dr.schliemann: Greetings,
this might not be the right forum for discussing about a subject such like this one, but I ultimately decided to open a thread about COVID-19, the disease which is ultimately spreading around the world. My intention is to clarify, if needed, which impact this syndrome could have in your daily life.
Thanks for the thread so people can wish others well, give advice to stay safe, list new info as it become available, etc.....it is appreciated.
dr.schliemann: Café and restaurants open from 6 to 18 o'clock, with the order to maintaining a social distance of at least 1 meter.
How will people eat in enclosed spaces like that and maintain that distance? What about when people have to hand you your change/food?
dr.schliemann: Order to avoid any unnecessary movement and stay at home as much as possible, maintaining a social distance of at least 1 meter.
Thankfully for some of us "neets" this is very easy to follow.
dr.schliemann: However its mortality rate doesn't seem to be particularly high, especially on young people.
True(and not to alarm anyone), but it supposedly can
reinfect people and the amount of people that need intensive care is over 15% or so.....those things alone are worth being mindful of, I think.
dr.schliemann: Please, follow the World Health Organization's basic protective measures against the new coronavirus:
- Wash your hands frequently;
- Maintain social distancing of at least 1 meter (3 feet);
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth;
- Practice respiratory hygiene, covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing;
- If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early, but don't go to the hospital directly;
- Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider.
Good advice...thanks for posting it for those who might need it. :)
(As for any naysayers like those below talking about such threads being bad.....it's best to ignore them....they tend to think they run/own the board/site and know how it should be run[i.e. back seat moderators].)
morolf: meh, imo this isn't strictly political (unless people bring their usual culture wars bs into it), more of an issue that will affect all of us in the coming weeks. I can certainly understand Dr. Schliemann's need to talk about it, this is an existential issue after all like never happened before in our lifetime.
This...this is an issue that affects the ENTIRE world and is of importance to many people no matter where they're from.....it's not some social media outrage nonsense or similar fluff that not many care about or need to know about