win races - killing hundreds of humans, stealing - killing creatures by thousands - killing whales - more driving over humans and animals - finally game without killing, stealing or anything like that - killing hundreds of humans, hunting animals for cash - more driving over people and animals - again, no killing, stealing, raping or anything - oh my, third game in top10 without killing or stealing - drinking (alcoholism is a big problem), nudity, VIOLENCE (extreme problem!) - killing, stealing, possibly even worse with DLC and modded campaigns - glorification of era where making money was proportional to how good you can exploit people - more human and animal killing - big pharma, that's bad, exploiting customers and systems, big problem in modern world - killing animals that live in caves and hurts nobody - shooting people - i mean, maybe there's no murder and rape but you're profiting from food industry, that's bad

I don't have the patience to sit through rest. If you can't see the difference between crimes in video game and glorification of behavior or same behavior in real life then perhaps it's moment to stop playing vidya and consult a psychiatrist.
Why all the argument? If kdgog doesn't want to play the game because of how he/she feels about it, who cares? Buy it if you want to, don't buy it if you don't. Me, I'm going to grab it. Looks interesting and doesn't offend any of my sensibilities.
The game looks like a lot of fun and in a style I love.

Out of respect for the developers, can we get everyone's bullshit hangups out of this thread and maybe, I dunno, talk about a game that someone put a lot of time, effort and money into (nevermind blood sweat and tears?).

So people don't like whaling, fine. Some people are rabidly obsessed with three letters, fine. Go open your own thread so it can get locked.

Do the people who made this game a favor, and the people who want to play the game a favor, and the people who can't wait to chat about the game a favor and take it somewhere else.

Mini-rant / bitch session off (I try not to do it often, sorry!) - anyone feel like tossing out some impressions?
Whaling is just wrong.
Wonder how some games get made...that Expedition: Conquistador game is also pretty dubious if you think about it.

Gylfe: Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll clone J. Stalin for you one day.
I doubt Stalin had an opinion on whaling...and if so, he'd probably been in favour of it, given how bad the environmental record of the Soviet Union was.
Whales are fantastic animals, celebrating their near-extermination in a game is just wrong.
Post edited January 19, 2018 by morolf
morolf: Whaling is just wrong.
Yep, it is. But I'm pretty sure no whales were harmed in the making of the game, nor will any be harmed in the playing of it, nor do I feel it's 'celebrating' the near extermination of whales either, so I personally have no issue with playing it.
morolf: Whaling is just.
Grave_Salad: Because games aren't reality.
kdgog: Killing something in a game is not killing it in real life, I agree. But the values portrayed are often real values, and may also go on to affect other people's perceptions and opinions. And if it is about something that is a current issue, then it can be even more important.

"Games aren't reality" could be used to justify the new game "Smack that bitch!" or "Bash that fag!". "Hey, it's only a game, I'm not really hitting women and beating up gays!" But we all know that it's about values too, and those can be very real.
Thanks for the recommendation! Bought the game thanks to you! Really wish there was this slave camp simulator, too, I love interesting settings in well-executed games, you know like Rimworld and a ton of others :)
Skyrim has a beheading, and I believe capital punishment is wrong! Oh noes.
pmcollectorboy: Skyrim has a beheading, and I believe capital punishment is wrong! Oh noes.
kdgog: Killing something in a game is not killing it in real life, I agree. But the values portrayed are often real values, and may also go on to affect other people's perceptions and opinions. And if it is about something that is a current issue, then it can be even more important.

"Games aren't reality" could be used to justify the new game "Smack that bitch!" or "Bash that fag!". "Hey, it's only a game, I'm not really hitting women and beating up gays!" But we all know that it's about values too, and those can be very real.
Harleyquincey: Thanks for the recommendation! Bought the game thanks to you! Really wish there was this slave camp simulator, too, I love interesting settings in well-executed games, you know like Rimworld and a ton of others :)
+ 1 to slave camp sim.

great idea!
Post edited January 20, 2018 by falloutttt
Every game of every theme has a right to be made, but every game of every theme has the equal opportunity to get past several filters.
1) Find a publisher
2) Get past the ratings board
3) Find stores that will sell you
4) Get the customer's wallet

A slave camp simulator will probably stop at 1, if not 2 or 3. Hong Kong 97, for example, couldn't find anyone to peddle their crap, so they stopped at 3.
pmcollectorboy: Every game of every theme has a right to be made, but every game of every theme has the equal opportunity to get past several filters.
1) Find a publisher
2) Get past the ratings board
3) Find stores that will sell you
4) Get the customer's wallet

A slave camp simulator will probably stop at 1, if not 2 or 3. Hong Kong 97, for example, couldn't find anyone to peddle their crap, so they stopped at 3.
#4 doesn't count because now a days you can sell the product yourself. That Columbine Massacre sim actually sold a few copies but I seriously doubt any legitimate distributors sold it,

And I can think of several web sites my Uncle Todd hangs out on that would love to sell a slave simulator.
Post edited January 20, 2018 by tinyE
I mean, there was a KZ Manager.
Bought and played. It's surprisingly fun but probably not for everyone. Certainly not for the types who dread "board game" type of games, but my captain has already gained some neat skills in the couple hours I played today.