Dear 8bitbeard, how are ya? Your argument has touched me in a very positive way and I feel the need to reply.
I feel pretty much the very same. Been using Steam for over a decade and a half and gog for the very same 8yrs of yours. No regrets so far concerning the latter, and I mean it. I'm probably a bit biased since I kissed so much gog ass in this decade but that's for the good.
8bitbeard: I've decided to be patient.
Patience. You nailed it. That's pretty much it. A superb quality somehow lacking (something I noticed in a personally "empirical" way by all means) this day and age.
8bitbeard: I was looking forward to The Outer Worlds. Less so when it announced Epic exclusivity. But even now, one year later when it hits Steam, I'll just wait around even more for it to hit GOG... if it hits GOG. It may never make it to GOG, but that's okay. I have no shortage of games to play. I could probably stop buying games today, and still not run out of content to enjoy for the rest of my life.
Same thing happened to Shakedown Hawaii for me. Not buying there (their drm is bestial from what I've heard + spyware truly scares me + currency issues + have tons to play, so...) never. I personally don't need another client. Getting an Origin Access year sub as a gift was cool and all but so far I've beaten that marvelous Inside game there and.. that's it. I'm not familiar with something other than Steam or gog and yep, I'm resisting change.
Speaking of Gog, well, for me this polski beast is strong as heck, not like 6, 7 or 8yrs ago where I bought and played like a maniac
- people change! - but there's that.
I'm saying that the only thing that will make me ""kinda get into"" another storefront or service is probably what netflix did to many: cloud gaming. HOLD YOUR HORSES fellow reader: I mean, an affordable netflix-esque based subscription/pc couch gaming would be somehow cool for the casual me, since I'm in no way updating my machines that ea$ily anymore. But if it works only. Kinda recreational, nothing serious. Will never be my main thing, don't need it, don't want it.
But nothing beats drm-free + butt in chair / drm-free + low spec gaming + controller for me and that's where GOG fills my needs. Steam too, a bit less. And I mean my weekly needs, my "I'm playing 1h10m of Crusader Kings Deus Vult prety much everyday during lunchtime" needs or "I'm diggin' some Interstate 76 on my oldie win7 machine after supper" one.
Anyway, thanks for stating the way I feel about it all. See, we're all different down the road. I guess that true Battle Royale afficionado kid cares more about this Epic store than me, so I'm okay with it, too, but not in a vengeful way; and sorry for stereotyping you royale kids, nothing against any of you! ;)